Elasticsearch.Index.Bulk (elasticsearch v1.1.0) View Source

Functions for creating bulk indexing requests.

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Encodes a given variable into an Elasticsearch bulk request. The variable must implement Elasticsearch.Document.

Same as encode/3, but returns the request and raises errors.

Uploads all the data from the list of sources to the given index. Data for each source will be fetched using the configured :store.

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encode(cluster, struct, index, action \\ "create")

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encode(Elasticsearch.Cluster.t(), struct(), String.t(), String.t()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, Error.t()}

Encodes a given variable into an Elasticsearch bulk request. The variable must implement Elasticsearch.Document.


iex> Bulk.encode(Cluster, %Post{id: "my-id"}, "my-index")
{:ok, """

iex> Bulk.encode(Cluster, 123, "my-index")
  %Protocol.UndefinedError{description: "",
  protocol: Elasticsearch.Document, value: 123}}
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encode!(cluster, struct, index, action \\ "create")

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Same as encode/3, but returns the request and raises errors.


iex> Bulk.encode!(Cluster, %Post{id: "my-id"}, "my-index")

iex> Bulk.encode!(Cluster, 123, "my-index")
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Elasticsearch.Document not implemented for 123 of type Integer
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upload(cluster, index_name, index_config, errors \\ [])

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  index_name :: String.t(),
) :: :ok | {:error, [map()]}

Uploads all the data from the list of sources to the given index. Data for each source will be fetched using the configured :store.