exda v0.1.1 Exda

Exda = Elixir EDA.

Easily decouple elixir components.

This library's purpose is to allow a user to decouple components within their application via EDA.

EDA is event driven architecture, that encourages smaller more testable and easily maintainable contexts.

This library was inspired by a talk at ElixirConf EU 2018.

The event bus will be configurable at build time based on environment config. This makes it possible to factor out business logic so that your functional code is testable.

To use Exda you must intialize a list of possible broadcast event names. Currently event names are atoms, whos names should be verbs describing the action that produces the event.

Some examples:

  • :messsage_sent
  • :message_received


Producers are the modules that report that an action has been completed. Let's say you have just sent, recieved and persisted a message from a phoenix channel, and want to let some other modules handle subsequent actions. We can publish the event to all the hooked up consumers with the call: notify_message_produced/1.

defmodule SomeApp.UserChannel do
  ## This will define a function: `notify_message_produced`
  use Exda.Producer, [:message_produced]


  def handle_in("users:message:" <> topic_id, payload, socket) do


    notify_message_produced(%{to: to, from: from, time_spent_processing: 100_000})


A consumer is a module that maintains one callback for each event name. Each callback should be of the form: consume_${event_name}. The callback will be invoked once per call to a producers notify.

To attach a consumer to an event, simply configure the event with a list of tuples. First element being the module, second being the bus. For the example the config for a :message_produced event could be as follows:

config :exda, [
  events: [:message_produced, :message_received],
  consumers: [
    message_produced: [
      {SomeApp.SomeModule, Exda.EventBuses.Synchronous},
      {SomeApp.OtherModule, Exda.EventBuses.AsyncTask},
      {SomeApp.ThirdModule, Exda.EventBuses.AsyncCastGenServer}
    message_received: [SomeApp.FourthModule]

The configuration above will trigger: SomeApp.SomeModule.consume_message_produced/1 synchronously, SomeApp.OtherModule.consume_message_produced/1 asynchronously, and send a message to a GenServer which auto-magically routes to the method: SomeApp.ThirdModule.consume_message_produced/1.

This customization means you can have control of the delivery bus based on your config. In your config for tests you can remove all the consumers that reach out to external API or make long running calls.


The events key of the configuration:

config :exda, [
  events: [:message_produced, :message_received],

is a list of all the possible events that are available in your application. With the above configuration, we could create consumers:

defmodule SomeApp.SomeModule do
  use Exda.Consumer, [:message_sent]

  @impl true
  def consume_message_sent(event_data) do
    Logger.info("Got event!")



defmodule SomeApp.FourthModule do
  use Exda.Consumer, [:message_recieved]

  @impl true
  def consume_message_recieved(event_data) do
    Logger.info("Got event!")



A bus will change how the event is delivered. The interface for the event handling module will mostly stay the same(the only exception bieng Exda.AsyncCastGenServer) which will will require you to change from: use Exda.Consumer, [:message_recieved] to: use Exda.GenServerConsumer, [:message_recieved].

There are a few ways for an event to be delivered:


This bus will fire off all the connections in the current pid. This is the default, so if there is no bus information is provided then all consumers will be invoked within the producer's process and block execution.


This bus will fire in an async task. invoked with start, this means that every consumer will be invoked in its own pid. This can be useful for tasks that need to be fire and forget and do not need to be linked.


This bus requires that any consumers use Exda.GenServerConsumer. This bus is useful if you want to have a specific number of pids that are dedicated to consuming messages.

Please see: Exda.EventBuses.AsyncCastGenServer

As well with the Exda.EventBuses.AsyncCastGenServer bus you can add the module to your supervisor tree.


There is an example in the example folder.