Elastic (Elastic v3.7.0) View Source

Elastic is a thin veneer over HTTPotion to help you talk to your Elastic Search stores.

Elastic provides five main ways of talking to the stores:

  • Elastic.Document.API: Adds functions to a module to abstract away some of the mess of actions on an index.
  • Elastic.Index: Functions for working with indexes.
  • Elastic.Bulk: Provides functions for bulk creating or updating documents in an ElasticSearch store.
  • Elastic.Scroller: A server which works with Elastic Search's Scroll API.
  • Elastic.HTTP: A very thin veneer / low-level API over HTTPotion and Jason to make queries to your Elastic Search store.


You can configure the way Elastic behaves by using the following configuration options:

  • base_url: Where your Elastic Search instance is located. Defaults to http://localhost:9200.
  • index_prefix: A prefix to use for all indexes. Only used when using the Document API, or Elastic.Index.
  • use_mix_env: Adds Mix.env to an index, so that the index name used is something like dev_answer. Can be used in conjunction with index_prefix to get things like company_dev_answer as the index name.
  • timeout: How long to wait before timing out requests. Default is 30 seconds.

AWS Configuration

If your Elastic Search store is hosted on AWS, there are configuration options for that:

config :elastic,
  base_url: "https://your-amazon-es-endpoint-goes-here",
  basic_auth: {"username", "password"},
  aws: %{
    enabled: true,
    access_key_id: "ACCESS_KEY_ID_GOES_HERE",
    secret_access_key: "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_GOES_HERE",
    region: "REGION_GOES_HERE"

Elastic will then use the AWSAuth library to sign URLs for requests to this store.

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