Elastic.HTTP (Elastic v3.7.0) View Source

Used to make raw calls to Elastic Search.

Each function returns a tuple indicating whether or not the request succeeded or failed (:ok or :error), the status code of the response, and then the processed body of the response.

For example, a request like this:


Would return a response like this:

  {:ok, 200,
   %{"_shards" => %{"failed" => 0, "successful" => 5, "total" => 5},
     "hits" => %{"hits" => [%{"_id" => "1", "_index" => "answer", "_score" => 1.0,
          "_source" => %{"text" => "I like using Elastic Search"}, "_type" => "answer"}],
       "max_score" => 1.0, "total" => 1}, "timed_out" => false, "took" => 7}}

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Makes a request using the DELETE HTTP method

Makes a request using the GET HTTP method, and can take a body.

Makes a request using the HEAD HTTP method

Makes a request using the POST HTTP method, and can take a body.

Makes a request using the PUT HTTP method

Link to this section Functions

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add_aws_header(options, method, url, body)

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Link to this function

delete(url, options \\ [])

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Makes a request using the DELETE HTTP method:


Makes a request using the GET HTTP method, and can take a body.

Elastic.HTTP.get("/answer/_search", body: %{query: ...})
Link to this function

head(url, options \\ [])

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Makes a request using the HEAD HTTP method:

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post(url, options \\ [])

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Makes a request using the POST HTTP method, and can take a body.

Makes a request using the PUT HTTP method:

Elastic.HTTP.put("/answers/answer/1", body: %{
  text: "I like using Elastic Search"