Exenv.Encryption (Exenv v0.4.1) View Source

Provides support for secrets encryption.

Exenv supports file encryption out of the box. As a result, most adapters will also support encryption. This allows you to keep an encrypted secrets file checked into your repository. As long as you provide access to a master key via the env var "MASTER_KEY" or file, you will be able to transparently load env vars from your encrypted secrets file.

To start using encryption, you must first generate a master key:

  mix exenv.master_key /config/master.key

The above will generate a master key at /config/master.key

You can then encrypt your secrets file:

  mix exenv.encrypt /config/master.key /config/.env

The above will encrypt the /config/.env file using the key at /config/master.key

You can also decrypt your secrets at any time if you wish to add to them:

mix exenv.decrypt /config/master.key /config/.env.enc

The above will decrypt the /config/.env.enc file using the key at /config/master.key and create a new file at /config/.env contining the decrypted secrets.

Encryption options are passed along with adapter options. Please consult the options available to individual adapters for further details.

{Exenv.Adapters.Dotenv, [file: "path/to/.env", encryption: true]}

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Creates a master key at path.

Decrypts the secrets at path using key.

Encrypts the secrets located at path using key.

Attempts to get the master key.

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create_master_key!(binary() | mfa()) :: binary() | no_return()

Creates a master key at path.

Returns the path to the new master key file.

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decrypt_secrets!(key, path_or_mfa)

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decrypt_secrets!(binary(), binary() | mfa()) :: binary() | no_return()

Decrypts the secrets at path using key.

Returns the decrypted secrets.

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encrypt_secrets!(key, path_or_mfa)

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encrypt_secrets!(binary(), binary() | mfa()) :: binary() | no_return()

Encrypts the secrets located at path using key.

Returns the path to the new encrypted file.

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get_master_key!(path_or_mfa \\ nil)

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get_master_key!(any()) :: binary() | no_return()

Attempts to get the master key.

If provided path it will read the key from path. If not provided a path, it will get the contents of the env var "MASTER_KEY".