View Source API Reference EventStreamex v1.3.1
The event streaming system supervisor.
Listens for new database WAL events in a Phoenix.LiveView
This module can be used in schema modules and is necessary to mark an entity for event listening.
This module is called last for each event.
Executes the operator tasks when an event is received.
Behaviour to handle errors with operators (EventStreamex.Operators.Operator
An error logger adapter that writes logs in the console.
An operator listens for events and will usually create/update/delete another entity based on those events.
Handle the process status of entities.
A database queue adapter.
Do not store the process status.
Behaviour for the process status storage.
Handle the queue of operators to process.
A database queue adapter.
Adapter that does nothing with the queue.
Behaviour for the queue storage.
Is responsible for starting operators as soon as an event is received.
Module responsible for launching the event streaming system.