elixirfm v0.1.2 Elixirfm.RequestError
You may receive one of the following error codes from your webservices request. Some indicate errors you may encounter in development (e.g. “10: Invalid API key”), and some indicate errors you may encounter and need to handle in normal operation (e.g. “20: Not Enough Content”)
1 : This error does not exist 2 : Invalid service - This service does not exist 3 : Invalid Method - No method with that name in this package 4 : Authentication Failed - You do not have permissions to access the service 5 : Invalid format - This service doesn’t exist in that format 6 : Invalid parameters - Your request is missing a required parameter 7 : Invalid resource specified 8 : Operation failed - Most likely the backend service failed. Please try again. 9 : Invalid session key - Please re-authenticate 10 : _Invalid API key - You must be granted a valid key by last.fm 11 : Service Offline - This service is temporarily offline. Try again later. 12 : Subscribers Only - This station is only available to paid last.fm subscribers 13 : Invalid method signature supplied 14 : Unauthorized Token - This token has not been authorized 15 : This item is not available for streaming. 16 : The service is temporarily unavailable, please try again. 17 : Login: User requires to be logged in 18 : Trial Expired - This user has no free radio plays left. Subscription required. 19 : This error does not exist 20 : Not Enough Content - There is not enough content to play this station 21 : Not Enough Members - This group does not have enough members for radio 22 : Not Enough Fans - This artist does not have enough fans for for radio 23 : Not Enough Neighbours - There are not enough neighbours for radio 24 : No Peak Radio - This user is not allowed to listen to radio during peak usage 25 : Radio Not Found - Radio station not found 26 : API Key Suspended - This application is not allowed to make requests to the web services 27 : Deprecated - This type of request is no longer supported 29 : Rate Limit Exceded - Your IP has made too many requests in a short period, exceeding our API guidelines