View Source File (Elixir v1.17.3)

This module contains functions to manipulate files.

Some of those functions are low-level, allowing the user to interact with files or IO devices, like open/2, copy/3 and others. This module also provides higher level functions that work with filenames and have their naming based on Unix variants. For example, one can copy a file via cp/3 and remove files and directories recursively via rm_rf/1.

Paths given to functions in this module can be either relative to the current working directory (as returned by File.cwd/0), or absolute paths. Shell conventions like ~ are not expanded automatically. To use paths like ~/Downloads, you can use Path.expand/1 or Path.expand/2 to expand your path to an absolute path.


In order to write and read files, one must use the functions in the IO module. By default, a file is opened in binary mode, which requires the functions IO.binread/2 and IO.binwrite/2 to interact with the file. A developer may pass :utf8 as an option when opening the file, then the slower and IO.write/2 functions must be used as they are responsible for doing the proper conversions and providing the proper data guarantees.

Note that filenames when given as charlists in Elixir are always treated as UTF-8. In particular, we expect that the shell and the operating system are configured to use UTF-8 encoding. Binary filenames are considered raw and passed to the operating system as is.


Most of the functions in this module return :ok or {:ok, result} in case of success, {:error, reason} otherwise. Those functions also have a variant that ends with ! which returns the result (instead of the {:ok, result} tuple) in case of success or raises an exception in case it fails. For example:"hello.txt")
#=> {:ok, "World"}"invalid.txt")
#=> {:error, :enoent}!("hello.txt")
#=> "World"!("invalid.txt")
#=> raises File.Error

In general, a developer should use the former in case they want to react if the file does not exist. The latter should be used when the developer expects their software to fail in case the file cannot be read (i.e. it is literally an exception).

Processes and raw files

Every time a file is opened, Elixir spawns a new process. Writing to a file is equivalent to sending messages to the process that writes to the file descriptor.

This means files can be passed between nodes and message passing guarantees they can write to the same file in a network.

However, you may not always want to pay the price for this abstraction. In such cases, a file can be opened in :raw mode. The options :read_ahead and :delayed_write are also useful when operating on large files or working with files in tight loops.

Check for more information about such options and other performance considerations.

Seeking within a file

You may also use any of the functions from the :file module to interact with files returned by Elixir. For example, to read from a specific position in a file, use :file.pread/3:

File.write!("example.txt", "Eats, Shoots & Leaves")
file =!("example.txt")
:file.pread(file, 15, 6)
#=> {:ok, "Leaves"}

Alternatively, if you need to keep track of the current position, use :file.position/2 and

:file.position(file, 6)
#=> {:ok, 6}, 6)
#=> {:ok, "Shoots"}
:file.position(file, {:cur, -12})
#=> {:ok, 0}, 4)
#=> {:ok, "Eats"}



Sets the current working directory.

The same as cd/1, but raises a File.Error exception if it fails.

Changes the current directory to the given path, executes the given function and then reverts back to the previous path regardless of whether there is an exception.

Changes the group given by the group ID gid for a given file. Returns :ok on success, or {:error, reason} on failure.

Same as chgrp/2, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

Changes the mode for a given file.

Same as chmod/2, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

Changes the owner given by the user ID uid for a given file. Returns :ok on success, or {:error, reason} on failure.

Same as chown/2, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

Closes the file referenced by io_device. It mostly returns :ok, except for some severe errors such as out of memory.

Copies the contents of source to destination.

The same as copy/3 but raises a File.CopyError exception if it fails. Returns the bytes_copied otherwise.

Copies the contents of source_file to destination_file preserving its modes.

The same as cp/3, but raises a File.CopyError exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

Copies the contents in source to destination recursively, maintaining the source directory structure and modes.

The same as cp_r/3, but raises a File.CopyError exception if it fails. Returns the list of copied files otherwise.

Gets the current working directory.

The same as cwd/0, but raises a File.Error exception if it fails.

Returns true if the given path is a directory.

Returns true if the given path exists.

Creates a hard link new to the file existing.

Same as ln/2 but raises a File.LinkError exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

Creates a symbolic link new to the file or directory existing.

Same as ln_s/2 but raises a File.LinkError exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

Returns the list of files in the given directory.

The same as ls/1 but raises a File.Error exception in case of an error.

Returns information about the path. If the file is a symlink, sets the type to :symlink and returns a File.Stat struct for the link. For any other file, returns exactly the same values as stat/2.

Same as lstat/2 but returns the File.Stat struct directly, or raises a File.Error exception if an error is returned.

Tries to create the directory path.

Same as mkdir/1, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

Tries to create the directory path.

Same as mkdir_p/1, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

Opens the given path.

Similar to open/2 but expects a function as its last argument.

Similar to open/2 but raises a File.Error exception if the file could not be opened. Returns the IO device otherwise.

Similar to open/3 but raises a File.Error exception if the file could not be opened.

Returns {:ok, binary}, where binary is a binary data object that contains the contents of path, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

Returns a binary with the contents of the given filename, or raises a File.Error exception if an error occurs.

Reads the symbolic link at path.

Same as read_link/1 but returns the target directly, or raises a File.Error exception if an error is returned.

Returns true if the path is a regular file.

Renames the source file to destination file. It can be used to move files (and directories) between directories. If moving a file, you must fully specify the destination filename, it is not sufficient to simply specify its directory.

The same as rename/2 but raises a File.RenameError exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

Tries to delete the file path.

Same as rm/1, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

Removes files and directories recursively at the given path. Symlinks are not followed but simply removed, non-existing files are simply ignored (i.e. doesn't make this function fail).

Same as rm_rf/1 but raises a File.Error exception in case of failures, otherwise the list of files or directories removed.

Tries to delete the dir at path.

Same as rmdir/1, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

Returns information about the path. If it exists, it returns a {:ok, info} tuple, where info is a File.Stat struct. Returns {:error, reason} with the same reasons as read/1 if a failure occurs.

Same as stat/2 but returns the File.Stat directly, or raises a File.Error exception if an error is returned.

Returns a File.Stream for the given path with the given modes.

Updates modification time (mtime) and access time (atime) of the given file.

Same as touch/2 but raises a File.Error exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

Writes content to the file path.

Same as write/3 but raises a File.Error exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

Writes the given File.Stat back to the file system at the given path. Returns :ok or {:error, reason}.

Same as write_stat/3 but raises a File.Error exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.


@type encoding_mode() ::
  | {:encoding,
     | :unicode
     | :utf8
     | :utf16
     | :utf32
     | {:utf16, :big | :little}
     | {:utf32, :big | :little}}
@type erlang_time() ::
  {{year :: non_neg_integer(), month :: 1..12, day :: 1..31},
   {hour :: 0..23, minute :: 0..59, second :: 0..59}}
@type file_descriptor() :: :file.fd()
@type io_device() :: :file.io_device()
@type mode() ::
  | :binary
  | :charlist
  | :compressed
  | :delayed_write
  | :exclusive
  | :raw
  | :read
  | :read_ahead
  | :sync
  | :write
  | {:read_ahead, pos_integer()}
  | {:delayed_write, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}
  | encoding_mode()
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@type on_conflict_callback() :: (Path.t(), Path.t() -> boolean())
@type posix() :: :file.posix()
@type posix_time() :: integer()
@type read_offset_mode() :: {:read_offset, non_neg_integer()}
@type stat_options() :: [{:time, :local | :universal | :posix}]
@type stream_mode() ::
  | read_offset_mode()
  | :append
  | :compressed
  | :delayed_write
  | :trim_bom
  | {:read_ahead, pos_integer() | false}
  | {:delayed_write, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}


@spec cd(Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Sets the current working directory.

The current working directory is set for the BEAM globally. This can lead to race conditions if multiple processes are changing the current working directory concurrently. To run an external command in a given directory without changing the global current working directory, use the :cd option of System.cmd/3 and

Returns :ok if successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.

@spec cd!(Path.t()) :: :ok

The same as cd/1, but raises a File.Error exception if it fails.

@spec cd!(Path.t(), (-> res)) :: res when res: var

Changes the current directory to the given path, executes the given function and then reverts back to the previous path regardless of whether there is an exception.

The current working directory is temporarily set for the BEAM globally. This can lead to race conditions if multiple processes are changing the current working directory concurrently. To run an external command in a given directory without changing the global current working directory, use the :cd option of System.cmd/3 and

Raises an error if retrieving or changing the current directory fails.

@spec chgrp(Path.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Changes the group given by the group ID gid for a given file. Returns :ok on success, or {:error, reason} on failure.

@spec chgrp!(Path.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: :ok

Same as chgrp/2, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

@spec chmod(Path.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Changes the mode for a given file.

Returns :ok on success, or {:error, reason} on failure.


File permissions are specified by adding together the following octal modes:

  • 0o400 - read permission: owner

  • 0o200 - write permission: owner

  • 0o100 - execute permission: owner

  • 0o040 - read permission: group

  • 0o020 - write permission: group

  • 0o010 - execute permission: group

  • 0o004 - read permission: other

  • 0o002 - write permission: other

  • 0o001 - execute permission: other

For example, setting the mode 0o755 gives it write, read and execute permission to the owner and both read and execute permission to group and others.

@spec chmod!(Path.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: :ok

Same as chmod/2, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

@spec chown(Path.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Changes the owner given by the user ID uid for a given file. Returns :ok on success, or {:error, reason} on failure.

@spec chown!(Path.t(), non_neg_integer()) :: :ok

Same as chown/2, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

@spec close(io_device()) :: :ok | {:error, posix() | :badarg | :terminated}

Closes the file referenced by io_device. It mostly returns :ok, except for some severe errors such as out of memory.

Note that if the option :delayed_write was used when opening the file, close/1 might return an old write error and not even try to close the file. See open/2 for more information.

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copy(source, destination, bytes_count \\ :infinity)

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@spec copy(Path.t() | io_device(), Path.t() | io_device(), pos_integer() | :infinity) ::
  {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | {:error, posix()}

Copies the contents of source to destination.

Both parameters can be a filename or an IO device opened with open/2. bytes_count specifies the number of bytes to copy, the default being :infinity.

If file destination already exists, it is overwritten by the contents in source.

Returns {:ok, bytes_copied} if successful, {:error, reason} otherwise.

Compared to the cp/3, this function is more low-level, allowing a copy from device to device limited by a number of bytes. On the other hand, cp/3 performs more extensive checks on both source and destination and it also preserves the file mode after copy.

Typical error reasons are the same as in open/2, read/1 and write/3.

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copy!(source, destination, bytes_count \\ :infinity)

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@spec copy!(Path.t() | io_device(), Path.t() | io_device(), pos_integer() | :infinity) ::

The same as copy/3 but raises a File.CopyError exception if it fails. Returns the bytes_copied otherwise.

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cp(source_file, destination_file, options \\ [])

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@spec cp(Path.t(), Path.t(), [{:on_conflict, on_conflict_callback()}]) ::
  :ok | {:error, posix()}

Copies the contents of source_file to destination_file preserving its modes.

source_file must be a file or a symbolic link to one. destination_file must be a path to a non-existent file. If either is a directory, {:error, :eisdir} will be returned.

The function returns :ok in case of success. Otherwise, it returns {:error, reason}.

If you want to copy contents from an IO device to another device or do a straight copy from a source to a destination without preserving modes, check copy/3 instead.

Note: The command cp in Unix-like systems behaves differently depending on whether the destination is an existing directory or not. We have chosen to explicitly disallow copying to a destination which is a directory, and an error will be returned if tried.


  • :on_conflict - (since v1.14.0) Invoked when a file already exists in the destination. The function receives arguments for source_file and destination_file. It should return true if the existing file should be overwritten, false if otherwise. The default callback returns true. On earlier versions, this callback could be given as third argument, but such behavior is now deprecated.
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cp!(source_file, destination_file, options \\ [])

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@spec cp!(Path.t(), Path.t(), [{:on_conflict, on_conflict_callback()}]) :: :ok

The same as cp/3, but raises a File.CopyError exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

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cp_r(source, destination, options \\ [])

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@spec cp_r(Path.t(), Path.t(),
  on_conflict: on_conflict_callback(),
  dereference_symlinks: boolean()
) ::
  {:ok, [binary()]} | {:error, posix(), binary()}

Copies the contents in source to destination recursively, maintaining the source directory structure and modes.

If source is a file or a symbolic link to it, destination must be a path to an existent file, a symbolic link to one, or a path to a non-existent file.

If source is a directory, or a symbolic link to it, then destination must be an existent directory or a symbolic link to one, or a path to a non-existent directory.

If the source is a file, it copies source to destination. If the source is a directory, it copies the contents inside source into the destination directory.

If a file already exists in the destination, it invokes the optional on_conflict callback given as an option. See "Options" for more information.

This function may fail while copying files, in such cases, it will leave the destination directory in a dirty state, where file which have already been copied won't be removed.

The function returns {:ok, files_and_directories} in case of success, files_and_directories lists all files and directories copied in no specific order. It returns {:error, reason, file} otherwise.

Note: The command cp in Unix-like systems behaves differently depending on whether destination is an existing directory or not. We have chosen to explicitly disallow this behavior. If source is a file and destination is a directory, {:error, :eisdir} will be returned.


  • :on_conflict - (since v1.14.0) Invoked when a file already exists in the destination. The function receives arguments for source and destination. It should return true if the existing file should be overwritten, false if otherwise. The default callback returns true. On earlier versions, this callback could be given as third argument, but such behavior is now deprecated.

  • :dereference_symlinks - (since v1.14.0) By default, this function will copy symlinks by creating symlinks that point to the same location. This option forces symlinks to be dereferenced and have their contents copied instead when set to true. If the dereferenced files do not exist, than the operation fails. The default is false.


# Copies file "a.txt" to "b.txt"
File.cp_r("a.txt", "b.txt")

# Copies all files in "samples" to "tmp"
File.cp_r("samples", "tmp")

# Same as before, but asks the user how to proceed in case of conflicts
File.cp_r("samples", "tmp", on_conflict: fn source, destination ->
  IO.gets("Overwriting #{destination} by #{source}. Type y to confirm. ") == "y\n"
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cp_r!(source, destination, options \\ [])

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@spec cp_r!(Path.t(), Path.t(),
  on_conflict: on_conflict_callback(),
  dereference_symlinks: boolean()
) ::

The same as cp_r/3, but raises a File.CopyError exception if it fails. Returns the list of copied files otherwise.

@spec cwd() :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, posix()}

Gets the current working directory.

In rare circumstances, this function can fail on Unix-like systems. It may happen if read permissions do not exist for the parent directories of the current directory. For this reason, returns {:ok, cwd} in case of success, {:error, reason} otherwise.

@spec cwd!() :: binary()

The same as cwd/0, but raises a File.Error exception if it fails.

@spec dir?(Path.t(), [dir_option]) :: boolean() when dir_option: :raw

Returns true if the given path is a directory.

This function follows symbolic links, so if a symbolic link points to a directory, true is returned.


The supported options are:

  • :raw - a single atom to bypass the file server and only check for the file locally


#=> true

#=> true

#=> true

#=> false

"~/Downloads" |> Path.expand() |> File.dir?()
#=> true
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exists?(path, opts \\ [])

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@spec exists?(Path.t(), [exists_option]) :: boolean() when exists_option: :raw

Returns true if the given path exists.

It can be a regular file, directory, socket, symbolic link, named pipe, or device file. Returns false for symbolic links pointing to non-existing targets.


The supported options are:

  • :raw - a single atom to bypass the file server and only check for the file locally


#=> true

#=> false

#=> true
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ln(existing, new)

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@spec ln(Path.t(), Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Creates a hard link new to the file existing.

Returns :ok if successful, {:error, reason} otherwise. If the operating system does not support hard links, returns {:error, :enotsup}.

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ln!(existing, new)

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@spec ln!(Path.t(), Path.t()) :: :ok

Same as ln/2 but raises a File.LinkError exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

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ln_s(existing, new)

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@spec ln_s(Path.t(), Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Creates a symbolic link new to the file or directory existing.

Returns :ok if successful, {:error, reason} otherwise. If the operating system does not support symlinks, returns {:error, :enotsup}.

@spec ln_s!(Path.t(), Path.t()) :: :ok

Same as ln_s/2 but raises a File.LinkError exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

@spec ls(Path.t()) :: {:ok, [binary()]} | {:error, posix()}

Returns the list of files in the given directory.

Hidden files are not ignored and the results are not sorted.

Since directories are considered files by the file system, they are also included in the returned value.

Returns {:ok, files} in case of success, {:error, reason} otherwise.

@spec ls!(Path.t()) :: [binary()]

The same as ls/1 but raises a File.Error exception in case of an error.

@spec lstat(Path.t(), stat_options()) :: {:ok, File.Stat.t()} | {:error, posix()}

Returns information about the path. If the file is a symlink, sets the type to :symlink and returns a File.Stat struct for the link. For any other file, returns exactly the same values as stat/2.

For more details, see :file.read_link_info/2.


The accepted options are:

  • :time - configures how the file timestamps are returned

The values for :time can be:

  • :universal - returns a {date, time} tuple in UTC (default)
  • :local - returns a {date, time} tuple using the machine time
  • :posix - returns the time as integer seconds since epoch

Note: Since file times are stored in POSIX time format on most operating systems, it is faster to retrieve file information with the time: :posix option.

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lstat!(path, opts \\ [])

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@spec lstat!(Path.t(), stat_options()) :: File.Stat.t()

Same as lstat/2 but returns the File.Stat struct directly, or raises a File.Error exception if an error is returned.

@spec mkdir(Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Tries to create the directory path.

Missing parent directories are not created. Returns :ok if successful, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

Typical error reasons are:

  • :eacces - missing search or write permissions for the parent directories of path
  • :eexist - there is already a file or directory named path
  • :enoent - a component of path does not exist
  • :enospc - there is no space left on the device
  • :enotdir - a component of path is not a directory; on some platforms, :enoent is returned instead
@spec mkdir!(Path.t()) :: :ok

Same as mkdir/1, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

@spec mkdir_p(Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Tries to create the directory path.

Missing parent directories are created. Returns :ok if successful, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

Typical error reasons are:

  • :eacces - missing search or write permissions for the parent directories of path
  • :enospc - there is no space left on the device
  • :enotdir - a component of path is not a directory
@spec mkdir_p!(Path.t()) :: :ok

Same as mkdir_p/1, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

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open(path, modes_or_function \\ [])

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@spec open(Path.t(), [mode() | :ram]) ::
  {:ok, io_device() | file_descriptor()} | {:error, posix()}
@spec open(Path.t(), (io_device() | file_descriptor() -> res)) ::
  {:ok, res} | {:error, posix()}
when res: var

Opens the given path.

modes_or_function can either be a list of modes or a function. If it's a list, it's considered to be a list of modes (that are documented below). If it's a function, then it's equivalent to calling open(path, [], modes_or_function). See the documentation for open/3 for more information on this function.

The allowed modes:

  • :binary - opens the file in binary mode, disabling special handling of Unicode sequences (default mode).

  • :read - the file, which must exist, is opened for reading.

  • :write - the file is opened for writing. It is created if it does not exist.

    If the file does exist, and if write is not combined with read, the file will be truncated.

  • :append - the file will be opened for writing, and it will be created if it does not exist. Every write operation to a file opened with append will take place at the end of the file.

  • :exclusive - the file, when opened for writing, is created if it does not exist. If the file exists, open will return {:error, :eexist}.

  • :charlist - when this term is given, read operations on the file will return charlists rather than binaries.

  • :compressed - makes it possible to read or write gzip compressed files.

    The compressed option must be combined with either read or write, but not both. Note that the file size obtained with stat/1 will most probably not match the number of bytes that can be read from a compressed file.

  • :utf8 - this option denotes how data is actually stored in the disk file and makes the file perform automatic translation of characters to and from UTF-8.

    If data is sent to a file in a format that cannot be converted to the UTF-8 or if data is read by a function that returns data in a format that cannot cope with the character range of the data, an error occurs and the file will be closed.

  • :delayed_write, :raw, :ram, :read_ahead, :sync, {:encoding, ...}, {:read_ahead, pos_integer}, {:delayed_write, non_neg_integer, non_neg_integer} - for more information about these options see

This function returns:

  • {:ok, io_device | file_descriptor} - the file has been opened in the requested mode. We explore the differences between these two results in the following section

  • {:error, reason} - the file could not be opened due to reason.

IO devices

By default, this function returns an IO device. An io_device is a process which handles the file and you can interact with it using the functions in the IO module. By default, a file is opened in :binary mode, which requires the functions IO.binread/2 and IO.binwrite/2 to interact with the file. A developer may pass :utf8 as a mode when opening the file and then all other functions from IO are available, since they work directly with Unicode data.

Given the IO device is a file, if the owner process terminates, the file is closed and the process itself terminates too. If any process to which the io_device is linked terminates, the file will be closed and the process itself will be terminated.

File descriptors

When the :raw or :ram modes are given, this function returns a low-level file descriptors. This avoids creating a process but requires using the functions in the :file module to interact with it.


{:ok, file} ="foo.tar.gz", [:read, :compressed]), :line)
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open(path, modes, function)

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@spec open(Path.t(), [mode() | :ram], (io_device() | file_descriptor() -> res)) ::
  {:ok, res} | {:error, posix()}
when res: var

Similar to open/2 but expects a function as its last argument.

The file is opened, given to the function as an argument and automatically closed after the function returns, regardless if there was an error when executing the function.

Returns {:ok, function_result} in case of success, {:error, reason} otherwise.

This function expects the file to be closed with success, which is usually the case unless the :delayed_write option is given. For this reason, we do not recommend passing :delayed_write to this function.

Examples"file.txt", [:read, :write], fn file ->, :line)

See open/2 for the list of available modes.

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open!(path, modes_or_function \\ [])

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@spec open!(Path.t(), [mode() | :ram]) :: io_device() | file_descriptor()
@spec open!(Path.t(), (io_device() | file_descriptor() -> res)) :: res when res: var

Similar to open/2 but raises a File.Error exception if the file could not be opened. Returns the IO device otherwise.

See open/2 for the list of available modes.

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open!(path, modes, function)

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@spec open!(Path.t(), [mode() | :ram], (io_device() | file_descriptor() -> res)) ::
when res: var

Similar to open/3 but raises a File.Error exception if the file could not be opened.

If it succeeds opening the file, it returns the function result on the IO device.

See open/2 for the list of available modes.

@spec read(Path.t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, posix()}

Returns {:ok, binary}, where binary is a binary data object that contains the contents of path, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

Typical error reasons:

  • :enoent - the file does not exist
  • :eacces - missing permission for reading the file, or for searching one of the parent directories
  • :eisdir - the named file is a directory
  • :enotdir - a component of the file name is not a directory; on some platforms, :enoent is returned instead
  • :enomem - there is not enough memory for the contents of the file

You can use :file.format_error/1 to get a descriptive string of the error.

@spec read!(Path.t()) :: binary()

Returns a binary with the contents of the given filename, or raises a File.Error exception if an error occurs.

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@spec read_link(Path.t()) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, posix()}

Reads the symbolic link at path.

If path exists and is a symlink, returns {:ok, target}, otherwise returns {:error, reason}.

For more details, see :file.read_link/1.

Typical error reasons are:

  • :einval - path is not a symbolic link
  • :enoent - path does not exist
  • :enotsup - symbolic links are not supported on the current platform
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@spec read_link!(Path.t()) :: binary()

Same as read_link/1 but returns the target directly, or raises a File.Error exception if an error is returned.

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regular?(path, opts \\ [])

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@spec regular?(Path.t(), [regular_option]) :: boolean() when regular_option: :raw

Returns true if the path is a regular file.

This function follows symbolic links, so if a symbolic link points to a regular file, true is returned.


The supported options are:

  • :raw - a single atom to bypass the file server and only check for the file locally


#=> true
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rename(source, destination)

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@spec rename(Path.t(), Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Renames the source file to destination file. It can be used to move files (and directories) between directories. If moving a file, you must fully specify the destination filename, it is not sufficient to simply specify its directory.

Returns :ok in case of success, {:error, reason} otherwise.

Note: The command mv in Unix-like systems behaves differently depending on whether source is a file and the destination is an existing directory. We have chosen to explicitly disallow this behavior.


# Rename file "a.txt" to "b.txt"
File.rename("a.txt", "b.txt")

# Rename directory "samples" to "tmp"
File.rename("samples", "tmp")
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rename!(source, destination)

View Source (since 1.9.0)
@spec rename!(Path.t(), Path.t()) :: :ok

The same as rename/2 but raises a File.RenameError exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

@spec rm(Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Tries to delete the file path.

Returns :ok if successful, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

Note the file is deleted even if in read-only mode.

Typical error reasons are:

  • :enoent - the file does not exist
  • :eacces - missing permission for the file or one of its parents
  • :eperm - the file is a directory and user is not super-user
  • :enotdir - a component of the file name is not a directory; on some platforms, :enoent is returned instead
  • :einval - filename had an improper type, such as tuple


#=> :ok

#=> {:error, :eperm}
@spec rm!(Path.t()) :: :ok

Same as rm/1, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

@spec rm_rf(Path.t()) :: {:ok, [binary()]} | {:error, posix(), binary()}

Removes files and directories recursively at the given path. Symlinks are not followed but simply removed, non-existing files are simply ignored (i.e. doesn't make this function fail).

Returns {:ok, files_and_directories} with all files and directories removed in no specific order, {:error, reason, file} otherwise.


#=> {:ok, ["samples", "samples/1.txt"]}

#=> {:ok, []}
@spec rm_rf!(Path.t()) :: [binary()]

Same as rm_rf/1 but raises a File.Error exception in case of failures, otherwise the list of files or directories removed.

@spec rmdir(Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Tries to delete the dir at path.

Returns :ok if successful, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs. It returns {:error, :eexist} if the directory is not empty.


#=> :ok

#=> {:error, :eexist}

#=> {:error, :enotdir}
@spec rmdir!(Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Same as rmdir/1, but raises a File.Error exception in case of failure. Otherwise :ok.

@spec stat(Path.t(), stat_options()) :: {:ok, File.Stat.t()} | {:error, posix()}

Returns information about the path. If it exists, it returns a {:ok, info} tuple, where info is a File.Stat struct. Returns {:error, reason} with the same reasons as read/1 if a failure occurs.


The accepted options are:

  • :time - configures how the file timestamps are returned

The values for :time can be:

  • :universal - returns a {date, time} tuple in UTC (default)
  • :local - returns a {date, time} tuple using the same time zone as the machine
  • :posix - returns the time as integer seconds since epoch

Note: Since file times are stored in POSIX time format on most operating systems, it is faster to retrieve file information with the time: :posix option.

@spec stat!(Path.t(), stat_options()) :: File.Stat.t()

Same as stat/2 but returns the File.Stat directly, or raises a File.Error exception if an error is returned.

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stream!(path, line_or_bytes_modes \\ [])

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@spec stream!(Path.t(), :line | pos_integer() | [stream_mode()]) :: File.Stream.t()

Shortcut for!/3.

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stream!(path, line_or_bytes, modes)

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@spec stream!(Path.t(), :line | pos_integer(), [stream_mode()]) :: File.Stream.t()

Returns a File.Stream for the given path with the given modes.

The stream implements both Enumerable and Collectable protocols, which means it can be used both for read and write.

The line_or_bytes argument configures how the file is read when streaming, by :line (default) or by a given number of bytes. When using the :line option, CRLF line breaks ("\r\n") are normalized to LF ("\n").

Similar to other file operations, a stream can be created in one node and forwarded to another node. Once the stream is opened in another node, a request will be sent to the creator node to spawn a process for file streaming.

Operating the stream can fail on open for the same reasons as!/2. Note that the file is automatically opened each time streaming begins. There is no need to pass :read and :write modes, as those are automatically set by Elixir.

Raw files

Since Elixir controls when the streamed file is opened, the underlying device cannot be shared and as such it is convenient to open the file in raw mode for performance reasons. Therefore, Elixir will open streams in :raw mode with the :read_ahead option if the stream is open in the same node as it is created and no encoding has been specified. This means any data streamed into the file must be converted to iodata/0 type. If you pass, for example, [encoding: :utf8] or [encoding: {:utf16, :little}] in the modes parameter, the underlying stream will use IO.write/2 and the String.Chars protocol to convert the data. See IO.binwrite/2 and IO.write/2 .

One may also consider passing the :delayed_write option if the stream is meant to be written to under a tight loop.

Byte order marks and read offset

If you pass :trim_bom in the modes parameter, the stream will trim UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 byte order marks when reading from file.

Note that this function does not try to discover the file encoding based on BOM. From Elixir v1.16.0, you may also pass a :read_offset that is skipped whenever enumerating the stream (if both :read_offset and :trim_bom are given, the offset is skipped after the BOM).


# Read a utf8 text file which may include BOM!("./test/test.txt", [:trim_bom, encoding: :utf8])

# Read in 2048 byte chunks rather than lines!("./test/", 2048)

See for an example of streaming into a file.

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touch(path, time \\ System.os_time(:second))

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@spec touch(Path.t(), erlang_time() | posix_time()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Updates modification time (mtime) and access time (atime) of the given file.

The file is created if it doesn't exist. Requires datetime in UTC (as returned by :erlang.universaltime()) or an integer representing the POSIX timestamp (as returned by System.os_time(:second)).

In Unix-like systems, changing the modification time may require you to be either root or the owner of the file. Having write access may not be enough. In those cases, touching the file the first time (to create it) will succeed, but touching an existing file with fail with {:error, :eperm}.


File.touch("/tmp/a.txt", {{2018, 1, 30}, {13, 59, 59}})
#=> :ok
File.touch("/fakedir/b.txt", {{2018, 1, 30}, {13, 59, 59}})
{:error, :enoent}

File.touch("/tmp/a.txt", 1544519753)
#=> :ok
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touch!(path, time \\ System.os_time(:second))

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@spec touch!(Path.t(), erlang_time() | posix_time()) :: :ok

Same as touch/2 but raises a File.Error exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

The file is created if it doesn't exist. Requires datetime in UTC (as returned by :erlang.universaltime()) or an integer representing the POSIX timestamp (as returned by System.os_time(:second)).


File.touch!("/tmp/a.txt", {{2018, 1, 30}, {13, 59, 59}})
#=> :ok
File.touch!("/fakedir/b.txt", {{2018, 1, 30}, {13, 59, 59}})
** (File.Error) could not touch "/fakedir/b.txt": no such file or directory

File.touch!("/tmp/a.txt", 1544519753)
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write(path, content, modes \\ [])

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@spec write(Path.t(), iodata(), [mode()]) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Writes content to the file path.

The file is created if it does not exist. If it exists, the previous contents are overwritten. Returns :ok if successful, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

content must be iodata (a list of bytes or a binary). Setting the encoding for this function has no effect.

Warning: Every time this function is invoked, a file descriptor is opened and a new process is spawned to write to the file. For this reason, if you are doing multiple writes in a loop, opening the file via and using the functions in IO to write to the file will yield much better performance than calling this function multiple times.

Typical error reasons are:

  • :enoent - a component of the file name does not exist
  • :enotdir - a component of the file name is not a directory; on some platforms, :enoent is returned instead
  • :enospc - there is no space left on the device
  • :eacces - missing permission for writing the file or searching one of the parent directories
  • :eisdir - the named file is a directory

Check for other available options.

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write!(path, content, modes \\ [])

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@spec write!(Path.t(), iodata(), [mode()]) :: :ok

Same as write/3 but raises a File.Error exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.

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write_stat(path, stat, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_stat(Path.t(), File.Stat.t(), stat_options()) :: :ok | {:error, posix()}

Writes the given File.Stat back to the file system at the given path. Returns :ok or {:error, reason}.

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write_stat!(path, stat, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_stat!(Path.t(), File.Stat.t(), stat_options()) :: :ok

Same as write_stat/3 but raises a File.Error exception if it fails. Returns :ok otherwise.