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Envío is basically a GenEvent², the modern idiomatic pub-sub implementation of event passing.

In a nutshell, Envío is a set of handy tools to simplify dealing with Elixir Registry. It includes the instance of Registry to be used out of the box, scaffolds for producing publishers and subscribers.

It is built using “convention over configuration” approach, preserving the whole low-level control over the registry entries.

Just add the application :envio into your list of extra applications and the default Envio.Registry will be started and managed automagically.

def application do
    mod: {MyApplication, []},
    extra_applications: ~w|envio ...|a

Creating a publisher

To create a publisher just use Envio.Publisher in the module that should publish messages to the subscribers. Once use Envio.Publisher is used, broadcast/2 function becomes available. If the optional channel: argument is passed to use Envio.Publisher, this channel is considered the default one and broadcast/1 function appears to publish directly to the default channel.

defmodule MyPub do
  use Envio.Publisher, channel: :main

  def publish(channel, what), do: broadcast(channel, what)
  def publish(what), do: broadcast(what)

Another option that might be passed to use Envio.Publisher is manager:, that might be either :registry (default,) or :phoenix_pub_sub to use Phoenix.PubSub for distributed message broadcasting.

Creating a subscriber


Simply register the handler anywhere in the code:

  {MySub, :on_envio}, # the function of arity 2 must exist
  dispatch: %Envio.Channel{source: MyPub, name: :main}

As MyPub publishes to the :main channel, MySub.on_envio/2 will be called with a message passed as parameter.


Use Envio.Subscriber helper to scaffold the registry subscriber. Implement handle_envio/2 for custom message handling. The default implementation collects last 10 messages in it’s state. This amount might be adjusted by changing :envio, :subscriber_queue_size application environment setting.

The implementation below subscribes to :main channel provided by MyPub publisher and prints out each subsequent incoming message to standard output.

defmodule PubSucker do
  use Envio.Subscriber, channels: [{MyPub, :main}]

  def handle_envio(message, state) do
    {:noreply, state} = super(message, state)
    IO.inspect({message, state}, label: "Received")
    {:noreply, state}


Use manager: :phoenix_pub_sub for distributed message broadcasting. The implementation below subscribes to "main" channel in the distributed OTP environment and prints out each subsequent incoming message to standard output.

defmodule Pg2Sucker do
  use Envio.Subscriber, channels: ["main"], manager: :phoenix_pub_sub

  def handle_envio(message, state) do
    {:noreply, state} = super(message, state)
    IO.inspect({message, state}, label: "Received")
    {:noreply, state}

The publisher this subscriber might be listening to would look like

defmodule Pg2Spitter do
  use Envio.Publisher, manager: :phoenix_pub_sub, channel: "main"
  def spit(channel, what), do: broadcast(channel, what)
  def spit(what), do: broadcast(what)