View Source ExAliyunOts (ex_aliyun_ots v0.15.2)

The ExAliyunOts module provides a tablestore-based API as a client for working with Alibaba TableStore product servers.

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config :ex_aliyun_ots, :my_instance
  name: "MyInstanceName",
  endpoint: "MyInstanceEndpoint",
  access_key_id: "MyAliyunRAMKeyID",
  access_key_secret: "MyAliyunRAMKeySecret"

config :ex_aliyun_ots,
  instances: [:my_instance],
  debug: false,
  enable_tunnel: false
  • debug, optional, specifies whether to enable debug logger, by default it's false, and please DO NOT use debug mode in production.
  • enable_tunnel, optional, specifies whether to enable tunnel functions, there will startup tunnel related Supervisor and Registry when enable it, by default it's false.

Using ExAliyunOts

To use ExAliyunOts, a module that calls use ExAliyunOts has to be defined:

defmodule MyApp.TableStore do
  use ExAliyunOts, instance: :my_instance

This automatically defines some macros and functions in the MyApp.TableStore module, here are some examples:

import MyApp.TableStore

# Create table
create_table "table",
  [{"pk1", :integer}, {"pk2", :string}]

# Put row
put_row "table",
  [{"pk1", "id1"}],
  [{"attr1", 10}, {"attr2", "attr2_value"}],
  condition: :expect_not_exist,
  return_type: :pk

# Search index
search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: match_query("age", 28),
    sort: [
      field_sort("age", order: :desc)

# Local transaction
start_local_transaction "table", {"partition_key", "partition_value"}

ExAliyunOts API

There are two ways to use ExAliyunOts:

  • using macros and functions from your own ExAliyunOts module, like MyApp.TableStore.
  • using macros and functions from the ExAliyunOts module.

All defined functions and macros in ExAliyunOts are available and referable for your own ExAliyunOts module as well, except that the given arity of functions may different, because the instance parameter of each invoke request is NOT needed from your own ExAliyunOts module although the ExAliyunOts module defines it.




import MyApp.TableStore

columns = [
    {"attr1", :string},
    {"attr2", :integer},
    {"attr3", :boolean},
    {"attr4", :double},
    {"attr5", :binary}

add_defined_columns("table", columns)


import MyApp.TableStore

delete_defined_columns("table", ["attr1", "attr2"])

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Similar to condition/1 and support use filter expression (please see filter/1) as well, please refer them for details.

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Used in batch get operation, please see batch_get/2 for details.

As a wrapper built on get_range/5 to fetch a full matched data set by iterate, if process a large items, recommend to use stream_range/5.

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As a wrapper built on get_range/5 to create composable and lazy enumerable stream for iteration.

Used in batch write operation, please see batch_write/2 for details.

Used in batch write operation, please see batch_write/2 for details.

Used in batch write operation, please see batch_write/2 for details.


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add_defined_columns(instance, table_name, defined_columns)

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@spec add_defined_columns(
  defined_columns :: [{String.t(), atom()}]
) ::


import MyApp.TableStore

columns = [
    {"attr1", :string},
    {"attr2", :integer},
    {"attr3", :boolean},
    {"attr4", :double},
    {"attr5", :binary}

add_defined_columns("table", columns)
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compute_split_points_by_size(instance, table_name, splits_size)

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@spec compute_split_points_by_size(instance(), table_name(), splits_size :: integer()) ::

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create_index(instance, table_name, index_name, primary_keys, defined_columns, options \\ [])

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@spec create_index(
  primary_keys :: [String.t()],
  defined_columns :: [String.t()],
) :: :ok | {:error, ExAliyunOts.Error.t()}

Create secondary indexes. Official document in Chinese | English


# global secondary index
create_index "table_name",
  ["col0", "pk2"],
  ["col1", "col2"]

# local secondary index
create_index "table_name",
  ["pk0", "col1"],
  ["col2", "col3"],
  index_type: :local

# do NOT include existing data in base table
create_index "table_name",
  ["col0", "pk1"],
  ["col1", "col2", "col3"],
  include_base_data: false


  • :index_type, the type of the index, optional. Valid values: :global and :local. By default it is :global.

    • If :index_type is not specified or is set to :global, the global secondary index feature is used. If you use the global secondary index feature, Tablestore automatically synchronizes the columns to be indexed and data in primary key columns from a data table to an index table in asynchronous mode. The synchronization latency is within a few milliseconds.
    • If :index_type is set to :local, the local secondary index feature is used. If you use the local secondary index feature, Tablestore automatically synchronizes data from the indexed columns and the primary key columns of a data table to the columns of an index table in synchronous mode. After the data is written to the data table, you can query the data from the index table.
  • :include_base_data, specifies whether the index table includes the existing data in the base table, if set it to true means the index includes the existing data, if set it to false means the index excludes the existing data, optional, by default it is true.

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create_table(instance, table_name, primary_keys, options \\ [])

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@spec create_table(instance(), table_name(), primary_keys(), options()) ::
  :ok | {:error, ExAliyunOts.Error.t()}

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create_table "table_name2",
  [{"key1", :string}, {"key2", :auto_increment}]

create_table "table_name3",
  [{"key1", :string}],
  reserved_throughput_write: 1,
  reserved_throughput_read: 1,
  time_to_live: 100_000,
  max_versions: 3,
  deviation_cell_version_in_sec: 6_400,
  stream_spec: [is_enabled: true, expiration_time: 2]

create_table "table_name",
  [{"key1", :string}],
  defined_columns: [
    {"attr1", :string},
    {"attr2", :integer},
    {"attr3", :boolean},
    {"attr4", :double},
    {"attr5", :binary}

create_table "table_name",
  [{"key1", :string}, {"key2", :string}],
  defined_columns: [
    {"attr1", :string},
    {"attr2", :integer},
    {"attr3", :boolean},
    {"attr4", :double}
  index_metas: [
    {"index_global1", ["attr2", "key2"], ["attr1", "attr3"]},
    {"index_global2", ["attr3", "key1"], ["attr1", "attr2"], index_type: :global},
    {"index_local", ["key1", "attr1"], ["attr4"], index_type: :local}


  • :reserved_throughput_write, optional, the reserved throughput write of table, by default it is 0.
  • :reserved_throughput_read, optional, the reserved throughput read of table, by default it is 0.
  • time_to_live, optional, the data storage time to live in seconds, the minimum settable value is 864_000 seconds (one day), by default it is -1 (for permanent).
  • :max_versions, optional, the version of table, by default it is 1 that specifies there is only one version for columns.
  • :deviation_cell_version_in_sec, optional, maximum version deviation, by default it is 864_000 seconds (one day).
  • :stream_spec, specifies whether enable stream, by default it is not enable stream feature.
    • :is_enabled, enable or not enable stream, use true or false;
    • :expiration_time, the expiration time of stream.
  • :index_metas, optional, the index meta of table, each item of :index_metas is in {String.t(), list(), list()} | {String.t(), list(), list(), Keyword.t()} format, by default it is [].

  • :defined_columns, optional, the indexed attribute column, which is a combination of predefined columns of the base table, each item of :defined_columns is in {String.t(), :integer | :double | :boolean | :string | :binary} format, by default it is [].
  • enable_local_txn, optional, specifies whether to enable the local transaction feature. The value of this parameter is of the :boolean type. Default value: false. If you want to enable the local transaction feature when you create a data table, set this parameter to true.
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delete_defined_columns(instance, table_name, defined_columns)

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@spec delete_defined_columns(
  defined_columns :: [String.t()]
) :: result()


import MyApp.TableStore

delete_defined_columns("table", ["attr1", "attr2"])
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delete_index(instance, table_name, index_name)

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@spec delete_index(instance(), table_name(), index_name()) ::
  :ok | {:error, ExAliyunOts.Error.t()}

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import MyApp.TableStore

delete_index("table_name", "index_name")
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delete_table(instance, table_name)

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@spec delete_table(instance(), table_name()) :: :ok | {:error, ExAliyunOts.Error.t()}

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import MyApp.TableStore

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describe_table(instance, table_name)

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@spec describe_table(instance(), table_name()) :: result()

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import MyApp.TableStore

@spec list_table(instance()) :: result()

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import MyApp.TableStore

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update_table(instance, table_name, options \\ [])

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@spec update_table(instance(), table_name(), options()) :: result()

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import MyApp.TableStore

update_table "table_name",
  reserved_throughput_write: 10,
  time_to_live: 200_000,
  stream_spec: [is_enabled: false]


Please see options of create_table/4.


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batch_get(instance, requests)

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@spec batch_get(instance(), requests :: list()) :: result()

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import MyApp.TableStore

batch_get [
  get(table_name1, [[{"key1", 1}, {"key2", "1"}]]),
    [{"key1", "key1"}],
    columns_to_get: ["name", "age"],
    filter: filter "age" >= 10

The batch get operation can be considered as a collection of mulitple get/3 operations.

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batch_write(instance, requests, options \\ [])

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@spec batch_write(instance(), requests :: list(), options()) :: result()

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import MyApp.TableStore

batch_write [
  {"table1", [
    write_delete([{"key1", 5}, {"key2", "5"}],
      return_type: :pk,
      condition: condition(:expect_exist, "attr1" == 5)),
    write_put([{"key1", 6}, {"key2", "6"}],
      [{"new_put_val1", "val1"}, {"new_put_val2", "val2"}],
      condition: condition(:expect_not_exist),
      return_type: :pk)
  {"table2", [
    write_update([{"key1", "new_tab3_id2"}],
      put: [{"new_put1", "u1"}, {"new_put2", 2.5}],
      condition: :expect_not_exist),
    write_put([{"key1", "new_tab3_id3"}],
      [{"new_put1", "put1"}, {"new_put2", 10}],
      condition: :expect_not_exist)

The batch write operation can be considered as a collection of multiple write_put/3, write_update/2 and write_delete/2 operations.


  • :transaction_id, optional, batch write operation within local transaction.
  • :is_atomic, optional, defaults to false, whether set this batch write request be with an atomic operation, if this option is true, keep the partition key of each table in the batch write operation is unique, or the corresponding write operation of the table will fail.
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@spec condition(row_existence()) :: map()

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import MyApp.TableStore

update_row "table", [{"pk", "pk1"}],
  delete_all: ["attr1", "attr2"],
  return_type: :pk,
  condition: condition(:expect_exist)

The available existence options: :expect_exist | :expect_not_exist | :ignore, here are some use cases for your reference:

Use condition(:expect_exist), expect the primary keys to row is existed.

  • for put_row/5, if the primary keys have auto increment column type, meanwhile the target primary keys row is existed, only use condition(:expect_exist) can successfully overwrite the row.
  • for update_row/4, if the primary keys have auto increment column type, meanwhile the target primary keys row is existed, only use condition(:expect_exist) can successfully update the row.
  • for delete_row/4, no matter what primary keys type are, use condition(:expect_exist) can successfully delete the row.

Use condition(:expect_not_exist), expect the primary_keys to row is not existed.

  • for put_row/5, if the primary keys have auto increment type,
    • while the target primary keys row is existed, only use condition(:expect_exist) can successfully put the row;
    • while the target primary keys row is not existed, only use condition(:ignore) can successfully put the row.

Use condition(:ignore), ignore the row existence check

  • for put_row/5, if the primary keys have auto increment column type, meanwhile the target primary keys row is not existed, only use condition(:ignore) can successfully put the row.
  • for update_row/4, if the primary keys have auto increment column type, meanwhile the target primary keys row is not existed, only use condition(:ignore) can successfully update the row.
  • for delete_row/4, no matter what primary keys type are, use condition(:ignore) can successfully delete the row if existed.

The batch_write/3 operation is a collection of put_row / update_row / delete_row operations.

Link to this macro

condition(row_existence, filter_expr)

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Similar to condition/1 and support use filter expression (please see filter/1) as well, please refer them for details.


import MyApp.TableStore

delete_row "table",
  [{"key", "key1"}, {"key2", "key2"}],
  condition: condition(:expect_exist, "attr_column" == "value2")
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delete_row(instance, table_name, primary_keys, options \\ [])

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@spec delete_row(instance(), table_name(), primary_keys(), options()) :: result()

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import MyApp.TableStore

delete_row "table1",
  [{"key1", 3}, {"key2", "3"}],
  condition: condition(:expect_exist, "attr2" == "value2")

delete_row "table1",
  [{"key1", 3}, {"key2", "3"}],
  condition: condition(:expect_exist, "attr2" == "value2"),
  transaction_id: "transaction_id"


  • :condition, required, please see condition/1 or condition/2 for details.
  • :transaction_id, optional, write operation within local transaction.
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import MyApp.TableStore

get_row table_name1, [{"key", "key1"}],
  columns_to_get: ["name", "level"],
  filter: filter(
    ({"name", ignore_if_missing: true, latest_version_only: true} == var_name and "age" > 1) or
      ("class" == "1")

batch_get [
    [{"key", "key1"}],
    filter: filter "age" >= 10

put_row(table_name1, [{"key", "key1"}], [{"type", "t:5"}])

# Use `~r/\d+/` regex expression to fetch the matched part (in this case it is "5") from
# the attribute column field, and then cast it into an integer for the "==" comparator.
get_row table_name1, [{"key", "key1"}],
  filter: filter(
    {"type", value_trans_rule: {~r/\d+/, :integer}} == 5


  • ignore_if_missing, used when attribute column not existed.
    • if a attribute column is not existed, when set ignore_if_missing: true in filter expression, there will ignore this row data in the returned result;
    • if a attribute column is existed, the returned result won't be affected no matter true or false was set.
  • latest_version_only, used when attribute column has multiple versions.
    • if set latest_version_only: true, there will only check the value of the latest version is matched or not, by default it's set as latest_version_only: true;
    • if set latest_version_only: false, there will check the value of all versions are matched or not.
  • value_trans_rule, optional, a two-element tuple contains a Regex expression and one of [:integer, :double, :string] atom as a cast type, the regex expression matched part will be cast into the corresponding type and then use it into the current condition comparator.
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get(table_name, primary_keys, options \\ [])

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@spec get(table_name(), primary_keys(), options()) :: map()

Used in batch get operation, please see batch_get/2 for details.


The available options are same as get_row/4.

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get_range(instance, table_name, inclusive_start_primary_keys, exclusive_end_primary_keys, options \\ [])

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import MyApp.TableStore

get_range "table_name",
  [{"key1", 1}, {"key2", :inf_min}],
  [{"key1", 4}, {"key2", :inf_max}],
  direction: :forward

get_range "table_name",
  [{"key1", 1}, {"key2", :inf_min}],
  [{"key1", 4}, {"key2", :inf_max}],
  time_range: {1525922253224, 1525923253224},
  direction: :forward

get_range "table_name",
  [{"key1", 1}, {"key2", :inf_min}],
  [{"key1", 4}, {"key2", :inf_max}],
  time_range: 1525942123224,
  direction: :forward

Also, there is an alternative stream_range/5 to iteratively get range of rows in stream.


  • :direction, required, the order of fetch data, available options are :forward | :backward, by it is :forward.

    • :forward, this query is performed in the order of primary key in ascending, in this case, input inclusive_start_primary_keys should less than exclusive_end_primary_keys;
    • :backward, this query is performed in the order of primary key in descending, in this case, input inclusive_start_primary_keys should greater than exclusive_end_primary_keys.
  • :columns_to_get, optional, fetch the special fields, by default it returns all fields, pass a field list to specify the expected return fields, e.g. ["field1", "field2"].
  • :start_column, optional, specifies the start column when using for wide-row-read, the returned result contains this :start_column.
  • :end_column, optional, specifies the end column when using for wide-row-read, the returned result does not contain this :end_column.
  • :filter, optional, filter the return results in the server side, please see filter/1 for details.
  • :max_versions, optional, how many versions need to return in results, by default it is 1.
  • :transaction_id, optional, read operation within local transaction.
  • :limit, optional, the maximum number of rows of data to be returned, this value must be greater than 0, whether this option is set or not, there returns a maximum of 5,000 data rows and the total data size never exceeds 4 MB.
  • :time_range, optional, read data by timestamp range, support two ways to use it:
    • time_range: {start_timestamp, end_timestamp}, the timestamp in the range (include start_timestamp but exclude end_timestamp) and then will return in the results.
    • time_range: special_timestamp, exactly match and then will return in the results.
    • :time_range and :max_versions are mutually exclusive, by default use max_versions: 1 and time_range: nil.
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get_row(instance, table_name, primary_keys, options \\ [])

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@spec get_row(instance(), table_name(), primary_keys(), options()) :: result()

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import MyApp.TableStore

get_row "table1",
  [{"key1", "id1"}, {"key2", "id2"}],
  columns_to_get: ["name", "level"],
  filter: filter(("name[ignore_if_missing: true, latest_version_only: true]" == var_name and "age" > 1) or ("class" == "1"))

get_row "table2",
  [{"key", "1"}],
  start_column: "room",
  filter: pagination(offset: 0, limit: 3)

get_row "table3",
  [{"key", "1"}],
  transaction_id: "transaction_id"


  • :columns_to_get, optional, fetch the special fields, by default it returns all fields, pass a field list to specify the expected return fields e.g. ["field1", "field2"].
  • :start_column, optional, specifies the start column when using for wide-row-read, the returned result contains this :start_column.
  • :end_column, optional, specifies the end column when using for wide-row-read, the returned result does not contain this :end_column.
  • :filter, optional, filter the return results in the server side, please see filter/1 for details.
  • :max_versions, optional, how many versions need to return in results, by default it is 1.
  • :time_range, optional, read data by timestamp range, support two ways to use it:
    • time_range: {start_timestamp, end_timestamp}, the timestamp in the range (include start_timestamp but exclude end_timestamp) and then will return in the results.
    • time_range: special_timestamp, exactly match and then will return in the results.
    • :time_range and :max_versions are mutually exclusive, by default use max_versions: 1 and time_range: nil.
  • :transaction_id, optional, read operation within local transaction.
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iterate_all_range(instance, table_name, inclusive_start_primary_keys, exclusive_end_primary_keys, options \\ [])

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As a wrapper built on get_range/5 to fetch a full matched data set by iterate, if process a large items, recommend to use stream_range/5.


import MyApp.TableStore

iterate_all_range table_name1,
  [{"key1", 1}, {"key2", :inf_min}],
  [{"key1", 4}, {"key2", :inf_max}],
  direction: :forward


Please see options of get_range/5 for details.

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@spec pagination(options :: Keyword.t()) :: map()

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import MyApp.TableStore

get_row table_name,
  [{"key", "1"}],
  start_column: "room",
  filter: pagination(offset: 0, limit: 3)

Use pagination/1 for :filter options when get row.

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put_row(instance, table_name, primary_keys, attrs, options \\ [])

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import MyApp.TableStore

put_row "table1",
  [{"key1", "id1"}],
  [{"name", "name1"}, {"age", 20}],
  condition: :expect_not_exist,
  return_type: :pk

put_row "table2",
  [{"key1", "id1"}],
  [{"name", "name1"}, {"age", 20}],
  condition: :expect_not_exist,
  transaction_id: "transaction_id",
  return_type: :pk


  • :condition, required, please see condition/1 or condition/2 for details.
  • :return_type, optional, whether return the primary keys after put row, available options are :pk | :none, by default it is :none.

  • :transaction_id, optional, write operation within local transaction.
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stream_range(instance, table_name, inclusive_start_primary_keys, exclusive_end_primary_keys, options \\ [])

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As a wrapper built on get_range/5 to create composable and lazy enumerable stream for iteration.


import MyApp.TableStore

stream =
  stream_range table_name1,
    [{"key1", 1}, {"key2", :inf_min}],
    [{"key1", 4}, {"key2", :inf_max}],
    direction: :forward

Enum.to_list(stream, fn
  {:ok, %{rows: rows} = response} ->
    # process rows
  {:error, error} ->
    # occur error


Please see options of get_range/5 for details.

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update_row(instance, table_name, primary_keys, options \\ [])

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@spec update_row(instance(), table_name(), primary_keys(), options()) :: result()

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import MyApp.TableStore

value = "1"
update_row "table1",
  [{"key1", 2}, {"key2", "2"}],
  delete: [{"attr2", nil, 1524464460}],
  delete_all: ["attr1"],
  put: [{"attr3", "put_attr3"}],
  return_type: :pk,
  condition: condition(:expect_exist, "attr2" == value)

update_row "table2",
  [{"key1", 1}],
  put: [{"attr1", "put_attr1"}],
  increment: [{"count", 1}],
  return_type: :after_modify,
  return_columns: ["count"],
  condition: :ignore

update_row "table3",
  put: [{"new_attr1", "a1"}],
  delete_all: ["level", "size"],
  condition: :ignore,
  transaction_id: "transaction_id"


  • :put, optional, require to be valid value, e.g. [{"field1", "value"}, {...}], insert a new column if this field is not existed, or overwrite this field if existed.
  • :delete, optional, delete the special version of a column or columns, please pass the column's version (timestamp) in :delete option, e.g. [{"field1", nil, 1524464460}, ...].
  • :delete_all, optional, delete all versions of a column or columns, e.g. ["field1", "field2", ...].
  • :increment, optional, attribute column(s) base on atomic counters for increment or decrement, require the value of column is integer.
    • for increment, increment: [{"count", 1}];
    • for decrement, increment: [{"count", -1}].
  • :return_type, optional, whether return the primary keys after update row, available options are :pk | :none | :after_modify, by default it is :none.

    • if use atomic counters, must set return_type: :after_modify.
  • :condition, required, please see condition/1 or condition/2 for details.
  • :transaction_id, optional, write operation within local transaction.
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write_delete(primary_keys, options \\ [])

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@spec write_delete(primary_keys(), options()) :: map()

Used in batch write operation, please see batch_write/2 for details.


The available operation same as delete_row/4.

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write_put(primary_keys, attrs, options \\ [])

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@spec write_put(primary_keys(), attrs :: list(), options()) :: map()

Used in batch write operation, please see batch_write/2 for details.


The available options are same as put_row/5.

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write_update(primary_keys, options \\ [])

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@spec write_update(primary_keys(), options()) :: map()

Used in batch write operation, please see batch_write/2 for details.


The available options are same as update_row/4.

Local Transaction

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abort_transaction(instance, transaction_id)

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import MyApp.TableStore

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commit_transaction(instance, transaction_id)

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@spec commit_transaction(instance(), transaction_id :: String.t()) :: result()

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import MyApp.TableStore

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start_local_transaction(instance, table_name, partition_key)

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@spec start_local_transaction(instance(), table_name(), partition_key :: tuple()) ::

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import MyApp.TableStore

partition_key = {"key", "key1"}
start_local_transaction("table", partition_key)


@type column_name() :: String.t()
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@type exclusive_end_primary_keys() :: list()
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@type inclusive_start_primary_keys() :: list()
@type index_name() :: String.t()
@type instance() :: atom()
@type options() :: Keyword.t()
@type primary_keys() :: list()
@type query() :: String.t()
@type result() :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, ExAliyunOts.Error.t()}
@type row_existence() :: :ignore | :expect_exist | :expect_not_exist
@type table_name() :: String.t()


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alter_table_add_column(instance, table, column, type)

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@spec alter_table_add_column(
  type :: String.t()
) ::
  :ok | {:error, ExAliyunOts.Error.t()}

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

alter_table_add_column("table", "column", "BOOL")
Link to this function

alter_table_drop_column(instance, table, column)

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@spec alter_table_drop_column(instance(), table_name(), column_name()) ::
  :ok | {:error, ExAliyunOts.Error.t()}

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

alter_table_drop_column("table", "column")
Link to this function

create_mapping_table(instance, query)

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@spec create_mapping_table(instance(), query()) ::
  :ok | {:error, ExAliyunOts.Error.t()}

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

  is_actived BOOL,
  score DOUBLE,
Link to this function

describe_mapping_table(instance, table)

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@spec describe_mapping_table(instance(), table_name()) :: result()

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

Link to this function

drop_mapping_table(instance, table)

View Source
@spec drop_mapping_table(instance(), table_name()) ::
  :ok | {:error, ExAliyunOts.Error.t()}

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

@spec query(instance(), query()) :: result()

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

query("SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 20")
Link to this function

sql_query(instance, query)

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@spec sql_query(instance(), query()) :: result()

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

sql_query("SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 20")