ExAirtable.Table behaviour (ExAirtable v0.2.9) View Source

The Table behaviour allows you to define your own modules that use Airtables.

It is a thin wrapper around Service, but often more convenient to use.


defmodule MyTable do
  use ExAirtable.Table

  def base, do: %ExAirtable.Config.Base{
    id: "your base ID",
    api_key: "your api key"
  def name, do: "My Airtable Table Name"

iex> MyTable.list()

iex> MyTable.retrieve("rec123")

Link to this section Summary


A valid %ExAirtable.Config.Base{} config for your table.

(Optional) A map of parameters that you wish to send to Airtable when either list/1 or list_async/1 is called.

The name of your table within Airtable

(Optional) A map converting Airtable field names to local schema field names.

Link to this section Callbacks


A valid %ExAirtable.Config.Base{} config for your table.

Often this will end up being in the application configuration somewhere, for example:

# ... in your mix.config
config :my_app, Airtable.Base, %{
  id: "base id",
  api_key: "api key"

# ... in your table module
def base do
  struct(ExAirtable.Config.Base, Application.get_env(:my_all, Airtable.Base))
Link to this callback


View Source (optional)


list_params() :: Keyword.t()

(Optional) A map of parameters that you wish to send to Airtable when either list/1 or list_async/1 is called.

You would define this if you want your local MyTable.list and ExAirtable.list(MyTable) functions to always return a filtered query from Airtable.


# To filter records by a boolean "Approved" field, and only return the "Name" and "Picture", your params might look like this:
def list_params do
    filterByFormula: "{Approved}",
    fields: "Name",
    fields: "Picture"

See here for more details about the available Airtable List API options.


name() :: String.t()

The name of your table within Airtable


schema() :: map()

(Optional) A map converting Airtable field names to local schema field names.

This is handy for situations (passing attributes to ecto schemas, for example) where you may want different in-app field names than the fields you get from Airtable.

If you don't define this method, the default is to simply use Airtable field names as the schema.


# If you want atom field names for your schema map...
def schema do
    "Airtable Field Name" => :local_field_name,
    "Other Airtable Field" => :other_local_field

iex> ExAirtable.Airtable.Record.to_schema(record, MyTable.schema)
%{airtable_id: "rec1234", local_field_name: "value", other_local_field: "other value"}

# If you want string field names for your schema map...
def schema do
    "Airtable Field Name" => "local_field_name",
    "Other Airtable Field" => "other_local_field"

iex> ExAirtable.Airtable.Record.to_schema(record, MyTable.schema)
%{"airtable_id" => "rec1234", "local_field_name" => "value", "other_local_field" => "other value"}

See also to_schema/1 and from_schema/1.