elixirfm v0.1.2 Elixirfm.Chart

Wrapper for Last.fm Chart endpoints.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

Link to this type chart_opts()
chart_opts() :: [page: non_neg_integer(), limit: non_neg_integer()]

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function get_top_artists(args \\ [page: 1, limit: 30])
get_top_artists(chart_opts()) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get the top artists chart

Link to this function get_top_tags(args \\ [page: 1, limit: 30])
get_top_tags(chart_opts()) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get the top tags chart

Link to this function get_top_tracks(args \\ [page: 1, limit: 30])
get_top_tracks(chart_opts()) :: Elixirfm.response()

Get the top tracks chart