Exenv.Adapter behaviour (Exenv v0.4.1) View Source

Defines an Exenv adapter.

An Exenv adapter is simply a module that adheres to the callbacks required. It can be as simple as:

defmodule MyAdapter do
  use Exenv.Adapter

  @imple true
  def load(opts) do
    # load some system env vars


Some adapters may be simple and do not require a process on their own. But if some form of state is needed, we can also make our adapter process-based. If we define our adapter within the normal Exenv startup flow, this process will then be automatically started and supervised. Below is an example:

defmodule MyAdapter do
  use Exenv.Adapter
  use GenServer

  @impl true
  def start_link(opts) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__)

  @impl true
  def init(opts) do
    {:ok, opts}

  @impl true
  def load(opts) do
    # load some system env vars

    GenServer.call(__MODULE__, {:load, opts})

  @impl true
  def handle_call({:load, opts}, _from, config) do
    # load some system env vars

    {:reply, :ok, config}

And thats it! We can know start using our new adapter.

Reading Files

If your adapter reads files in order to load env vars, it is recommended that Exenv.read_file/2 is used. This will enabled support for secrets encryption. If a user passes the one of the following with your options, the file will be automatically decrypted.

  # Decrypts the file using MASTER_KEY env var
  [encryption: true]

  # Decrypts the file using a master key file
  [encryption: [master_key: "/path/to/master.key"]]

Link to this section Summary


Loads the system env vars using the adapter and options provided.

Starts the adapter process if required.

Link to this section Types


config() :: {t(), keyword()}


result() :: :ok | {:error, term()}


t() :: module()

Link to this section Callbacks


load(opts :: keyword()) :: result()

Loads the system env vars using the adapter and options provided.


start_link(opts :: keyword()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Starts the adapter process if required.