Kernel.SpecialForms (Elixir v1.18.2)
View SourceSpecial forms are the basic building blocks of Elixir, and therefore cannot be overridden by the developer.
The Kernel.SpecialForms
module consists solely of macros that can be
invoked anywhere in Elixir code without the use of the
prefix. This is possible because they all have
been automatically imported, in the same fashion as the functions and
macros from the Kernel
These building blocks are defined in this module. Some of these special forms are lexical (such as
and case/2
). The macros {}/1
and <<>>/1
are also special
forms used to define tuple and binary data structures respectively.
This module also documents macros that return information about Elixir's
compilation environment, such as (__ENV__/0
, __MODULE__/0
, __DIR__/0
, and __CALLER__/0
Additionally, it documents two special forms, __block__/1
, which are not intended to be called directly by the
developer but they appear in quoted contents since they are essential
in Elixir's constructs.
Matches on or builds a struct.
Creates a map.
Capture operator. Captures or creates an anonymous function.
Dot operator. Defines a remote call, a call to an anonymous function, or an alias.
Internal special form to hold aliases information.
Internal special form for block expressions.
Returns the current calling environment as a Macro.Env
Internal special form for cursor position.
Returns the absolute path of the directory of the current file as a binary.
Returns the current module name as an atom or nil
Returns the stacktrace for the currently handled exception.
Type operator. Used by types and bitstrings to specify types.
Defines a new bitstring.
Match operator. Matches the value on the right against the pattern on the left.
is used to set up aliases, often useful with modules' names.
Matches the given expression against the given clauses.
Evaluates the expression corresponding to the first clause that evaluates to a truthy value.
Defines an anonymous function.
Comprehensions allow you to quickly build a data structure from an enumerable or a bitstring.
Imports functions and macros from other modules.
Gets the representation of any expression.
Checks if there is a message matching any of the given clauses in the current process mailbox.
Requires a module in order to use its macros.
Calls the overridden function when overriding it with Kernel.defoverridable/1
Evaluates the given expressions and handles any error, exit, or throw that may have happened.
Unquotes the given expression inside a quoted expression.
Unquotes the given list expanding its arguments.
Combine matching clauses.
Pin operator. Accesses an already bound variable in match clauses.
Creates a tuple.
Matches on or builds a struct.
A struct is a tagged map that allows developers to provide default values for keys, tags to be used in polymorphic dispatches and compile time assertions.
Structs are usually defined with the Kernel.defstruct/1
defmodule User do
defstruct name: "john", age: 27
Now a struct can be created as follows:
Underneath a struct is just a map with a :__struct__
pointing to the User
%User{} == %{__struct__: User, name: "john", age: 27}
The struct fields can be given when building the struct:
%User{age: 31}
#=> %{__struct__: User, name: "john", age: 31}
Or also on pattern matching to extract values out:
%User{age: age} = user
The advantage of structs is that they validate that the given
keys are part of the defined struct. The example below will fail
because there is no key :full_name
in the User
%User{full_name: "john doe"}
An update operation specific for structs is also available:
%User{user | age: 28}
Once again, the syntax above will guarantee the given keys
are valid at compilation time and it will guarantee at runtime
the given argument is a struct, failing with BadStructError
otherwise. The map update syntax can also be used for updating
structs, and it is useful when you want to update any struct,
regardless of their name, as long as they have matching fields:
%{user | age: 28}
Pattern matching on struct names
Besides allowing pattern matching on struct fields, such as:
%User{age: age} = user
Structs also allow pattern matching on the struct name:
%struct_name{} = user
struct_name #=> User
You can also assign the struct name to _
when you want to
check if something is a struct but you are not interested in
its name:
%_{} = user
Creates a map.
See the Map
module for more information about maps, their syntax, and ways to
access and manipulate them.
AST representation
Regardless of whether =>
or the keyword syntax is used, key-value pairs in
maps are always represented internally as a list of two-element tuples for
iex> quote do
...> %{"a" => :b, c: :d}
...> end
{:%{}, [], [{"a", :b}, {:c, :d}]}
Capture operator. Captures or creates an anonymous function.
The capture operator is most commonly used to capture a function with given name and arity from a module:
iex> fun = &Kernel.is_atom/1
iex> fun.(:atom)
iex> fun.("string")
In the example above, we captured Kernel.is_atom/1
as an
anonymous function and then invoked it.
The capture operator can also be used to capture local functions, including private ones, and imported functions by omitting the module name:
Note that &local_function/1
creates a local capture, but
or &imported_function/1
create a remote
capture. For more information, refer to the "Functions" section in the Erlang Reference Manual.
Whether a capture is local or remote has implications when using hot code reloading: local captures dispatch to the version of the module that existed at the time they were created, while remote captures dispatch to the current version of the module.
See also Function.capture/3
Anonymous functions
The capture operator can also be used to partially apply
functions, where &1
, &2
and so on can be used as value
placeholders. For example:
iex> double = &(&1 * 2)
iex> double.(2)
In other words, &(&1 * 2)
is equivalent to fn x -> x * 2 end
We can partially apply a remote function with placeholder:
iex> take_five = &Enum.take(&1, 5)
iex> take_five.(1..10)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Another example while using an imported or local function:
iex> first_elem = &elem(&1, 0)
iex> first_elem.({0, 1})
The &
operator can be used with more complex expressions:
iex> fun = &(&1 + &2 + &3)
iex> fun.(1, 2, 3)
As well as with lists and tuples:
iex> fun = &{&1, &2}
iex> fun.(1, 2)
{1, 2}
iex> fun = &[&1 | &2]
iex> fun.(1, [2, 3])
[1, 2, 3]
The only restrictions when creating anonymous functions is that at
least one placeholder must be present, i.e. it must contain at least
, and that block expressions are not supported:
# No placeholder, fails to compile.
# Block expression, fails to compile.
&(&1; &2)
Dot operator. Defines a remote call, a call to an anonymous function, or an alias.
The dot (.
) in Elixir can be used for remote calls:
iex> String.downcase("FOO")
In this example above, we have used .
to invoke downcase
in the
module, passing "FOO"
as argument.
The dot may be used to invoke anonymous functions too:
iex> (fn n -> n end).(7)
in which case there is a function on the left hand side.
We can also use the dot for creating aliases:
iex> Hello.World
This time, we have joined two aliases, defining the final alias
The right side of .
may be a word starting with an uppercase letter, which represents
an alias, a word starting with lowercase or underscore, any valid language
operator or any name wrapped in single- or double-quotes. Those are all valid
iex> Kernel.Sample
iex> Kernel.length([1, 2, 3])
iex> Kernel.+(1, 2)
iex> Kernel."+"(1, 2)
Wrapping the function name in single- or double-quotes is always a
remote call. Therefore Kernel."Foo"
will attempt to call the function "Foo"
and not return the alias Kernel.Foo
. This is done by design as module names
are more strict than function names.
When the dot is used to invoke an anonymous function there is only one operand, but it is still written using a postfix notation:
iex> negate = fn n -> -n end
iex> negate.(7)
Quoted expression
When .
is used, the quoted expression may take two distinct
forms. When the right side starts with a lowercase letter (or
iex> quote do
...> String.downcase("FOO")
...> end
{{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:String]}, :downcase]}, [], ["FOO"]}
Note that we have an inner tuple, containing the atom :.
the dot as first element:
{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:String]}, :downcase]}
This tuple follows the general quoted expression structure in Elixir,
with the name as first argument, some keyword list as metadata as second,
and the list of arguments as third. In this case, the arguments are the
alias String
and the atom :downcase
. The second argument in a remote call
is always an atom.
In the case of calls to anonymous functions, the inner tuple with the dot special form has only one argument, reflecting the fact that the operator is unary:
iex> quote do
...> negate.(0)
...> end
{{:., [], [{:negate, [], __MODULE__}]}, [], [0]}
When the right side is an alias (i.e. starts with uppercase), we get instead:
iex> quote do
...> Hello.World
...> end
{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Hello, :World]}
We go into more details about aliases in the __aliases__/1
special form
We can also use unquote to generate a remote call in a quoted expression:
iex> x = :downcase
iex> quote do
...> String.unquote(x)("FOO")
...> end
{{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:String]}, :downcase]}, [], ["FOO"]}
Similar to Kernel."FUNCTION_NAME"
, unquote(x)
will always generate a remote call,
independent of the value of x
. To generate an alias via the quoted expression,
one needs to rely on Module.concat/2
iex> x = Sample
iex> quote do
...> Module.concat(String, unquote(x))
...> end
{{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Module]}, :concat]}, [],
[{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:String]}, Sample]}
Internal special form to hold aliases information.
It is usually compiled to an atom:
iex> quote do
...> Foo.Bar
...> end
{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Foo, :Bar]}
Elixir represents Foo.Bar
as __aliases__
so calls can be
unambiguously identified by the operator :.
. For example:
iex> quote do
...> end
{{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Foo]}, :bar]}, [], []}
Whenever an expression iterator sees a :.
as the tuple key,
it can be sure that it represents a call and the second argument
in the list is an atom.
On the other hand, aliases hold some properties:
The head element of aliases can be any term that must expand to an atom at compilation time.
The tail elements of aliases are guaranteed to always be atoms.
When the head element of aliases is the atom
, no expansion happens.
Internal special form for block expressions.
This is the special form used whenever we have a block of expressions in Elixir. This special form is private and should not be invoked directly:
iex> quote do
...> 1
...> 2
...> 3
...> end
{:__block__, [], [1, 2, 3]}
Returns the current calling environment as a Macro.Env
In the environment you can access the filename, line numbers, set up aliases, the function and others.
Internal special form for cursor position.
This is the special form used whenever we need to represent
the cursor position in Elixir's AST. See Code.Fragment
more information.
Returns the absolute path of the directory of the current file as a binary.
Although the directory can be accessed as Path.dirname(__ENV__.file)
this macro is a convenient shortcut.
Returns the current environment information as a Macro.Env
In the environment you can access the current filename, line numbers, set up aliases, the current function and others.
Returns the current module name as an atom or nil
Although the module can be accessed in the __ENV__/0
, this macro
is a convenient shortcut.
Returns the stacktrace for the currently handled exception.
It is available only in the catch
and rescue
clauses of try/1
To retrieve the stacktrace of the current process, use, :current_stacktrace)
Type operator. Used by types and bitstrings to specify types.
This operator is used in two distinct occasions in Elixir. It is used in typespecs to specify the type of a variable, function or of a type itself:
@type number :: integer | float
@spec add(number, number) :: number
It may also be used in bit strings to specify the type of a given bit segment:
<<int::integer-little, rest::bits>> = bits
Read the documentation on the Typespecs page and
for more information on typespecs and
bitstrings respectively.
Defines a new bitstring.
iex> <<1, 2, 3>>
<<1, 2, 3>>
A bitstring is made of many segments and each segment has a type. There are 9 types used in bitstrings:
(alias forbitstring
(alias forbinary
When no type is specified, the default is integer
iex> <<1, 2, 3>>
<<1, 2, 3>>
Elixir also accepts by default the segment to be a literal string which expands to integers:
iex> <<0, "foo">>
<<0, 102, 111, 111>>
You can use one of utf8
(the default), utf16
, and utf32
control how the string is encoded:
iex> <<"foo"::utf16>>
<<0, 102, 0, 111, 0, 111>>
Which is equivalent to writing:
iex> <<?f::utf16, ?o::utf16, ?o::utf16>>
<<0, 102, 0, 111, 0, 111>>
At runtime, binaries need to be explicitly tagged as binary
iex> rest = "oo"
iex> <<102, rest::binary>>
Otherwise we get an ArgumentError
when constructing the binary:
rest = "oo"
<<102, rest>>
** (ArgumentError) argument error
Many options can be given by using -
as separator. Order is
arbitrary, so the following are all equivalent:
<<102::integer-native, rest::binary>>
<<102::native-integer, rest::binary>>
<<102::unsigned-big-integer, rest::binary>>
<<102::unsigned-big-integer-size(8), rest::binary>>
<<102::unsigned-big-integer-8, rest::binary>>
<<102::8-integer-big-unsigned, rest::binary>>
<<102, rest::binary>>
Unit and Size
The length of the match is equal to the unit
(a number of bits) times the
(the number of repeated segments of length unit
Type | Default Unit |
integer | 1 bit |
float | 1 bit |
binary | 8 bits |
Sizes for types are a bit more nuanced. The default size for integers is 8.
For floats, it is 64. For floats, size * unit
must result in 16, 32, or 64,
corresponding to IEEE 754
binary16, binary32, and binary64, respectively.
For binaries, the default is the size of the binary. Only the last binary in a match can use the default size. All others must have their size specified explicitly, even if the match is unambiguous. For example:
iex> <<name::binary-size(5), " the ", species::binary>> = <<"Frank the Walrus">>
"Frank the Walrus"
iex> {name, species}
{"Frank", "Walrus"}
The size can be a variable or any valid guard expression:
iex> name_size = 5
iex> <<name::binary-size(^name_size), " the ", species::binary>> = <<"Frank the Walrus">>
iex> {name, species}
{"Frank", "Walrus"}
The size can access prior variables defined in the binary itself:
iex> <<name_size::size(8), name::binary-size(name_size), " the ", species::binary>> = <<5, "Frank the Walrus">>
iex> {name, species}
{"Frank", "Walrus"}
However, it cannot access variables defined in the match outside of the binary/bitstring:
{name_size, <<name::binary-size(name_size), _rest::binary>>} = {5, <<"Frank the Walrus">>}
** (CompileError): undefined variable "name_size" in bitstring segment
Failing to specify the size for the non-last causes compilation to fail:
<<name::binary, " the ", species::binary>> = <<"Frank the Walrus">>
** (CompileError): a binary field without size is only allowed at the end of a binary pattern
Shortcut Syntax
Size and unit can also be specified using a syntax shortcut when passing integer values:
iex> x = 1
iex> <<x::8>> == <<x::size(8)>>
iex> <<x::8*4>> == <<x::size(8)-unit(4)>>
This syntax reflects the fact the effective size is given by multiplying the size by the unit.
Some types have associated modifiers to clear up ambiguity in byte representation.
Modifier | Relevant Type(s) |
signed | integer |
unsigned (default) | integer |
little | integer , float , utf16 , utf32 |
big (default) | integer , float , utf16 , utf32 |
native | integer , float , utf16 , utf32 |
Integers can be signed
or unsigned
, defaulting to unsigned
iex> <<int::integer>> = <<-100>>
iex> int
iex> <<int::integer-signed>> = <<-100>>
iex> int
and unsigned
are only used for matching binaries (see below) and
are only used for integers.
iex> <<-100::signed, _rest::binary>> = <<-100, "foo">>
<<156, 102, 111, 111>>
Elixir has three options for endianness: big
, little
, and native
The default is big
iex> <<number::little-integer-size(16)>> = <<0, 1>>
<<0, 1>>
iex> number
iex> <<number::big-integer-size(16)>> = <<0, 1>>
<<0, 1>>
iex> number
is determined by the VM at startup and will depend on the
host operating system.
Binary/Bitstring Matching
Binary matching is a powerful feature in Elixir that is useful for extracting information from binaries as well as pattern matching.
Binary matching can be used by itself to extract information from binaries:
iex> <<"Hello, ", place::binary>> = "Hello, World"
"Hello, World"
iex> place
Or as a part of function definitions to pattern match:
defmodule ImageType do
@png_signature <<137::size(8), 80::size(8), 78::size(8), 71::size(8),
13::size(8), 10::size(8), 26::size(8), 10::size(8)>>
@jpg_signature <<255::size(8), 216::size(8)>>
def type(<<@png_signature, _rest::binary>>), do: :png
def type(<<@jpg_signature, _rest::binary>>), do: :jpg
def type(_), do: :unknown
Performance & Optimizations
The Erlang compiler can provide a number of optimizations on binary creation
and matching. To see optimization output, set the bin_opt_info
ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS=bin_opt_info mix compile
To learn more about specific optimizations and performance considerations, check out the "Constructing and matching binaries" chapter of the Erlang's Efficiency Guide.
Match operator. Matches the value on the right against the pattern on the left.
is used to set up aliases, often useful with modules' names.
can be used to set up an alias for any module:
defmodule Math do
alias MyKeyword, as: Keyword
In the example above, we have set up MyKeyword
to be aliased
as Keyword
. So now, any reference to Keyword
will be
automatically replaced by MyKeyword
In case one wants to access the original Keyword
, it can be done
by accessing Elixir
Keyword.values #=> uses MyKeyword.values
Elixir.Keyword.values #=> uses Keyword.values
Note that calling alias
without the :as
option automatically
sets an alias based on the last part of the module. For example:
alias Foo.Bar.Baz
Is the same as:
alias Foo.Bar.Baz, as: Baz
We can also alias multiple modules in one line:
alias Foo.{Bar, Baz, Biz}
Is the same as:
alias Foo.Bar
alias Foo.Baz
alias Foo.Biz
Lexical scope
, require/2
and alias/2
are called directives and all
have lexical scope. This means you can set up aliases inside
specific functions and it won't affect the overall scope.
If you alias a module and you don't use the alias, Elixir is going to issue a warning implying the alias is not being used.
In case the alias is generated automatically by a macro, Elixir won't emit any warnings though, since the alias was not explicitly defined.
Both warning behaviors could be changed by explicitly
setting the :warn
option to true
or false
Matches the given expression against the given clauses.
relies on pattern matching and guards to choose
which clause to execute. If your logic cannot be expressed
within patterns and guards, consider using if/2
or cond/1
case do
{:ok, contents} when is_binary(contents) ->
String.split(contents, "\n")
{:error, _reason} ->
Logger.warning "could not find #{file}, assuming empty..."
In the example above, we match the result of
against each clause "head" and execute the clause "body"
corresponding to the first clause that matches.
If no clause matches, an error is raised. For this reason,
it may be necessary to add a final catch-all clause (like _
which will always match.
x = 10
case x do
0 ->
"This clause won't match"
_ ->
"This clause would match any value (x = #{x})"
#=> "This clause would match any value (x = 10)"
If you find yourself nesting case
expressions inside
expressions, consider using with/1
Variable handling
Note that variables bound in a clause do not leak to the outer context:
case data do
{:ok, value} -> value
:error -> nil
#=> unbound variable value
Variables in the outer context cannot be overridden either:
value = 7
case lucky? do
false -> value = 13
true -> true
#=> 7
In the example above, value
is going to be 7
regardless of the value of
. The variable value
bound in the clause and the variable value
bound in the outer context are two entirely separate variables.
If you want to pattern match against an existing variable,
you need to use the ^/1
x = 1
case 10 do
^x -> "Won't match"
_ -> "Will match"
#=> "Will match"
Using guards to match against multiple values
While it is not possible to match against multiple patterns in a single clause, it's possible to match against multiple values by using guards:
case data do
value when value in [:one, :two] ->
"#{value} has been matched"
:three ->
"three has been matched"
Evaluates the expression corresponding to the first clause that evaluates to a truthy value.
The following example has a single clause that always evaluates to true:
cond do
hd([1, 2, 3]) ->
"1 is considered as true"
#=> "1 is considered as true"
If all clauses evaluate to nil
or false
, cond
raises an error.
For this reason, it may be necessary to add a final always-truthy condition
(anything non-false
and non-nil
), which will always match:
cond do
1 + 1 == 1 ->
"This will never match"
2 * 2 != 4 ->
"Nor this"
true ->
"This will"
#=> "This will"
If your cond
has two clauses, and the last one falls back to
, you may consider using if/2
Defines an anonymous function.
See Function
for more information.
iex> add = fn a, b -> a + b end
iex> add.(1, 2)
Anonymous functions can also have multiple clauses. All clauses should expect the same number of arguments:
iex> negate = fn
...> true -> false
...> false -> true
...> end
iex> negate.(false)
Comprehensions allow you to quickly build a data structure from an enumerable or a bitstring.
Let's start with an example:
iex> for n <- [1, 2, 3, 4], do: n * 2
[2, 4, 6, 8]
A comprehension accepts many generators and filters. for
the <-
operator to extract values from the enumerable on its
right side and match them against the pattern on the left.
We call them generators:
# A list generator:
iex> for n <- [1, 2, 3, 4], do: n * 2
[2, 4, 6, 8]
# A comprehension with two generators
iex> for x <- [1, 2], y <- [2, 3], do: x * y
[2, 3, 4, 6]
Filters can also be given:
# A comprehension with a generator and a filter
iex> for n <- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], rem(n, 2) == 0, do: n
[2, 4, 6]
Filters must evaluate to truthy values (everything but nil
and false
). If a filter is falsy, then the current value is
Generators can also be used to filter as it removes any value
that doesn't match the pattern on the left side of <-
iex> users = [user: "john", admin: "meg", guest: "barbara"]
iex> for {type, name} when type != :guest <- users do
...> String.upcase(name)
...> end
["JOHN", "MEG"]
Bitstring generators are also supported and are very useful when you need to organize bitstring streams:
iex> pixels = <<213, 45, 132, 64, 76, 32, 76, 0, 0, 234, 32, 15>>
iex> for <<r::8, g::8, b::8 <- pixels>>, do: {r, g, b}
[{213, 45, 132}, {64, 76, 32}, {76, 0, 0}, {234, 32, 15}]
Variable assignments inside the comprehension, be it in generators, filters or inside the block, are not reflected outside of the comprehension.
Variable assignments inside filters must still return a truthy value, otherwise values are discarded. Let's see an example. Imagine you have a keyword list where the key is a programming language and the value is its direct parent. Then let's try to compute the grandparent of each language. You could try this:
iex> languages = [elixir: :erlang, erlang: :prolog, prolog: nil]
iex> for {language, parent} <- languages, grandparent = languages[parent], do: {language, grandparent}
[elixir: :prolog]
Given the grandparents of Erlang and Prolog were nil, those values were filtered out. If you don't want this behavior, a simple option is to move the filter inside the do-block:
iex> languages = [elixir: :erlang, erlang: :prolog, prolog: nil]
iex> for {language, parent} <- languages do
...> grandparent = languages[parent]
...> {language, grandparent}
...> end
[elixir: :prolog, erlang: nil, prolog: nil]
However, such option is not always available, as you may have further
filters. An alternative is to convert the filter into a generator by
wrapping the right side of =
in a list:
iex> languages = [elixir: :erlang, erlang: :prolog, prolog: nil]
iex> for {language, parent} <- languages, grandparent <- [languages[parent]], do: {language, grandparent}
[elixir: :prolog, erlang: nil, prolog: nil]
The :into
and :uniq
In the examples above, the result returned by the comprehension was
always a list. The returned result can be configured by passing an
option, that accepts any structure as long as it implements
the Collectable
For example, we can use bitstring generators with the :into
to easily remove all spaces in a string:
iex> for <<c <- " hello world ">>, c != ?\s, into: "", do: <<c>>
The IO
module provides streams, that are both Enumerable
, here is an upcase echo server using comprehensions:
for line <-, into: do
Similarly, uniq: true
can also be given to comprehensions to guarantee
the results are only added to the collection if they were not returned
before. For example:
iex> for x <- [1, 1, 2, 3], uniq: true, do: x * 2
[2, 4, 6]
iex> for <<x <- "abcabc">>, uniq: true, into: "", do: <<x - 32>>
The :reduce
Available since Elixir v1.8.
While the :into
option allows us to customize the comprehension behavior
to a given data type, such as putting all of the values inside a map or inside
a binary, it is not always enough.
For example, imagine that you have a binary with letters where you want to
count how many times each lowercase letter happens, ignoring all uppercase
ones. For instance, for the string "AbCabCABc"
, we want to return the map
%{"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 1}
If we were to use :into
, we would need a data type that computes the
frequency of each element it holds. While there is no such data type in
Elixir, you could implement one yourself.
A simpler option would be to use comprehensions for the mapping and
filtering of letters, and then we invoke Enum.reduce/3
to build a map,
for example:
iex> letters = for <<x <- "AbCabCABc">>, x in ?a..?z, do: <<x>>
iex> Enum.reduce(letters, %{}, fn x, acc -> Map.update(acc, x, 1, & &1 + 1) end)
%{"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 1}
While the above is straight-forward, it has the downside of traversing the data at least twice. If you are expecting long strings as inputs, this can be quite expensive.
Luckily, comprehensions also support the :reduce
option, which would allow
us to fuse both steps above into a single step:
iex> for <<x <- "AbCabCABc">>, x in ?a..?z, reduce: %{} do
...> acc -> Map.update(acc, <<x>>, 1, & &1 + 1)
...> end
%{"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 1}
When the :reduce
key is given, its value is used as the initial accumulator
and the do
block must be changed to use ->
clauses, where the left side
of ->
receives the accumulated value of the previous iteration and the
expression on the right side must return the new accumulator value. Once there are no more
elements, the final accumulated value is returned. If there are no elements
at all, then the initial accumulator value is returned.
Imports functions and macros from other modules.
allows one to easily access functions or macros from
other modules without using the qualified name.
If you are using several functions from a given module, you can import those functions and reference them as local functions, for example:
iex> import List
iex> flatten([1, [2], 3])
[1, 2, 3]
By default, Elixir imports functions and macros from the given module, except the ones starting with an underscore (which are usually callbacks):
import List
A developer can filter to import only functions, macros, or sigils
(which can be functions or macros) via the :only
import List, only: :functions
import List, only: :macros
import Kernel, only: :sigils
Alternatively, Elixir allows a developer to pass pairs of
name/arities to :only
or :except
as a fine grained control
on what to import (or not):
import List, only: [flatten: 1]
import String, except: [split: 2]
Importing the same module again will erase the previous imports,
except when the except
option is used, which is always exclusive
on a previously declared import/2
. If there is no previous import,
then it applies to all functions and macros in the module. For
import List, only: [flatten: 1, keyfind: 4]
import List, except: [flatten: 1]
After the two import calls above, only List.keyfind/4
will be
Underscore functions
By default functions starting with _
are not imported. If you really want
to import a function starting with _
you must explicitly include it in the
import File.Stream, only: [__build__: 3]
Lexical scope
It is important to note that import/2
is lexical. This means you
can import specific macros inside specific functions:
defmodule Math do
def some_function do
# 1) Disable "if/2" from Kernel
import Kernel, except: [if: 2]
# 2) Require the new "if/2" macro from MyMacros
import MyMacros
# 3) Use the new macro
if do_something, it_works
In the example above, we imported macros from MyMacros
replacing the original if/2
implementation by our own
within that specific function. All other functions in that
module will still be able to use the original one.
If you import a module and you don't use any of the imported functions or macros from this module, Elixir is going to issue a warning implying the import is not being used.
In case the import is generated automatically by a macro, Elixir won't emit any warnings though, since the import was not explicitly defined.
Both warning behaviors could be changed by explicitly
setting the :warn
option to true
or false
Ambiguous function/macro names
If two modules A
and B
are imported and they both contain
a foo
function with an arity of 1
, an error is only emitted
if an ambiguous call to foo/1
is actually made; that is, the
errors are emitted lazily, not eagerly.
Gets the representation of any expression.
iex> quote do
...> sum(1, 2, 3)
...> end
{:sum, [], [1, 2, 3]}
Elixir's AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
Any Elixir code can be represented using Elixir data structures. The building block of Elixir macros is a tuple with three elements, for example:
{:sum, [], [1, 2, 3]}
The tuple above represents a function call to sum
passing 1, 2 and
3 as arguments. The tuple elements are:
The first element of the tuple is always an atom or another tuple in the same representation.
The second element of the tuple represents metadata.
The third element of the tuple are the arguments for the function call. The third argument may be an atom, which is usually a variable (or a local call).
Besides the tuple described above, Elixir has a few literals that are also part of its AST. Those literals return themselves when quoted. They are:
:sum #=> Atoms
1 #=> Integers
2.0 #=> Floats
[1, 2] #=> Lists
"strings" #=> Strings
{key, value} #=> Tuples with two elements
Any other value, such as a map or a four-element tuple, must be escaped
) before being introduced into an AST.
- passes a binding to the macro. Whenever a binding is given,unquote/1
is automatically disabled.:context
- sets the resolution context.:generated
- marks the given chunk as generated so it does not emit warnings. It is also useful to avoid dialyzer reporting errors when macros generate unused clauses.:file
- sets the quoted expressions to have the given file.:line
- sets the quoted expressions to have the given line.:location
- when set to:keep
, keeps the current line and file from quote. Read the "Stacktrace information" section below for more information.:unquote
- whenfalse
, disables unquoting. This means anyunquote
call will be kept as is in the AST, instead of replaced by theunquote
arguments. For example:iex> quote do ...> unquote("hello") ...> end "hello" iex> quote unquote: false do ...> unquote("hello") ...> end {:unquote, [], ["hello"]}
Quote and macros
is commonly used with macros for code generation. As an exercise,
let's define a macro that multiplies a number by itself (squared). In practice,
there is no reason to define such a macro (and it would actually be
seen as a bad practice), but it is simple enough that it allows us to focus
on the important aspects of quotes and macros:
defmodule Math do
defmacro squared(x) do
quote do
unquote(x) * unquote(x)
We can invoke it as:
import Math
IO.puts("Got #{squared(5)}")
At first, there is nothing in this example that actually reveals it is a
macro. But what is happening is that, at compilation time, squared(5)
becomes 5 * 5
. The argument 5
is duplicated in the produced code, we
can see this behavior in practice though because our macro actually has
a bug:
import Math
my_number = fn ->
IO.puts("Returning 5")
IO.puts("Got #{squared(my_number.())}")
The example above will print:
Returning 5
Returning 5
Got 25
Notice how "Returning 5" was printed twice, instead of just once. This is because a macro receives an expression and not a value (which is what we would expect in a regular function). This means that:
Actually expands to:
my_number.() * my_number.()
Which invokes the function twice, explaining why we get the printed value twice! In the majority of the cases, this is actually unexpected behavior, and that's why one of the first things you need to keep in mind when it comes to macros is to not unquote the same value more than once.
Let's fix our macro:
defmodule Math do
defmacro squared(x) do
quote do
x = unquote(x)
x * x
Now invoking squared(my_number.())
as before will print the value just
In fact, this pattern is so common that most of the times you will want
to use the bind_quoted
option with quote/2
defmodule Math do
defmacro squared(x) do
quote bind_quoted: [x: x] do
x * x
will translate to the same code as the example above.
can be used in many cases and is seen as good practice,
not only because it helps prevent us from running into common mistakes, but also
because it allows us to leverage other tools exposed by macros, such as
unquote fragments discussed in some sections below.
Before we finish this brief introduction, you will notice that, even though
we defined a variable x
inside our quote:
quote do
x = unquote(x)
x * x
When we call:
import Math
** (CompileError) undefined variable "x"
We can see that x
did not leak to the user context. This happens
because Elixir macros are hygienic, a topic we will discuss at length
in the next sections as well.
Hygiene in variables
Consider the following example:
defmodule Hygiene do
defmacro no_interference do
quote do
a = 1
require Hygiene
a = 10
#=> 10
In the example above, a
returns 10 even if the macro
is apparently setting it to 1 because variables defined
in the macro do not affect the context the macro is executed in.
If you want to set or get a variable in the caller's context, you
can do it with the help of the var!
defmodule NoHygiene do
defmacro interference do
quote do
var!(a) = 1
require NoHygiene
a = 10
#=> 1
You cannot even access variables defined in the same module unless you explicitly give it a context:
defmodule Hygiene do
defmacro write do
quote do
a = 1
defmacro read do
quote do
require Hygiene
** (CompileError) undefined variable "a" (context Hygiene)
For such, you can explicitly pass the current module scope as argument:
defmodule ContextHygiene do
defmacro write do
quote do
var!(a, ContextHygiene) = 1
defmacro read do
quote do
var!(a, ContextHygiene)
require ContextHygiene
#=> 1
The contexts of a variable is identified by the third element of the tuple.
The default context is nil
and quote
assigns another context to all
variables within:
quote(do: var)
#=> {:var, [], Elixir}
In case of variables returned by macros, there may also be a :counter
in the metadata, which is used to further refine its contexts and guarantee
isolation between macro invocations as seen in the previous example.
Hygiene in aliases
Aliases inside quote are hygienic by default. Consider the following example:
defmodule Hygiene do
alias Map, as: M
defmacro no_interference do
quote do
require Hygiene
#=> %{}
Note that, even though the alias M
is not available
in the context the macro is expanded, the code above works
because M
still expands to Map
Similarly, even if we defined an alias with the same name before invoking a macro, it won't affect the macro's result:
defmodule Hygiene do
alias Map, as: M
defmacro no_interference do
quote do
require Hygiene
alias SomethingElse, as: M
#=> %{}
In some cases, you want to access an alias or a module defined
in the caller. For such, you can use the alias!
defmodule Hygiene do
# This will expand to Elixir.Nested.hello()
defmacro no_interference do
quote do
# This will expand to Nested.hello() for
# whatever is Nested in the caller
defmacro interference do
quote do
defmodule Parent do
defmodule Nested do
def hello, do: "world"
require Hygiene
** (UndefinedFunctionError) ...
#=> "world"
Hygiene in imports
Similar to aliases, imports in Elixir are hygienic. Consider the following code:
defmodule Hygiene do
defmacrop get_length do
quote do
length([1, 2, 3])
def return_length do
import Kernel, except: [length: 1]
#=> 3
Notice how Hygiene.return_length/0
returns 3
even though the Kernel.length/1
function is not imported. In fact, even if return_length/0
imported a function with the same name and arity from another
module, it wouldn't affect the function result:
def return_length do
import String, only: [length: 1]
Calling this new return_length/0
will still return 3
as result.
Elixir is smart enough to delay the resolution to the latest
possible moment. So, if you call length([1, 2, 3])
inside quote,
but no length/1
function is available, it is then expanded in
the caller:
defmodule Lazy do
defmacrop get_length do
import Kernel, except: [length: 1]
quote do
def return_length do
import Kernel, except: [length: 1]
import String, only: [length: 1]
#=> 5
Stacktrace information
When defining functions via macros, developers have the option of choosing if runtime errors will be reported from the caller or from inside the quote. Let's see an example:
# adder.ex
defmodule Adder do
@doc "Defines a function that adds two numbers"
defmacro defadd do
quote location: :keep do
def add(a, b), do: a + b
# sample.ex
defmodule Sample do
import Adder
require Sample
Sample.add(:one, :two)
** (ArithmeticError) bad argument in arithmetic expression
adder.ex:5: Sample.add/2
When using location: :keep
and invalid arguments are given to
, the stacktrace information will point to the file
and line inside the quote. Without location: :keep
, the error is
reported to where defadd
was invoked. location: :keep
only definitions inside the quote.
location: :keep
and unquote
Do not use location: :keep
if the function definition
also unquote
s some of the macro arguments. If you do so, Elixir
will store the file definition of the current location but the
unquoted arguments may contain line information of the macro caller,
leading to erroneous stacktraces.
Binding and unquote fragments
Elixir quote/unquote mechanisms provide a functionality called unquote fragments. Unquote fragments provide an easy way to generate functions on the fly. Consider this example:
kv = [foo: 1, bar: 2]
Enum.each(kv, fn {k, v} ->
def unquote(k)(), do: unquote(v)
In the example above, we have generated the functions foo/0
dynamically. Now, imagine that we want to convert this
functionality into a macro:
defmacro defkv(kv) do, fn {k, v} ->
quote do
def unquote(k)(), do: unquote(v)
We can invoke this macro as:
defkv [foo: 1, bar: 2]
However, we can't invoke it as follows:
kv = [foo: 1, bar: 2]
defkv kv
This is because the macro is expecting its arguments to be a
keyword list at compilation time. Since in the example above
we are passing the representation of the variable kv
, our
code fails.
This is actually a common pitfall when developing macros. We are assuming a particular shape in the macro. We can work around it by unquoting the variable inside the quoted expression:
defmacro defkv(kv) do
quote do
Enum.each(unquote(kv), fn {k, v} ->
def unquote(k)(), do: unquote(v)
If you try to run our new macro, you will notice it won't
even compile, complaining that the variables k
and v
do not exist. This is because of the ambiguity: unquote(k)
can either be an unquote fragment, as previously, or a regular
unquote as in unquote(kv)
One solution to this problem is to disable unquoting in the
macro, however, doing that would make it impossible to inject the
representation into the tree. That's when the :bind_quoted
option comes to the rescue (again!). By using :bind_quoted
, we
can automatically disable unquoting while still injecting the
desired variables into the tree:
defmacro defkv(kv) do
quote bind_quoted: [kv: kv] do
Enum.each(kv, fn {k, v} ->
def unquote(k)(), do: unquote(v)
In fact, the :bind_quoted
option is recommended every time
one desires to inject a value into the quote.
Checks if there is a message matching any of the given clauses in the current process mailbox.
If there is no matching message, the current process waits until a matching message arrives or until after a given timeout value.
Any new and existing messages that do not match will remain in the mailbox.
receive do
{:selector, number, name} when is_integer(number) ->
name when is_atom(name) ->
_ ->
IO.puts(:stderr, "Unexpected message received")
An optional after
clause can be given in case no matching message is
received during the given timeout period, specified in milliseconds:
receive do
{:selector, number, name} when is_integer(number) ->
name when is_atom(name) ->
_ ->
IO.puts(:stderr, "Unexpected message received")
5000 ->
IO.puts(:stderr, "No message in 5 seconds")
The after
clause can be specified even if there are no match clauses.
The timeout value given to after
can be any expression evaluating to
one of the allowed values:
- the process should wait indefinitely for a matching message, this is the same as not using the after clause0
- if there is no matching message in the mailbox, the timeout will occur immediatelypositive integer smaller than or equal to
in hexadecimal notation) - it should be possible to represent the timeout value as an unsigned 32-bit integer.
Variable handling
The receive/1
special form handles variables exactly as the case/2
special macro. For more information, check the docs for case/2
Requires a module in order to use its macros.
Public functions in modules are globally available, but in order to use macros, you need to opt-in by requiring the module they are defined in.
Let's suppose you created your own if/2
implementation in the module
. If you want to invoke it, you need to first explicitly
require the MyMacros
defmodule Math do
require MyMacros
MyMacros.if do_something, it_works
An attempt to call a macro that was not loaded will raise an error.
Alias shortcut
also accepts :as
as an option so it automatically sets
up an alias. Please check alias/2
for more information.
Calls the overridden function when overriding it with Kernel.defoverridable/1
See Kernel.defoverridable/1
for more information and documentation.
Evaluates the given expressions and handles any error, exit, or throw that may have happened.
try do
ArgumentError ->
IO.puts("Invalid argument given")
value ->
IO.puts("Caught #{inspect(value)}")
value ->
IO.puts("Success! The result was #{inspect(value)}")
IO.puts("This is printed regardless if it failed or succeeded")
The rescue
clause is used to handle exceptions while the catch
clause can be used to catch thrown values and exits.
The else
clause can be used to control flow based on the result of
the expression. catch
, rescue
, and else
clauses work based on
pattern matching (similar to the case
special form).
Calls inside try/1
are not tail recursive since the VM needs to keep
the stacktrace in case an exception happens. To retrieve the stacktrace,
access __STACKTRACE__/0
inside the rescue
or catch
Besides relying on pattern matching, rescue
clauses provide some
conveniences around exceptions that allow one to rescue an
exception by its name. All the following formats are valid patterns
in rescue
# Rescue a single exception without binding the exception
# to a variable
try do
UndefinedFunctionError -> nil
# Rescue any of the given exception without binding
try do
[UndefinedFunctionError, ArgumentError] -> nil
# Rescue and bind the exception to the variable "x"
try do
x in [UndefinedFunctionError] -> nil
# Rescue all kinds of exceptions and bind the rescued exception
# to the variable "x"
try do
x -> nil
Erlang errors
Erlang errors are transformed into Elixir ones when rescuing:
try do
ArgumentError -> :ok
#=> :ok
The most common Erlang errors will be transformed into their
Elixir counterpart. Those which are not will be transformed
into the more generic ErlangError
try do
ErlangError -> :ok
#=> :ok
In fact, ErlangError
can be used to rescue any error that is
not a proper Elixir error. For example, it can be used to rescue
the earlier :badarg
error too, prior to transformation:
try do
ErlangError -> :ok
#=> :ok
The catch
clause can be used to catch thrown values, exits, and errors.
Catching thrown values
can be used to catch values thrown by Kernel.throw/1
try do
thrown_value ->
IO.puts("A value was thrown: #{inspect(thrown_value)}")
Catching values of any kind
The catch
clause also supports catching exits and errors. To do that, it
allows matching on both the kind of the caught value as well as the value
try do
:exit, value ->
IO.puts("Exited with value #{inspect(value)}")
try do
kind, value when kind in [:exit, :throw] ->
IO.puts("Caught exit or throw with value #{inspect(value)}")
The catch
clause also supports :error
alongside :exit
and :throw
in Erlang, although this is commonly avoided in favor of raise
mechanisms. One reason for this is that when catching :error
, the error is
not automatically transformed into an Elixir error:
try do
:error, :badarg -> :ok
#=> :ok
An after
clause allows you to define cleanup logic that will be invoked both
when the block of code passed to try/1
succeeds and also when an error is raised. Note
that the process will exit as usual when receiving an exit signal that causes
it to exit abruptly and so the after
clause is not guaranteed to be executed.
Luckily, most resources in Elixir (such as open files, ETS tables, ports, sockets,
and so on) are linked to or monitor the owning process and will automatically clean
themselves up if that process exits.
File.write!("tmp/story.txt", "Hello, World")
try do
Although after
clauses are invoked whether or not there was an error, they do not
modify the return value. All of the following examples return :return_me
try do
IO.puts("I will be printed")
try do
raise "boom"
_ -> :return_me
IO.puts("I will be printed")
clauses allow the result of the body passed to try/1
to be pattern
matched on:
x = 2
try do
1 / x
ArithmeticError ->
y when y < 1 and y > -1 ->
_ ->
If an else
clause is not present and no exceptions are raised,
the result of the expression will be returned:
x = 1
^x =
try do
1 / x
ArithmeticError ->
However, when an else
clause is present but the result of the expression
does not match any of the patterns then an exception will be raised. This
exception will not be caught by a catch
or rescue
in the same try
x = 1
try do
try do
1 / x
# The TryClauseError cannot be rescued here:
TryClauseError ->
0 ->
# The TryClauseError is rescued here:
TryClauseError ->
Similarly, an exception inside an else
clause is not caught or rescued
inside the same try
try do
try do
# The exit(1) call below can not be caught here:
:exit, _ ->
_ ->
# The exit is caught here:
:exit, _ ->
This means the VM no longer needs to keep the stacktrace once inside
an else
clause and so tail recursion is possible when using a try
with a tail call as the final call inside an else
clause. The same
is true for rescue
and catch
Only the result of the tried expression falls down to the else
If the try
ends up in the rescue
or catch
clauses, their result
will not fall down to else
try do
:throw, :catch_this ->
# :it_was_caught will not fall down to this "else" clause.
other ->
{:else, other}
Variable handling
Since an expression inside try
may not have been evaluated
due to an exception, any variable created inside try
be accessed externally. For instance:
try do
x = 1
_, _ -> :failed
#=> unbound variable "x"
In the example above, x
cannot be accessed since it was defined
inside the try
clause. A common practice to address this issue
is to return the variables defined inside try
x =
try do
x = 1
_, _ -> :failed
Unquotes the given expression inside a quoted expression.
This function expects a valid Elixir AST, also known as
quoted expression, as argument. If you would like to unquote
any value, such as a map or a four-element tuple, you should
call Macro.escape/1
before unquoting.
Imagine the situation you have a quoted expression and you want to inject it inside some quote. The first attempt would be:
value =
quote do
quote do
sum(1, value, 3)
Which the argument for the :sum
function call is not the
expected result:
{:sum, [], [1, {:value, [], Elixir}, 3]}
For this, we use unquote
iex> value =
...> quote do
...> 13
...> end
iex> quote do
...> sum(1, unquote(value), 3)
...> end
{:sum, [], [1, 13, 3]}
If you want to unquote a value that is not a quoted expression,
such as a map, you need to call Macro.escape/1
iex> value = %{foo: :bar}
iex> quote do
...> process_map(unquote(Macro.escape(value)))
...> end
{:process_map, [], [{:%{}, [], [foo: :bar]}]}
If you forget to escape it, Elixir will raise an error when compiling the code.
Unquotes the given list expanding its arguments.
Similar to unquote/1
iex> values = [2, 3, 4]
iex> quote do
...> sum(1, unquote_splicing(values), 5)
...> end
{:sum, [], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}
Combine matching clauses.
One of the ways to understand with
is to show which code
patterns it improves. Imagine you have a map where the fields
and height
are optional and you want to compute its
area, as {:ok, area}
or return :error
. We could implement
this function as:
def area(opts) do
case Map.fetch(opts, :width) do
{:ok, width} ->
case Map.fetch(opts, :height) do
{:ok, height} -> {:ok, width * height}
:error -> :error
:error ->
when called as area(%{width: 10, height: 15})
, it should return
{:ok, 150}
. If any of the fields are missing, it returns :error
While the code above works, it is quite verbose. Using with
we could rewrite it as:
def area(opts) do
with {:ok, width} <- Map.fetch(opts, :width),
{:ok, height} <- Map.fetch(opts, :height) do
{:ok, width * height}
Instead of defining nested case
s with clauses, we use with
alongside the PATTERN <- EXPRESSION
operator to match
expressions on its right side against the pattern on the left.
Consider <-
as a sibling to =
, except that, while =
in case of not matches, <-
will simply abort the with
and return the non-matched value.
Let's give it a try on IEx:
iex> opts = %{width: 10, height: 15}
iex> with {:ok, width} <- Map.fetch(opts, :width),
...> {:ok, height} <- Map.fetch(opts, :height) do
...> {:ok, width * height}
...> end
{:ok, 150}
If all clauses match, the do
block is executed, returning its result.
Otherwise the chain is aborted and the non-matched value is returned:
iex> opts = %{width: 10}
iex> with {:ok, width} <- Map.fetch(opts, :width),
...> {:ok, height} <- Map.fetch(opts, :height) do
...> {:ok, width * height}
...> end
Guards can be used in patterns as well:
iex> users = %{"melany" => "guest", "bob" => :admin}
iex> with {:ok, role} when not is_binary(role) <- Map.fetch(users, "bob") do
...> {:ok, to_string(role)}
...> end
{:ok, "admin"}
As in for/1
, variables bound inside with/1
won't be accessible
outside of with/1
Expressions without <-
may also be used in clauses. For instance,
you can perform regular matches with the =
iex> width = nil
iex> opts = %{width: 10, height: 15}
iex> with {:ok, width} <- Map.fetch(opts, :width),
...> double_width = width * 2,
...> {:ok, height} <- Map.fetch(opts, :height) do
...> {:ok, double_width * height}
...> end
{:ok, 300}
iex> width
The behavior of any expression in a clause is the same as if it was
written outside of with
. For example, =
will raise a MatchError
instead of returning the non-matched value:
with :foo = :bar, do: :ok
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: :bar
As with any other function or macro call in Elixir, explicit parens can
also be used around the arguments before the do
iex> opts = %{width: 10, height: 15}
iex> with(
...> {:ok, width} <- Map.fetch(opts, :width),
...> {:ok, height} <- Map.fetch(opts, :height)
...> ) do
...> {:ok, width * height}
...> end
{:ok, 150}
The choice between parens and no parens is a matter of preference.
Else clauses
An else
option can be given to modify what is being returned from
in the case of a failed match:
iex> opts = %{width: 10}
iex> with {:ok, width} <- Map.fetch(opts, :width),
...> {:ok, height} <- Map.fetch(opts, :height) do
...> {:ok, width * height}
...> else
...> :error ->
...> {:error, :wrong_data}
...> _other_error ->
...> :unexpected_error
...> end
{:error, :wrong_data}
The else
block works like a case
: it can have multiple clauses,
and the first match will be used. Variables bound inside with
(such as
in this example) are not available in the else
If an else
block is used and there are no matching clauses, a WithClauseError
exception is raised.
Keep in mind that, one of potential drawback of with
is that all
failure clauses are flattened into a single else
block. For example,
take this code that checks if a given path points to an Elixir file
and that it exists before creating a backup copy:
with ".ex" <- Path.extname(path),
true <- File.exists?(path) do
backup_path = path <> ".backup"
File.cp!(path, backup_path)
{:ok, backup_path}
binary when is_binary(binary) ->
{:error, :invalid_extension}
false ->
{:error, :missing_file}
Note how we are having to reconstruct the result types of Path.extname/1
and File.exists?/1
to build error messages. In this case, it is better
to refactor the code so each <-
already return the desired format in case
of errors, like this:
with :ok <- validate_extension(path),
:ok <- validate_exists(path) do
backup_path = path <> ".backup"
File.cp!(path, backup_path)
{:ok, backup_path}
defp validate_extension(path) do
if Path.extname(path) == ".ex", do: :ok, else: {:error, :invalid_extension}
defp validate_exists(path) do
if File.exists?(path), do: :ok, else: {:error, :missing_file}
Note how the code above is better organized and clearer once we
make sure each <-
in with
returns a normalized format.
Pin operator. Accesses an already bound variable in match clauses.
Elixir allows variables to be rebound via static single assignment:
iex> x = 1
iex> x = x + 1
iex> x
However, in some situations, it is useful to match against an existing
value, instead of rebinding. This can be done with the ^
special form,
colloquially known as the pin operator:
iex> x = 1
iex> ^x = List.first([1])
iex> ^x = List.first([2])
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: 2
Note that ^x
always refers to the value of x
prior to the match. The
following example will match:
iex> x = 0
iex> {x, ^x} = {1, 0}
iex> x
Creates a tuple.
More information about the tuple data type and about functions to manipulate
tuples can be found in the Tuple
module; some functions for working with
tuples are also available in Kernel
(such as Kernel.elem/2
AST representation
Only two-element tuples are considered literals in Elixir and return themselves
when quoted. Therefore, all other tuples are represented in the AST as calls to
the :{}
special form.
iex> quote do
...> {1, 2}
...> end
{1, 2}
iex> quote do
...> {1, 2, 3}
...> end
{:{}, [], [1, 2, 3]}