View Source Backends

Envío supports configurable backends as subscribers with very little to none code. It comes with the following backends out of the box:

  • Slack — a subscriber to envíos that sends all the incoming messages to the preconfigured slack channel
  • IO, ..., more coming

Backend is basically a supervised GenServer that implements Envio.Backend behaviour. Backends, provided by the core are generated based on the configuration. The typical config looks like this (example for Envio.Slack):

config :envio, :backends, %{
  Envio.Slack => %{
    {MyPub, :main} => [
      hook_url: {:system, "SLACK_ENVIO_HOOK_URL"}

Envio.Slack, used as a key, is a name of the module that implements the Envio.Backend behaviour (currently it’s the single function Envio.Backend.on_envio/2 that receives a message when published by the publisher.) The value assigned to the key is a map of {Envio.Publisher, :channel} tuples to the list of arguments that will be injected into the message under :meta key.

When the publisher emits, say, %{title: "Pi reminder", text: "Recall pi value now!", pi: 3.14} envío, the %{meta: %{hook_url: "my_slack_hook_url"}} will be merged into the message for the further processing by the backend. Typically, the backend will extract this meta information out of the message using

{meta, message_without_meta} = Utils.get_delete(message, :meta)

and use this information for the backend-specific actions (e. g. what channel to post the message to in the case of Slack.)

Implementation details

Slack backends understands four predefined keys:

  • title — is treated as title of the message
  • text, message — both are treated as a message body, formatted as pretext
  • level — the message “level” that affects the color of the left bar and the icon.

All other keys are treated as values, put as short and long attachments depending on their length (those longer than 32 symbols take the whole line in the slack attachments output.)

Slacking using Envío

It has never easier. Once your application uses Envío as a publisher, broadcasting messages to the channel named my_app/my_module.main_channel (the latter means messages are published by MyApp.MyModule that has use Envio.Publisher, channel: :main_channel, using broadcast(message), or you have a generic pub_sub publisher registered in Envio.Registry using standard Elixir Registry functions,) simply add the following to the configuration file:

config :envio, :backends, %{
  Envio.Slack => %{
    {MyApp.MyModule, :main_channel} => [
      # one might simply put a channel name here as binary,
      #  but I don’t recommend that since it’s kinda credentials
      hook_url: {:system, "SLACK_ENVIO_HOOK_URL"}

Well, that’s it. Your application is now Slack-enabled.

Example from Envío tests

To test Envío’s backend functionality I used plain old good IO.inspect backend with ExUnit.CaptureIO as a checker:

defmodule Envio.IOBackend do
  @moduledoc false

  @behaviour Envio.Backend

  @impl Envio.Backend
  def on_envio(message, meta) do
    IO.inspect(message, label: "[★Envío★]")

The above is a fully valid backend implementation, that subscribes to the :backends channel of the Spitter.Registry ckass defined in test_helper.exs (the excerpt is from test.exs config):

config :envio, :backends, %{
  Envio.IOBackend => %{{Spitter.Registry, :backends} => []}

Once emitted by Spitter.Registry, this message will be published to the standard output:

[Envío]: %{bar: 42, meta: %{}}

For distributed backend over Phoenix.PubSub.PG2 one might use the following config:

config :envio, :backends, %{
  Envio.IOBackend.PG2 => %{"main" => [manager: :phoenix_pub_sub]}