View Source Cldr.List (Cldr Lists v2.11.1)

Cldr module to formats lists.

If we have a list of days like ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"] then we can format that list for a given locale by:

iex> Cldr.List.to_string(["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: "en")
{:ok, "Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday"}



Intersperces a list elements into a list format according to the list pattern rules for a locale.

Formats a list using intersperse/2 but raises if there is an error.

Return the list of known list formats.

known_list_styles() deprecated

Returns the formats of list patterns available for a locale.

Returns the list patterns for a locale.

Formats a list into a string according to the list pattern rules for a locale.

Formats a list using to_string/2 but raises if there is an error.


@type pattern_type() ::
  | :or_narrow
  | :or_short
  | :standard
  | :standard_narrow
  | :standard_short
  | :unit
  | :unit_narrow
  | :unit_short


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intersperse(list, backend \\ nil, options \\ [])

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@spec intersperse([term()], Cldr.backend(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Intersperces a list elements into a list format according to the list pattern rules for a locale.

This function can be helpful when creating a list from Phoenix safe strings which are of the format {:safe, "some string"}.


  • list is any list of of terms

  • options is a keyword list



iex> Cldr.List.intersperse(["a", "b", "c"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: :en)
{:ok, ["a", ", ", "b", ", and ", "c"]}

iex> Cldr.List.intersperse(["a", "b", "c"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: :en, format: :unit_narrow)
{:ok, ["a", " ", "b", " ", "c"]}

iex> Cldr.List.intersperse(["a", "b", "c"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: :fr)
{:ok, ["a", ", ", "b", " et ", "c"]}

iex> Cldr.List.intersperse([1,2,3,4,5,6], MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, [1, ", ", 2, ", ", 3, ", ", 4, ", ", 5, ", and ", 6]}

iex> Cldr.List.intersperse(["a"], MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, ["a"]}

iex> Cldr.List.intersperse([1,2], MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, [1, " and ", 2]}
Link to this function

intersperse!(list, backend \\ nil, options \\ [])

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@spec intersperse!([term()], Cldr.backend(), Keyword.t()) ::
  [String.t()] | no_return()

Formats a list using intersperse/2 but raises if there is an error.


iex> Cldr.List.intersperse!(["a", "b", "c"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: :en)
["a", ", ", "b", ", and ", "c"]

iex> Cldr.List.intersperse!(["a", "b", "c"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: :en, format: :unit_narrow)
["a", " ", "b", " ", "c"]

Return the list of known list formats.


iex> Cldr.List.known_list_formats()
[:or, :or_narrow, :or_short, :standard, :standard_narrow,
  :standard_short, :unit, :unit_narrow, :unit_short]
This function is deprecated. Use Cldr.List.known_list_formats/0.
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list_formats_for(locale, backend \\ nil)

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@spec list_formats_for(Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.backend() | nil) ::
  [atom()] | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns the formats of list patterns available for a locale.

Returns a list of atoms of of the list formats that are available in CLDR for a locale.


iex> Cldr.List.list_formats_for("en", MyApp.Cldr)
[:or, :or_narrow, :or_short, :standard, :standard_narrow,
  :standard_short, :unit, :unit_narrow, :unit_short]
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list_patterns_for(locale, backend \\ default_backend())

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@spec list_patterns_for(Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.backend() | nil) ::
  map() | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns the list patterns for a locale.

List patterns provide rules for combining multiple items into a language format appropriate for a locale.


iex> Cldr.List.list_patterns_for(:en, MyApp.Cldr)
  or: %Cldr.List.Pattern{
    two: [0, " or ", 1],
    end: [0, ", or ", 1],
    middle: [0, ", ", 1],
    start: [0, ", ", 1]
  or_narrow: %Cldr.List.Pattern{
    two: [0, " or ", 1],
    end: [0, ", or ", 1],
    middle: [0, ", ", 1],
    start: [0, ", ", 1]
  or_short: %Cldr.List.Pattern{
    two: [0, " or ", 1],
    end: [0, ", or ", 1],
    middle: [0, ", ", 1],
    start: [0, ", ", 1]
  standard: %Cldr.List.Pattern{
    two: [0, " and ", 1],
    end: [0, ", and ", 1],
    middle: [0, ", ", 1],
    start: [0, ", ", 1]
  standard_narrow: %Cldr.List.Pattern{
    two: [0, ", ", 1],
    end: [0, ", ", 1],
    middle: [0, ", ", 1],
    start: [0, ", ", 1]
  standard_short: %Cldr.List.Pattern{
    two: [0, " & ", 1],
    end: [0, ", & ", 1],
    middle: [0, ", ", 1],
    start: [0, ", ", 1]
  unit: %Cldr.List.Pattern{
    two: [0, ", ", 1],
    end: [0, ", ", 1],
    middle: [0, ", ", 1],
    start: [0, ", ", 1]
  unit_narrow: %Cldr.List.Pattern{
    two: [0, " ", 1],
    end: [0, " ", 1],
    middle: [0, " ", 1],
    start: [0, " ", 1]
  unit_short: %Cldr.List.Pattern{
    two: [0, ", ", 1],
    end: [0, ", ", 1],
    middle: [0, ", ", 1],
    start: [0, ", ", 1]
Link to this function

list_styles_for(locale, backend)

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This function is deprecated. Use Cldr.List.list_formats_for/2.

See Cldr.List.list_formats_for/2.

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to_string(list, backend \\ default_backend(), options \\ [])

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@spec to_string([term(), ...], Cldr.backend() | Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {atom(), binary()}}

Formats a list into a string according to the list pattern rules for a locale.


  • list is any list of of terms that can be passed through Kernel.to_string/1.

  • options is a keyword list.



iex> Cldr.List.to_string(["a", "b", "c"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: :en)
{:ok, "a, b, and c"}

iex> Cldr.List.to_string(["a", "b", "c"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: :en, format: :unit_narrow)
{:ok, "a b c"}

iex> Cldr.List.to_string(["a", "b", "c"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: :fr)
{:ok, "a, b et c"}

iex> Cldr.List.to_string([1,2,3,4,5,6], MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6"}

iex> Cldr.List.to_string(["a"], MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, "a"}

iex> Cldr.List.to_string([1,2], MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, "1 and 2"}
Link to this function

to_string!(list, backend \\ default_backend(), options \\ [])

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@spec to_string!([term(), ...], Cldr.backend() | Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  String.t() | no_return()

Formats a list using to_string/2 but raises if there is an error.


iex> Cldr.List.to_string!(["a", "b", "c"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: "en")
"a, b, and c"

iex> Cldr.List.to_string!(["a", "b", "c"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: "en", format: :unit_narrow)
"a b c"