View Source Config (Elixir v1.17.3)

A simple keyword-based configuration API.


This module is most commonly used to define application configuration, typically in config/config.exs:

import Config

config :some_app,
  key1: "value1",
  key2: "value2"

import_config "#{config_env()}.exs"

import Config will import the functions config/2, config/3 config_env/0, config_target/0, and import_config/1 to help you manage your configuration.

config/2 and config/3 are used to define key-value configuration for a given application. Once Mix starts, it will automatically evaluate the configuration file and persist the configuration above into :some_app's application environment, which can be accessed in as follows:

"value1" = Application.fetch_env!(:some_app, :key1)

Finally, the line import_config "#{config_env()}.exs" will import other config files based on the current configuration environment, such as config/dev.exs and config/test.exs.

Config also provides a low-level API for evaluating and reading configuration, under the Config.Reader module.

Avoid application environment in libraries

If you are writing a library to be used by other developers, it is generally recommended to avoid the application environment, as the application environment is effectively a global storage. Also note that the config/config.exs of a library is not evaluated when the library is used as a dependency, as configuration is always meant to configure the current project. For more information, read our library guidelines.

Migrating from use Mix.Config

The Config module in Elixir was introduced in v1.9 as a replacement to use Mix.Config, which was specific to Mix and has been deprecated.

You can leverage Config instead of use Mix.Config in three steps. The first step is to replace use Mix.Config at the top of your config files by import Config.

The second is to make sure your import_config/1 calls do not have a wildcard character. If so, you need to perform the wildcard lookup manually. For example, if you did:

import_config "../apps/*/config/config.exs"

It has to be replaced by:

for config <- "../apps/*/config/config.exs" |> Path.expand(__DIR__) |> Path.wildcard() do
  import_config config

The last step is to replace all Mix.env() calls in the config files with config_env().

Keep in mind you must also avoid using Mix.env() inside your project files. To check the environment at runtime, you may add a configuration key:

# config.exs
config :my_app, env: config_env()

Then, in other scripts and modules, you may get the environment with Application.fetch_env!/2:

# router.exs
if Application.fetch_env!(:my_app, :env) == :prod do

The only places where you may access functions from the Mix module are the mix.exs file and inside custom Mix tasks, which are always within the Mix.Tasks namespace.


For runtime configuration, you can use the config/runtime.exs file. It is executed right before applications start in both Mix and releases (assembled with mix release).



Configures the given root_key.

Configures the given key for the given root_key.

Returns the environment this configuration file is executed on.

Returns the target this configuration file is executed on.

Imports configuration from the given file.


Link to this function

config(root_key, opts)

View Source (since 1.9.0)

Configures the given root_key.

Keyword lists are always deep-merged.


The given opts are merged into the existing configuration for the given root_key. Conflicting keys are overridden by the ones specified in opts, unless they are keywords, which are deep merged recursively. For example, the application configuration below

config :logger,
  level: :warn,
  backends: [:console]

config :logger,
  level: :info,
  truncate: 1024

will have a final configuration for :logger of:

[level: :info, backends: [:console], truncate: 1024]
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config(root_key, key, opts)

View Source (since 1.9.0)

Configures the given key for the given root_key.

Keyword lists are always deep merged.


The given opts are merged into the existing values for key in the given root_key. Conflicting keys are overridden by the ones specified in opts, unless they are keywords, which are deep merged recursively. For example, the application configuration below

config :ecto, Repo,
  log_level: :warn,
  adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
  metadata: [read_only: true]

config :ecto, Repo,
  log_level: :info,
  pool_size: 10,
  metadata: [replica: true]

will have a final value of the configuration for the Repo key in the :ecto application of:

Application.get_env(:ecto, Repo)
#=> [
#=>   log_level: :info,
#=>   pool_size: 10,
#=>   adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
#=>   metadata: [read_only: true, replica: true]
#=> ]
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View Source (since 1.11.0) (macro)

Returns the environment this configuration file is executed on.

In Mix projects this function returns the environment this configuration file is executed on. In releases, the environment when mix release ran.

This is most often used to execute conditional code:

if config_env() == :prod do
  config :my_app, :debug, false
Link to this macro


View Source (since 1.11.0) (macro)

Returns the target this configuration file is executed on.

This is most often used to execute conditional code:

if config_target() == :host do
  config :my_app, :debug, false
Link to this macro


View Source (since 1.9.0) (macro)

Imports configuration from the given file.

In case the file doesn't exist, an error is raised.

If file is a relative, it will be expanded relatively to the directory the current configuration file is in.


This is often used to emulate configuration across environments:

import_config "#{config_env()}.exs"

Note, however, some configuration files, such as config/runtime.exs does not support imports, as they are meant to be copied across systems.