
You're seeing just the function field_sort, go back to ExAliyunOts.Search module for more information.
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field_sort(field_name, options \\ [])

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field_sort(field_name(), options()) :: map()

Sort by the value of a column, use it in the nested :sort option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    sort: [
      field_sort("field_a", order: :desc)

If there's a nested type of search index, and they are a integer or float list, we can use :mode to sort according to the minimum/maximum/average value of the list, by default it's :nil.

For example, there's a nested type as "values" field, the following query will find "values" field existed as matched rows, and sort by the minimum value of list items.


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: exists_query("values"),
    sort: [
      field_sort("values", mode: :min)

Still for nested type of search index, we can sort by the nested value via :nested_filter option, for example, sort by the value of "content.header" in :desc order.


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: nested_query(
    sort: [
        order: :desc,
        nested_filter: nested_filter(
          prefix_query("content.header", "header")

Please ensure that the query criteria matched will participate in sorting, if there exists any not matched case will lead to uncertainty of sorting results.


  • :mode, optional, available options are :min | :max | :avg, by default it's :nil;
  • :order, optional, available options are :asc | :desc, by default it's :asc;
  • :nested_filter, optional, see nested_filter/2 for details.