Elasticsearch.Document protocol (elasticsearch v1.1.0) View Source

A protocol for converting a struct into an Elasticsearch document.


defimpl Elasticsearch.Document, for: MyStruct do
  def id(struct), do: struct.id
  def encode(struct) do
      id: struct.id,
      name: struct.name

Link to this section Summary


Returns a map of fields, which will be converted to JSON and stored in Elasticsearch as a document.

Returns the Elasticsearch _id for the item.

Returns the Elasticsearch _routing for the item. Elasticsearch default if this value is not provided is to use the _id. Setting this value to false or nil will omit sending the meta-field with your requests and use default routing behaviour. Routing allows you to control which shard the document should be directed to which is necessary for join fields.

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions


encode(any()) :: map()

Returns a map of fields, which will be converted to JSON and stored in Elasticsearch as a document.


def encode(item) do
    title: item.title,
    author: item.author


id(any()) :: any()

Returns the Elasticsearch _id for the item.


def id(item), do: item.id


routing(any()) :: any()

Returns the Elasticsearch _routing for the item. Elasticsearch default if this value is not provided is to use the _id. Setting this value to false or nil will omit sending the meta-field with your requests and use default routing behaviour. Routing allows you to control which shard the document should be directed to which is necessary for join fields.


Specify a routing key to control the destination shard, like so:

def routing(item), do: item.parent_id

or omit routing and use default Elasticsearch functionality:

def routing(_), do: false