View Source Protocol behaviour (Elixir v1.18.2)
Reference and functions for working with protocols.
A protocol specifies an API that should be defined by its
implementations. A protocol is defined with Kernel.defprotocol/2
and its implementations with Kernel.defimpl/3
In Elixir, we have two nouns for checking how many items there
are in a data structure: length
and size
. length
means the
information must be computed. For example, length(list)
needs to
traverse the whole list to calculate its length. On the other hand,
and byte_size(binary)
do not depend on the
tuple and binary size as the size information is precomputed in
the data structure.
Although Elixir includes specific functions such as tuple_size
and map_size
, sometimes we want to be able to
retrieve the size of a data structure regardless of its type.
In Elixir we can write polymorphic code, i.e. code that works
with different shapes/types, by using protocols. A size protocol
could be implemented as follows:
defprotocol Size do
@doc "Calculates the size (and not the length!) of a data structure"
def size(data)
Now that the protocol can be implemented for every data structure the protocol may have a compliant implementation for:
defimpl Size, for: BitString do
def size(binary), do: byte_size(binary)
defimpl Size, for: Map do
def size(map), do: map_size(map)
defimpl Size, for: Tuple do
def size(tuple), do: tuple_size(tuple)
Finally, we can use the Size
protocol to call the correct implementation:
Size.size({1, 2})
# => 2
Size.size(%{key: :value})
# => 1
Note that we didn't implement it for lists as we don't have the
information on lists, rather its value needs to be
computed with length
The data structure you are implementing the protocol for must be the first argument to all functions defined in the protocol.
It is possible to implement protocols for all Elixir types:
- Structs (see the "Protocols and Structs" section below)
(see the "Fallback toAny
" section below)
Protocols and Structs
The real benefit of protocols comes when mixed with structs.
For instance, Elixir ships with many data types implemented as
structs, like MapSet
. We can implement the Size
for those types as well:
defimpl Size, for: MapSet do
def size(map_set), do: MapSet.size(map_set)
When implementing a protocol for a struct, the :for
option can
be omitted if the defimpl/3
call is inside the module that defines
the struct:
defmodule User do
defstruct [:email, :name]
defimpl Size do
# two fields
def size(%User{}), do: 2
If a protocol implementation is not found for a given type,
invoking the protocol will raise unless it is configured to
fall back to Any
. Conveniences for building implementations
on top of existing ones are also available, look at defstruct/1
for more information about deriving protocols.
Fallback to Any
In some cases, it may be convenient to provide a default
implementation for all types. This can be achieved by setting
the @fallback_to_any
attribute to true
in the protocol
defprotocol Size do
@fallback_to_any true
def size(data)
The Size
protocol can now be implemented for Any
defimpl Size, for: Any do
def size(_), do: 0
Although the implementation above is arguably not a reasonable
one. For example, it makes no sense to say a PID or an integer
have a size of 0
. That's one of the reasons why @fallback_to_any
is an opt-in behavior. For the majority of protocols, raising
an error when a protocol is not implemented is the proper behavior.
Multiple implementations
Protocols can also be implemented for multiple types at once:
defprotocol Reversible do
def reverse(term)
defimpl Reversible, for: [Map, List] do
def reverse(term), do: Enum.reverse(term)
Inside defimpl/3
, you can use @protocol
to access the protocol
being implemented and @for
to access the module it is being
defined for.
Defining a protocol automatically defines a zero-arity type named t
, which
can be used as follows:
@spec print_size(Size.t()) :: :ok
def print_size(data) do
result =
case Size.size(data) do
0 -> "data has no items"
1 -> "data has one item"
n -> "data has #{n} items"
The @spec
above expresses that all types allowed to implement the
given protocol are valid argument types for the given function.
The following module attributes are available to configure a protocol:
- when true, enables protocol dispatch to fallback to any@undefined_impl_description
- a string with additional description to be used onProtocol.UndefinedError
when looking up the implementation fails. This option is only applied if@fallback_to_any
is not set to true
In order to speed up protocol dispatching, whenever all protocol implementations are known up-front, typically after all Elixir code in a project is compiled, Elixir provides a feature called protocol consolidation. Consolidation directly links protocols to their implementations in a way that invoking a function from a consolidated protocol is equivalent to invoking two remote functions - one to identify the correct implementation, and another to call the implementation.
Protocol consolidation is applied by default to all Mix projects during compilation. This may be an issue during test. For instance, if you want to implement a protocol during test, the implementation will have no effect, as the protocol has already been consolidated. One possible solution is to include compilation directories that are specific to your test environment in your mix.exs:
def project do
elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env())
defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/support"]
defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["lib"]
And then you can define the implementations specific to the test environment
inside test/support/some_file.ex
Another approach is to disable protocol consolidation during tests in your mix.exs:
def project do
consolidate_protocols: Mix.env() != :test
If you are using Mix.install/2
, you can do by passing the consolidate_protocols
consolidate_protocols: false
Although doing so is not recommended as it may affect the performance of your code.
Finally, note all protocols are compiled with debug_info
set to true
regardless of the option set by the elixirc
compiler. The debug info is
used for consolidation and it is removed after consolidation unless
globally set.
An optional callback to be implemented by protocol authors for custom deriving.
A function available in all protocol definitions that returns protocol metadata.
A function available in all protocol definitions that returns the implementation
for the given term
or nil.
A function available in all protocol definitions that returns the implementation
for the given term
or raises.
Checks if the given module is loaded and is an implementation of the given protocol.
Checks if the given module is loaded and is protocol.
Receives a protocol and a list of implementations and consolidates the given protocol.
Returns true
if the protocol was consolidated.
Derives the protocol
for module
with the given options.
Extracts all types implemented for the given protocol from the given paths.
Extracts all protocols from the given paths.
An optional callback to be implemented by protocol authors for custom deriving.
It must return a quoted expression that implements the protocol for the given module.
See Protocol.derive/3
for an example.
@callback __protocol__(:consolidated?) :: boolean()
@callback __protocol__(:functions) :: [{atom(), arity()}]
@callback __protocol__(:impls) :: {:consolidated, [module()]} | :not_consolidated
@callback __protocol__(:module) :: module()
A function available in all protocol definitions that returns protocol metadata.
A function available in all protocol definitions that returns the implementation
for the given term
or nil.
If @fallback_to_any
is true, nil
is never returned.
A function available in all protocol definitions that returns the implementation
for the given term
or raises.
If @fallback_to_any
is true, it never raises.
Checks if the given module is loaded and is an implementation of the given protocol.
Returns :ok
if so, otherwise raises ArgumentError
@spec assert_protocol!(module()) :: :ok
Checks if the given module is loaded and is protocol.
Returns :ok
if so, otherwise raises ArgumentError
@spec consolidate(module(), [module()]) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, :not_a_protocol} | {:error, :no_beam_info}
Receives a protocol and a list of implementations and consolidates the given protocol.
Consolidation happens by changing the protocol impl_for
in the abstract format to have fast lookup rules. Usually
the list of implementations to use during consolidation
are retrieved with the help of extract_impls/2
It returns the updated version of the protocol bytecode.
If the first element of the tuple is :ok
, it means
the protocol was consolidated.
A given bytecode or protocol implementation can be checked to be consolidated or not by analyzing the protocol attribute:
This function does not load the protocol at any point nor loads the new bytecode for the compiled module. However, each implementation must be available and it will be loaded.
Returns true
if the protocol was consolidated.
Derives the protocol
for module
with the given options.
Every time you derive a protocol, Elixir will verify if the protocol
has implemented the Protocol.__deriving__/2
callback. If so,
the callback will be invoked and it should define the implementation
module. Otherwise an implementation that simply points to the Any
implementation is automatically derived.
defprotocol Derivable do
@impl true
defmacro __deriving__(module, options) do
# If you need to load struct metadata, you may call:
# struct_info = Macro.struct_info!(module, __CALLER__)
quote do
defimpl Derivable, for: unquote(module) do
def ok(arg) do
{:ok, arg, unquote(options)}
def ok(arg)
Once the protocol is defined, there are two ways it can be
derived. The first is by using the @derive
module attribute
by the time you define the struct:
defmodule ImplStruct do
@derive [Derivable]
defstruct a: 0, b: 0
#=> {:ok, %ImplStruct{a: 0, b: 0}, []}
If the struct has already been defined, you can call this macro:
require Protocol
Protocol.derive(Derivable, ImplStruct, :oops)
Derivable.ok(%ImplStruct{a: 1, b: 1})
#=> {:ok, %ImplStruct{a: 1, b: 1}, :oops}
Extracts all types implemented for the given protocol from the given paths.
The paths can be either a charlist or a string. Internally they are worked on as charlists, so passing them as lists avoid extra conversion.
Does not load any of the implementations.
# Get Elixir's ebin directory path and retrieve all protocols
iex> path = Application.app_dir(:elixir, "ebin")
iex> mods = Protocol.extract_impls(Enumerable, [path])
iex> List in mods
Extracts all protocols from the given paths.
The paths can be either a charlist or a string. Internally they are worked on as charlists, so passing them as lists avoid extra conversion.
Does not load any of the protocols.
# Get Elixir's ebin directory path and retrieve all protocols
iex> path = Application.app_dir(:elixir, "ebin")
iex> mods = Protocol.extract_protocols([path])
iex> Enumerable in mods