Cldr Numbers v2.13.0 Cldr.Number.System View Source

Functions to manage number systems which describe the numbering characteristics for a locale.

A number system defines the digits (if they exist in this number system) or or rules (if the number system does not have decimal digits).

The system name is also used as a key to define the separators that are used when formatting a number is this number_system. See Cldr.Number.Symbol.number_symbols_for/2.

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Return the default number system type name.

Generate a transliteration map between two character classes

Returns {:ok, digits} for a number system, or an {:error, message} if the number system is not known.

Returns digits for a number system, or raises an exception if the number system is not know.

Returns the actual number system from a number system type.

Returns the number system from a language tag.

Returns the names of the number systems available for a locale or an {:error, message} tuple if the locale is not known.

Returns the names of the number systems available for a locale or an {:error, message} tuple if the locale is not known.

Return a map of all CLDR number systems and definitions.

Returns the number systems available for a locale or {:error, message} if the locale is not known.

Returns the number systems available for a locale or raises if the locale is not known.

Returns locale and number systems that have the same digits and separators as the supplied one.

Returns a number system name for a given locale and number system reference.

Returns a number system name for a given locale and number system reference and raises if the number system is not available for the given locale.

Number systems that have their own digit characters defined.

Converts a number into the representation of a non-latin number system.

Converts a number into the representation of a non-latin number system. Returns a converted string or raises on error.

Returns an error tuple for an number system unknown to a given locale.

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system_name() :: atom()
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types() :: :default | :native | :traditional | :finance

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Return the default number system type name.

Currently this is :default. Note that this is not the number system itself but the type of the number system. It can be used to find the default number system for a given locale with number_systems_for(locale)[default_number_system()].


iex> Cldr.Number.System.default_number_system_type
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generate_transliteration_map(from, to)

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Generate a transliteration map between two character classes


  • from is any String.t() intended to represent the digits of a number system but thats not a requirement.

  • to is any String.t() that is the same length as from intended to represent the digits of a number system.


  • A map where the keys are the graphemes in from and the values are the graphemes in to or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


iex> Cldr.Number.System.generate_transliteration_map "0123456789", "9876543210"
  "0" => "9",
  "1" => "8",
  "2" => "7",
  "3" => "6",
  "4" => "5",
  "5" => "4",
  "6" => "3",
  "7" => "2",
  "8" => "1",
  "9" => "0"

iex> Cldr.Number.System.generate_transliteration_map "0123456789", "987654321"
 {ArgumentError, "\"0123456789\" and \"987654321\" aren't the same length"}}
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See Cldr.known_number_system_types/1.

See Cldr.known_number_systems/0.

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number_system_digits(system_name()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns {:ok, digits} for a number system, or an {:error, message} if the number system is not known.



  • {:ok, string_of_digits} or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_digits(:latn)
{:ok, "0123456789"}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_digits(:nope)
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemError, "The number system :nope is not known or does not have digits"}}
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number_system_digits!(system_name()) :: String.t() | no_return()

Returns digits for a number system, or raises an exception if the number system is not know.



  • A string of the number systems digits or

  • raises an exception


iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_digits! :latn

Cldr.Number.System.number_system_digits! :nope
** (Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemError) The number system :nope is not known or does not have digits
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number_system_for(locale, system_name, backend)

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  Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(),
) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns the actual number system from a number system type.



  • {:ok, number_system_map} or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


This function will decode a number system type into the actual number system. If the number system provided can't be decoded it is returned as is.


iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_for "th", :latn, TestBackend.Cldr
{:ok, %{digits: "0123456789", type: :numeric}}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_for "en", :default, TestBackend.Cldr
{:ok, %{digits: "0123456789", type: :numeric}}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_for "he", :traditional, TestBackend.Cldr
{:ok, %{rules: "hebrew", type: :algorithmic}}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_for "en", :finance, TestBackend.Cldr
    "The number system :finance is unknown for the locale named \"en\". Valid number systems are %{default: :latn, native: :latn}"}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_for "en", :native, TestBackend.Cldr
{:ok, %{digits: "0123456789", type: :numeric}}
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number_system_from_locale(locale, backend)

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number_system_from_locale(Cldr.LanguageTag.t(), Cldr.backend()) :: system_name()

Returns the number system from a language tag.


  • locale is any language tag returned be

  • backend is any Cldr backend. That is, any module that contains use Cldr


  • A number system name as an atom


iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale "en-US-u-nu-thai", MyApp.Cldr
iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_from_locale locale, MyApp.Cldr

iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale "en-US", MyApp.Cldr
iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_from_locale locale, MyApp.Cldr
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number_system_names_for(locale, backend)

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  Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(),
) :: {:ok, [atom()]} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns the names of the number systems available for a locale or an {:error, message} tuple if the locale is not known.



iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_names_for("en", TestBackend.Cldr)
{:ok, [:latn]}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_names_for("th", TestBackend.Cldr)
{:ok, [:latn, :thai]}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_names_for("he", TestBackend.Cldr)
{:ok, [:latn, :hebr]}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_names_for("zz", TestBackend.Cldr)
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownLocaleError, "The locale \"zz\" is not known."}}
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number_system_names_for!(locale, backend)

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  Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(),
) :: [system_name()] | no_return()

Returns the names of the number systems available for a locale or an {:error, message} tuple if the locale is not known.



iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_names_for!("en", TestBackend.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_names_for!("th", TestBackend.Cldr)
[:latn, :thai]

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_system_names_for!("he", TestBackend.Cldr)
[:latn, :hebr]
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number_systems() :: map()

Return a map of all CLDR number systems and definitions.


iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_systems |> Enum.count
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number_systems_for(locale, backend)

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  Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(),
) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns the number systems available for a locale or {:error, message} if the locale is not known.



iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_systems_for "en", TestBackend.Cldr
{:ok, %{default: :latn, native: :latn}}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_systems_for "th", TestBackend.Cldr
{:ok, %{default: :latn, native: :thai}}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_systems_for "zz", TestBackend.Cldr
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownLocaleError, "The locale \"zz\" is not known."}}
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number_systems_for!(locale, backend)

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  Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(),
) :: map() | no_return()

Returns the number systems available for a locale or raises if the locale is not known.



iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_systems_for! "en", TestBackend.Cldr
%{default: :latn, native: :latn}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.number_systems_for! "th", TestBackend.Cldr
%{default: :latn, native: :thai}
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number_systems_like(locale, number_system, backend)

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  Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(),
) :: {:ok, list()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns locale and number systems that have the same digits and separators as the supplied one.




Transliterating between locale & number systems is expensive. To avoid unncessary transliteration we look for locale and number systems that have the same digits and separators. Typically we are comparing to locale "en" and number system "latn" since this is what the number formatting routines use as placeholders.


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system_name_from(system_name, locale, backend)

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  Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(),
) :: {:ok, atom()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns a number system name for a given locale and number system reference.



Number systems can be references in one of two ways:

  • As a number system type such as :default, :native, :traditional and :finance. This allows references to a number system for a locale in a consistent fashion for a given use

  • WIth the number system name directly, such as :latn, :arab or any of the other 70 or so

This function dereferences the supplied system_name and returns the actual system name.


ex> Cldr.Number.System.system_name_from(:default, "en", TestBackend.Cldr)
{:ok, :latn}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.system_name_from("latn", "en", TestBackend.Cldr)
{:ok, :latn}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.system_name_from(:native, "en", TestBackend.Cldr)
{:ok, :latn}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.system_name_from(:nope, "en", TestBackend.Cldr)
  {Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemError, "The number system :nope is unknown"}

Note that return value is not guaranteed to be a valid number system for the given locale as demonstrated in the third example.

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system_name_from!(system_name, locale, backend)

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Returns a number system name for a given locale and number system reference and raises if the number system is not available for the given locale.



iex> Cldr.Number.System.system_name_from!(:default, "en", TestBackend.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.Number.System.system_name_from!("latn", "en", TestBackend.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.Number.System.system_name_from!(:traditional, "he", TestBackend.Cldr)

Number systems that have their own digit characters defined.

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to_system(number, system_name, backend)

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to_system(Cldr.Math.number_or_decimal(), atom(), Cldr.backend()) ::
  {:ok, binary()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Converts a number into the representation of a non-latin number system.

This function converts numbers to a known number system only, it does not provide number formatting.



  • {:ok, string_of_digits} or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


There are two types of number systems in CLDR:

  • :numeric in which the number system defines a direct mapping between the latin digits 0..9 into a the number system equivalent. In this case, to_system/3 invokes Cldr.Number.Transliterate.transliterate_digits/3 for the given number.

  • :algorithmic in which the number system does not have the same structure as the :latn number system and therefore the conversion is done algorithmically. For CLDR the algorithm is implemented through Cldr.Rbnf rulesets. These rulesets are considered by CLDR to be less rigorous than the :numeric number systems and caution and testing for a specific use case is recommended.


iex> Cldr.Number.System.to_system 123456, :hebr, TestBackend.Cldr
{:ok, "ק׳׳ת׳"}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.to_system 123, :hans, TestBackend.Cldr
{:ok, "一百二十三"}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.to_system 123, :hant, TestBackend.Cldr
{:ok, "一百二十三"}

iex> Cldr.Number.System.to_system 123, :hansfin, TestBackend.Cldr
{:ok, "壹佰贰拾叁"}
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to_system!(number, system_name, backend)

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Converts a number into the representation of a non-latin number system. Returns a converted string or raises on error.



  • string_of_digits or

  • raises an exception

See Cldr.Number.System.to_system/3 for further information.


iex> Cldr.Number.System.to_system! 123, :hans, TestBackend.Cldr

iex> Cldr.Number.System.to_system! 123, :hant, TestBackend.Cldr

iex> Cldr.Number.System.to_system! 123, :hansfin, TestBackend.Cldr
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unknown_number_system_for_locale_error(number_system, locale, valid_number_systems)

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Returns an error tuple for an number system unknown to a given locale.
