ex_postmark v1.3.0 ExPostmark.Email

Defines an Email.

This module defines a ExPostmark.Email struct and the main functions for composing an email. As it is the contract for the public APIs of ExPostmark it is a good idea to make use of these functions rather than build the struct yourself.

Email fields

  • subject - the subject of the email, example: "Hello, Avengers!"
  • from - an email address of the sender, example: {"Tony Stark", "tony.stark@example.com"}
  • to - an email address for the recipient(s), example: [{"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"}]
  • cc - an intended carbon copy recipient(s) of the email, example: [{"Bruce Banner", "hulk.smash@example.com"}]
  • bcc - an intended blind carbon copy recipient(s) of the email, example: [{"Janet Pym", "wasp.avengers@example.com"}]
  • reply_to - an email address that should receive replies, example: {"Clints Barton", "hawk.eye@example.com"}
  • headers - a map of headers that should be included in the email, example: %{"X-Accept-Language" => "en-us, en"}
  • template_id - a template to use when sending this message, example: 97854
  • template_model - a model to be applied to the specified template to generate HtmlBody, TextBody, and Subject, example: %{team: "Avengers"}


email =
  |> to("tony.stark@example.com")
  |> from("bruce.banner@example.com")
  |> template_id(97854)
  |> template_model(%{team: Avengers})

The composable nature makes it very easy to continue expanding upon a given Email.

email =
  |> cc({"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"})
  |> cc("wasp.avengers@example.com")
  |> bcc(["thor.odinson@example.com", {"Henry McCoy", "beast.avengers@example.com"}])

You can also directly pass arguments to the new/1 function.

email = new(from: "tony.stark@example.com", to: "steve.rogers@example.com", subject: "Hello, Avengers!")



Adds new recipients in the bcc field

Adds new recipients in the cc field

Sets a recipient in the from field

Puts new recipients in the bcc field

Puts new recipients in the cc field

Adds a new header in the email

Stores a new template_model key and value in the email

Puts new recipients in the to field

Sets a recipient in the reply_to field

Sets the subject field

Sets the template_id field

Adds new recipients in the to field


address() :: String.t
mailbox() :: {name, address}
name() :: String.t
subject() :: String.t
t() :: %ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [mailbox] | [], cc: [mailbox] | [], from: mailbox | nil, headers: map, reply_to: mailbox | nil, subject: subject, template_id: pos_integer, template_model: map, to: [mailbox]}


bcc(email, recipients)
bcc(t, mailbox | address | [mailbox | address]) :: t

Adds new recipients in the bcc field.

The recipient must be; a tuple specifying the name and address of the recipient; a string specifying the address of the recipient; or an array comprised of a combination of either.

iex> new |> bcc("steve.rogers@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [{"", "steve.rogers@example.com"}], cc: [],
 from: nil, headers: %{}, reply_to: nil,
 template_id: nil, template_model: nil, to: []}
cc(email, recipients)
cc(t, mailbox | address | [mailbox | address]) :: t

Adds new recipients in the cc field.

The recipient must be; a tuple specifying the name and address of the recipient; a string specifying the address of the recipient; or an array comprised of a combination of either.


iex> new |> cc("steve.rogers@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [], cc: [{"", "steve.rogers@example.com"}],
 from: nil, headers: %{}, reply_to: nil,
 template_id: nil, template_model: nil, to: []}
from(email, from)
from(t, mailbox | address) :: t

Sets a recipient in the from field.

The recipient must be either; a tuple specifying the name and address of the recipient; a string specifying the address of the recipient.


iex> new |> from({"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"})
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [], cc: [],
 from: {"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"}, headers: %{},
 reply_to: nil, template_id: nil,
 template_model: nil, to: []}

iex> new |> from("steve.rogers@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [], cc: [],
 from: {"", "steve.rogers@example.com"}, headers: %{},
 reply_to: nil, template_id: nil, template_model: nil,
 to: []}
new(opts \\ [])
new(none | Enum.t) :: t

Returns a ExPostmark.Email struct.

You can pass a keyword list or a map argument to the function that will be used to populate the fields of that struct. Note that it will silently ignore any fields that it doesn’t know about.


iex> new

iex> new(subject: "Hello, Avengers!")
%ExPostmark.Email{subject: "Hello, Avengers!"}

iex> new(from: "tony.stark@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}}
iex> new(from: {"Tony Stark", "tony.stark@example.com"})
%ExPostmark.Email{from: {"Tony Stark", "tony.stark@example.com"}}

iex> new(to: "steve.rogers@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{to: [{"", "steve.rogers@example.com"}]}
iex> new(to: {"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"})
%ExPostmark.Email{to: [{"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"}]}
iex> new(to: [{"Bruce Banner", "bruce.banner@example.com"}, "thor.odinson@example.com"])
%ExPostmark.Email{to: [{"Bruce Banner", "bruce.banner@example.com"}, {"", "thor.odinson@example.com"}]}

iex> new(cc: "steve.rogers@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{cc: [{"", "steve.rogers@example.com"}]}
iex> new(cc: {"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"})
%ExPostmark.Email{cc: [{"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"}]}
iex> new(cc: [{"Bruce Banner", "bruce.banner@example.com"}, "thor.odinson@example.com"])
%ExPostmark.Email{cc: [{"Bruce Banner", "bruce.banner@example.com"}, {"", "thor.odinson@example.com"}]}

iex> new(bcc: "steve.rogers@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [{"", "steve.rogers@example.com"}]}
iex> new(bcc: {"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"})
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [{"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"}]}
iex> new(bcc: [{"Bruce Banner", "bruce.banner@example.com"}, "thor.odinson@example.com"])
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [{"Bruce Banner", "bruce.banner@example.com"}, {"", "thor.odinson@example.com"}]}

iex> new(reply_to: "edwin.jarvis@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{reply_to: {"", "edwin.jarvis@example.com"}}
iex> new(reply_to: {"Edwin Jarvis", "edwin.jarvis@example.com"})
%ExPostmark.Email{reply_to: {"Edwin Jarvis", "edwin.jarvis@example.com"}}

iex> new(headers: %{"X-Accept-Language" => "en"})
%ExPostmark.Email{headers: %{"X-Accept-Language" => "en"}}

iex> new(template_id: 1)
%ExPostmark.Email{template_id: 1}

iex> new(template_model: %{team: "Avengers"})
%ExPostmark.Email{template_model: %{team: "Avengers"}}

You can obviously combine these arguments together:

iex> new(to: "steve.rogers@example.com", template_id: 1, subject: "Hello, Avengers!")
%ExPostmark.Email{to: [{"", "steve.rogers@example.com"}], template_id: 1, subject: "Hello, Avengers!"}
put_bcc(email, recipients)
put_bcc(t, mailbox | address | [mailbox | address]) :: t

Puts new recipients in the bcc field.

It will replace any previously added bcc recipients.

put_cc(email, recipients)
put_cc(t, mailbox | address | [mailbox | address]) :: t

Puts new recipients in the cc field.

It will replace any previously added cc recipients.

put_headers(email, name, value)
put_headers(t, String.t, String.t) :: t

Adds a new header in the email.

The name and value must be specified as strings.


iex> new |> put_headers("X-Magic-Number", "7")
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil,
 headers: %{"X-Magic-Number" => "7"}, reply_to: nil,
 template_id: nil, template_model: nil, to: []}
put_template_model(email, key, value)
put_template_model(t, atom, any) :: t

Stores a new template_model key and value in the email.

This store is meant to be for libraries/framework usage. The name should be specified as an atom, the value can be any term.


iex> new |> put_template_model(:team, "Avengers")
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{},
 reply_to: nil, template_id: nil,
 template_model: %{team: "Avengers"}, to: []}
put_to(email, recipients)
put_to(t, mailbox | address | [mailbox | address]) :: t

Puts new recipients in the to field.

It will replace any previously added to recipients.

reply_to(email, reply_to)
reply_to(t, mailbox | address) :: t

Sets a recipient in the reply_to field.

The recipient must be either; a tuple specifying the name and address of the recipient; a string specifying the address of the recipient.


iex> new |> reply_to({"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"})
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{},
 reply_to: {"Steve Rogers", "steve.rogers@example.com"},
 template_id: nil, template_model: nil, to: []}

iex> new |> reply_to("steve.rogers@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{},
 reply_to: {"", "steve.rogers@example.com"},
 template_id: nil, template_model: nil, to: []}
subject(email, subject)
subject(t, subject) :: t

Sets the subject field.

The subject must be a string that contains the subject.


iex> new |> subject("Hello, Avengers!")
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [], cc: [],
 from: nil, headers: %{},
 reply_to: nil, template_id: nil, template_model: {subject: "Hello, Avengers!"},
 template_model: nil, to: []}
template_id(email, template_id)
template_id(t, pos_integer) :: t

Sets the template_id field.

The template ID must be a positive integer that corresponds to the template ID defined in admin panel.


iex> new |> template_id(1)
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{},
 reply_to: nil, template_id: 1,
 template_model: nil, to: []}
to(email, recipients)
to(t, mailbox | address | [mailbox | address]) :: t

Adds new recipients in the to field.

The recipient must be; a tuple specifying the name and address of the recipient; a string specifying the address of the recipient; or an array comprised of a combination of either.


iex> new |> to("steve.rogers@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{bcc: [], cc: [], from: nil, headers: %{},
 reply_to: nil, template_id: nil,
 template_model: nil, to: [{"", "steve.rogers@example.com"}]}