View Source Money.Ecto.Query.API behaviour (Money SQL v1.11.0)

Provides several helpers to query DB for the Money type.


In a module where you wish to use these helpers, add:

use Money.Ecto.Query.API

The default usage is designed to work with the Money.Ecto.Composite.Type implementation for Postgres databases. Altenative impkmentations can be made that comply with the Money.Ecto.Query.API behaviour. In that case

use Money.Ecto.Query.API, adapter: MyAdapterModule

See the Adapters section below.


Under the hood it delegates to Ecto.Query.API.fragment/1, but might be helpful for compile-type sanity check for typos and better language server support.

It is also designed to be an implementation-agnostic, meaning one can use these helpers without a necessity to explicitly specify a backing type.


The default implementation recommends a Composite adapter, which is used by default. To use it with, say, MySQL, one should implement this behaviour for MySQL and declare the implementation as use Money.Ecto.Query.API, adapter: MyImpl.MySQL.Adapter

Although the library provides the MySQL adapter too (Money.Ecto.Query.API.Map.MySQL) but it is not actively maintained, so use it on your own.

If for some reason you use Map type with Postgres, helpers are still available with use Money.Ecto.Query.API, adapter: Money.Ecto.Query.API.Map.Postgres



Native implementation of how to retrieve amount from the DB.

Cast decimal to the value accepted by the database.

Native implementation of how to retrieve currency_code from the DB.

Native implementation of how to sum several records having a field of the type Money in the DB.


Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the same amount.

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the amount greater than or equal to the one given as an argument.

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the amount in the range given as an argument.

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the amount less than or equal to the one given as an argument.

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the same currency.

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having one of currencies given as an argument.

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the same amount and currency.

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to aggregate by currency, summing amount. For more sophisticated aggregation, resort to raw fragment.

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to aggregate by currency, suming amount. Same as total_by/3, but for the single currency only.


@macrocallback amount(Macro.t()) :: Macro.t()

Native implementation of how to retrieve amount from the DB.

For Postgres, it delegates to the function on the composite type, for other implementation it should return a Ecto.Query.API.fragment/1.

@callback cast_decimal(Decimal.t()) :: any()

Cast decimal to the value accepted by the database.

@macrocallback currency_code(Macro.t()) :: Macro.t()

Native implementation of how to retrieve currency_code from the DB.

For Postgres, it delegates to the function on the composite type, for other implementation it should return a Ecto.Query.API.fragment/1.

@macrocallback sum(Macro.t(), cast? :: boolean()) :: Macro.t()

Native implementation of how to sum several records having a field of the type Money in the DB.

For Postgres, it delegates to the function on the composite type, for other implementation it should return a Ecto.Query.API.fragment/1.


Link to this macro

amount_eq(field, amount)

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Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the same amount.


iex> Organization
...> |> where([o], amount_eq(o.payroll, 100))
...> |> select([o], o.payroll)
...> |> Repo.all()
[, "100"),, "100")
Link to this macro

amount_ge(field, num)

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Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the amount greater than or equal to the one given as an argument.


iex> Organization
...> |> where([o], amount_ge(o.payroll, 90))
...> |> select([o], o.payroll)
...> |> Repo.all()
[, "90"),, "100")]
Link to this macro

amount_in(field, arg2)

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Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the amount in the range given as an argument.

Accepts [min, max], {min. max}, and min..max as a range.


iex> Organization
...> |> where([o], amount_in(o.payroll, 90..110))
...> |> select([o], o.payroll)
...> |> Repo.all()
[, "100"),, "100")]
Link to this macro

amount_le(field, num)

View Source (macro)

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the amount less than or equal to the one given as an argument.


iex> Organization
...> |> where([o], amount_le(o.payroll, 110))
...> |> select([o], o.payroll)
...> |> Repo.all()
[, "100"),, "110")]
Link to this macro

currency_eq(field, currency)

View Source (macro)

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the same currency.


iex> Organization
...> |> where([o], currency_eq(o.payroll, :AUD))
...> |> select([o], o.payroll)
...> |> Repo.all()
[, "50"),, "70")
Link to this macro

currency_in(field, currencies)

View Source (macro)

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having one of currencies given as an argument.


iex> Organization
...> |> where([o], currency_in(o.payroll, [:USD, :EUR]))
...> |> select([o], o.payroll)
...> |> Repo.all()
[, "100"),, "100")]
Link to this macro

money_eq(field, money)

View Source (macro)

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to filter records having the same amount and currency.


iex> Organization
...> |> where([o], money_eq(o.payroll,!(100, :USD)))
...> |> select([o], o.payroll)
...> |> Repo.all()
[, "100"),, "100")]
Link to this macro

total_by(query, binding, field)

View Source (macro)

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to aggregate by currency, summing amount. For more sophisticated aggregation, resort to raw fragment.


iex> Organization
...> |> where([o], == ^"Lemon Inc.")
...> |> total_by([o], o.payroll)
...> |> Repo.all()
[, "100"),, "210")]
Link to this macro

total_by(query, binding, field, currency)

View Source (macro)

Ecto.Query.API helper, allowing to aggregate by currency, suming amount. Same as total_by/3, but for the single currency only.


iex> Organization
...> |> where([o], == ^"Lemon Inc.")
...> |> total_by([o], o.payroll, :USD)
...> |>
[, "210")]