ex_postmark v1.3.0 ExPostmark.Mailer

Defines a mailer.

A mailer is a wrapper around an adapter that makes it easy for you to swap the adapter without having to change your code.

It is also responsible for doing some sanity checks before handing down the email to the adapter.

When used, the mailer expects :otp_app as an option. The :otp_app should point to an OTP application that has the mailer configuration. For example, the mailer:

defmodule Sample.Mailer do
  use ExPostmark.Mailer, otp_app: :sample

Could be configured with:

config :sample, Sample.Mailer,
  adapter: ExPostmark.Adapters.Postmark,
  api_key: "abc123"


Once configured you can use your mailer like this:

# in an IEx console
iex> email = new |> from("tony.stark@example.com") |> to("steve.rogers@example.com")
%ExPostmark.Email{from: {"", "tony.stark@example.com"}, ...}
iex> Mailer.deliver(email)



Parses the OTP configuration at compile time

Parses the OTP configuration at run time. This function will transform all the {:system, “ENV_VAR”} tuples into their respective values grabbed from the process environment


deliver(adapter, email, config)
parse_config(mailer, opts)

Parses the OTP configuration at compile time.


Parses the OTP configuration at run time. This function will transform all the {:system, “ENV_VAR”} tuples into their respective values grabbed from the process environment.