
You're seeing just the function batch_write, go back to ExAliyunOts module for more information.
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batch_write(instance, requests, options \\ [])

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batch_write(instance(), requests :: list(), options()) :: result()

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

batch_write [
  {"table1", [
    write_delete([{"key1", 5}, {"key2", "5"}],
      return_type: :pk,
      condition: condition(:expect_exist, "attr1" == 5)),
    write_put([{"key1", 6}, {"key2", "6"}],
      [{"new_put_val1", "val1"}, {"new_put_val2", "val2"}],
      condition: condition(:expect_not_exist),
      return_type: :pk)
  {"table2", [
    write_update([{"key1", "new_tab3_id2"}],
      put: [{"new_put1", "u1"}, {"new_put2", 2.5}],
      condition: condition(:expect_not_exist)),
    write_put([{"key1", "new_tab3_id3"}],
      [{"new_put1", "put1"}, {"new_put2", 10}],
      condition: condition(:expect_not_exist))

The batch write operation can be considered as a collection of multiple write_put/3, write_update/2 and write_delete/2 operations.


  • :transaction_id, optional, batch write operation within local transaction.
  • :is_atomic, optional, defaults to false, whether set this batch write request be with an atomic operation, if this option is true, keep the partition key of each table in the batch write operation is unique, or the corresponding write operation of the table will fail.