Elixir v1.2.6 Regex

Provides regular expressions for Elixir. Built on top of Erlang’s :re module.

As the :re module, Regex is based on PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions). More information can be found in the :re module documentation.

Regular expressions in Elixir can be created using Regex.compile!/2 or using the special form with ~r or ~R:

# A simple regular expressions that matches foo anywhere in the string

# A regular expression with case insensitive and unicode options

A Regex is represented internally as the Regex struct. Therefore, %Regex{} can be used whenever there is a need to match on them.


The modifiers available when creating a Regex are:

  • unicode (u) - enables unicode specific patterns like \p and change modifiers like \w, \W, \s and friends to also match on unicode. It expects valid unicode strings to be given on match

  • caseless (i) - add case insensitivity

  • dotall (s) - causes dot to match newlines and also set newline to anycrlf; the new line setting can be overridden by setting (*CR) or (*LF) or (*CRLF) or (*ANY) according to re documentation

  • multiline (m) - causes ^ and $ to mark the beginning and end of each line; use \A and \z to match the end or beginning of the string

  • extended (x) - whitespace characters are ignored except when escaped and allow # to delimit comments

  • firstline (f) - forces the unanchored pattern to match before or at the first newline, though the matched text may continue over the newline

  • ungreedy (U) - inverts the “greediness” of the regexp (the previous r option is deprecated in favor of U)

The options not available are:

  • anchored - not available, use ^ or \A instead
  • dollar_endonly - not available, use \z instead
  • no_auto_capture - not available, use ?: instead
  • newline - not available, use (*CR) or (*LF) or (*CRLF) or (*ANYCRLF) or (*ANY) at the beginning of the regexp according to the re documentation


Many functions in this module handle what to capture in a regex match via the :capture option. The supported values are:

  • :all - all captured subpatterns including the complete matching string (this is the default)

  • :first - only the first captured subpattern, which is always the complete matching part of the string; all explicitly captured subpatterns are discarded

  • :all_but_first- all but the first matching subpattern, i.e. all explicitly captured subpatterns, but not the complete matching part of the string

  • :none - do not return matching subpatterns at all

  • :all_names - captures all names in the Regex

  • list(binary) - a list of named captures to capture



Compiles the regular expression

Compiles the regular expression according to the given options. Fails with Regex.CompileError if the regex cannot be compiled

Escapes a string to be literally matched in a regex

Returns a boolean indicating whether there was a match or not

Returns the given captures as a map or nil if no captures are found. The option :return can be set to :index to get indexes back

Returns a list of names in the regex

Returns the regex options as a string

Returns the underlying re_pattern in the regular expression

Returns true if the given term is a regex. Otherwise returns false

Receives a regex, a binary and a replacement, returns a new binary where all matches are replaced by the replacement

Runs the regular expression against the given string until the first match. It returns a list with all captures or nil if no match occurred

Same as run/3, but scans the target several times collecting all matches of the regular expression

Returns the regex source as a binary

Splits the given target based on the given pattern and in the given number of parts


t() :: %Regex{opts: binary, re_pattern: term, source: binary}


compile(source, options \\ "")
compile(binary, binary | [term]) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, any}
compile(binary, binary | [term]) :: t

Compiles the regular expression.

The given options can either be a binary with the characters representing the same regex options given to the ~r sigil, or a list of options, as expected by the Erlang’s :re module.

It returns {:ok, regex} in case of success, {:error, reason} otherwise.


iex> Regex.compile("foo")
{:ok, ~r"foo"}

iex> Regex.compile("*foo")
{:error, {'nothing to repeat', 0}}
compile!(source, options \\ "")

Compiles the regular expression according to the given options. Fails with Regex.CompileError if the regex cannot be compiled.

escape(String.t) :: String.t

Escapes a string to be literally matched in a regex.


iex> Regex.escape(".")

iex> Regex.escape("\\what if")
"\\\\what\\ if"
match?(regex, string)
match?(t, String.t) :: boolean

Returns a boolean indicating whether there was a match or not.


iex> Regex.match?(~r/foo/, "foo")

iex> Regex.match?(~r/foo/, "bar")
named_captures(regex, string, options \\ [])
named_captures(t, String.t, [term]) :: map | nil

Returns the given captures as a map or nil if no captures are found. The option :return can be set to :index to get indexes back.


iex> Regex.named_captures(~r/c(?<foo>d)/, "abcd")
%{"foo" => "d"}

iex> Regex.named_captures(~r/a(?<foo>b)c(?<bar>d)/, "abcd")
%{"bar" => "d", "foo" => "b"}

iex> Regex.named_captures(~r/a(?<foo>b)c(?<bar>d)/, "efgh")
names(t) :: [String.t]

Returns a list of names in the regex.


iex> Regex.names(~r/(?<foo>bar)/)
opts(t) :: String.t

Returns the regex options as a string.


iex> Regex.opts(~r(foo)m)
re_pattern(t) :: term

Returns the underlying re_pattern in the regular expression.

regex?(t) :: true
regex?(any) :: false

Returns true if the given term is a regex. Otherwise returns false.


iex> Regex.regex?(~r/foo/)

iex> Regex.regex?(0)
replace(regex, string, replacement, options \\ [])
replace(t, String.t, String.t | (... -> String.t), [term]) :: String.t

Receives a regex, a binary and a replacement, returns a new binary where all matches are replaced by the replacement.

The replacement can be either a string or a function. The string is used as a replacement for every match and it allows specific captures to be accessed via \\N or \g{N}, where N is the capture. In case \\0 is used, the whole match is inserted.

When the replacement is a function, the function may have arity N where each argument maps to a capture, with the first argument being the whole match. If the function expects more arguments than captures found, the remaining arguments will receive "".


  • :global - when false, replaces only the first occurrence (defaults to true)


iex> Regex.replace(~r/d/, "abc", "d")

iex> Regex.replace(~r/b/, "abc", "d")

iex> Regex.replace(~r/b/, "abc", "[\\0]")

iex> Regex.replace(~r/a(b|d)c/, "abcadc", "[\\1]")

iex> Regex.replace(~r/\.(\d)$/, "500.5", ".\\g{1}0")

iex> Regex.replace(~r/a(b|d)c/, "abcadc", fn _, x -> "[#{x}]" end)

iex> Regex.replace(~r/a/, "abcadc", "A", global: false)
run(regex, string, options \\ [])
run(t, binary, [term]) ::
  nil |
  [binary] |
  [{integer, integer}]

Runs the regular expression against the given string until the first match. It returns a list with all captures or nil if no match occurred.


  • :return - set to :index to return indexes. Defaults to :binary.
  • :capture - what to capture in the result. Check the moduledoc for Regex to see the possible capture values.


iex> Regex.run(~r/c(d)/, "abcd")
["cd", "d"]

iex> Regex.run(~r/e/, "abcd")

iex> Regex.run(~r/c(d)/, "abcd", return: :index)
[{2, 2}, {3, 1}]
scan(regex, string, options \\ [])
scan(t, String.t, [term]) :: [[String.t]]

Same as run/3, but scans the target several times collecting all matches of the regular expression.

A list of lists is returned, where each entry in the primary list represents a match and each entry in the secondary list represents the captured contents.


  • :return - set to :index to return indexes. Defaults to :binary.
  • :capture - what to capture in the result. Check the moduledoc for Regex to see the possible capture values.


iex> Regex.scan(~r/c(d|e)/, "abcd abce")
[["cd", "d"], ["ce", "e"]]

iex> Regex.scan(~r/c(?:d|e)/, "abcd abce")
[["cd"], ["ce"]]

iex> Regex.scan(~r/e/, "abcd")
source(t) :: String.t

Returns the regex source as a binary.


iex> Regex.source(~r(foo))
split(regex, string, options \\ [])
split(t, String.t, [term]) :: [String.t]

Splits the given target based on the given pattern and in the given number of parts.


  • :parts - when specified, splits the string into the given number of parts. If not specified, :parts defaults to :infinity, which will split the string into the maximum number of parts possible based on the given pattern.

  • :trim - when true, removes empty strings ("") from the result.

  • :on - specifies which captures to split the string on, and in what order. Defaults to :first which means captures inside the regex do not affect the splitting process.


iex> Regex.split(~r/-/, "a-b-c")
["a", "b", "c"]

iex> Regex.split(~r/-/, "a-b-c", [parts: 2])
["a", "b-c"]

iex> Regex.split(~r/-/, "abc")

iex> Regex.split(~r//, "abc")
["a", "b", "c", ""]

iex> Regex.split(~r/a(?<second>b)c/, "abc")
["", ""]

iex> Regex.split(~r/a(?<second>b)c/, "abc", on: [:second])
["a", "c"]