View Source Explorer.Backend.DataFrame behaviour (Explorer v0.7.1)

The behaviour for DataFrame backends.




Default inspect implementation for backends.

Creates a new DataFrame for a given backend.


@type basic_types() :: float() | integer() | String.t() | Date.t() | DateTime.t()
@type column_name() :: String.t()
@type columns_for_io() :: [column_name()] | [pos_integer()] | nil
@type compression() :: {algorithm :: option(atom()), level :: option(integer())}
@type df() :: Explorer.DataFrame.t()
@type dtype() :: Explorer.Series.dtype()
@type dtypes() :: %{required(column_name()) => dtype()}
@type fs_entry() :: Explorer.DataFrame.fs_entry()
@type io_result(t) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, Exception.t()}
@type lazy_frame() :: Explorer.Backend.LazyFrame.t()
@type lazy_series() :: Explorer.Backend.LazySeries.t()
@type mutate_value() ::
  | basic_types()
  | [basic_types()]
  | (df() -> series() | basic_types() | [basic_types()])
@type ok_result() :: :ok | {:error, Exception.t()}
@type option(type) :: type | nil
@type result(t) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, term()}
@type series() :: Explorer.Series.t()
@type t() :: struct()


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arrange_with(df, out_df, directions)

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@callback arrange_with(
  out_df :: df(),
  directions :: [{:asc | :desc, lazy_series()}]
) :: df()
@callback collect(df()) :: df()
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concat_columns(list, out_df)

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@callback concat_columns([df()], out_df :: df()) :: df()
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concat_rows(list, out_df)

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@callback concat_rows([df()], out_df :: df()) :: df()
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describe(df, percentiles)

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@callback describe(df(), percentiles :: option([float()])) :: df()
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distinct(df, out_df, columns)

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@callback distinct(df(), out_df :: df(), columns :: [column_name()]) :: df()
@callback drop_nil(df(), columns :: [column_name()]) :: df()
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dummies(df, out_df, columns)

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@callback dummies(df(), out_df :: df(), columns :: [column_name()]) :: df()
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dump_csv(df, header?, delimiter)

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@callback dump_csv(df(), header? :: boolean(), delimiter :: String.t()) ::
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dump_ipc(df, compression)

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@callback dump_ipc(df(), compression()) :: io_result(binary())
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dump_ipc_stream(df, compression)

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@callback dump_ipc_stream(df(), compression()) :: io_result(binary())
@callback dump_ndjson(df()) :: io_result(binary())
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dump_parquet(df, compression)

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@callback dump_parquet(df(), compression()) :: io_result(binary())
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filter_with(df, out_df, lazy_series)

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@callback filter_with(df(), out_df :: df(), lazy_series()) :: df()
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from_csv( entry, dtypes, delimiter, nil_values, skip_rows, header?, encoding, max_rows, columns, infer_schema_length, parse_dates, eol_delimiter )

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@callback from_csv(
  entry :: fs_entry(),
  delimiter :: String.t(),
  nil_values :: [String.t()],
  skip_rows :: integer(),
  header? :: boolean(),
  encoding :: String.t(),
  max_rows :: option(integer()),
  columns :: columns_for_io(),
  infer_schema_length :: option(integer()),
  parse_dates :: boolean(),
  eol_delimiter :: option(String.t())
) :: io_result(df())
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from_ipc(entry, columns)

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@callback from_ipc(
  entry :: fs_entry(),
  columns :: columns_for_io()
) :: io_result(df())
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from_ipc_stream(filename, columns)

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@callback from_ipc_stream(
  filename :: fs_entry(),
  columns :: columns_for_io()
) :: io_result(df())
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from_ndjson(filename, infer_schema_length, batch_size)

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@callback from_ndjson(
  filename :: fs_entry(),
  infer_schema_length :: integer(),
  batch_size :: integer()
) :: io_result(df())
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from_parquet(entry, max_rows, columns)

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@callback from_parquet(
  entry :: fs_entry(),
  max_rows :: option(integer()),
  columns :: columns_for_io()
) :: io_result(df())
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from_query(t, query, params)

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@callback from_query(
  query :: String.t(),
  params :: [term()]
) :: result(df())
@callback from_series([{binary(), Series.t()}]) :: df()
@callback from_tabular(Table.Reader.t(), dtypes()) :: df()
@callback head(df(), rows :: integer()) :: df()
@callback inspect(df(), opts :: Inspect.Opts.t()) :: Inspect.Algebra.t()
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join(left, right, out_df, on, how)

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@callback join(
  left :: df(),
  right :: df(),
  out_df :: df(),
  on :: [{column_name(), column_name()}],
  how :: :left | :inner | :outer | :right | :cross
) :: df()
@callback lazy() :: module()
@callback lazy(df()) :: df()
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load_csv( contents, dtypes, delimiter, nil_values, skip_rows, header?, encoding, max_rows, columns, infer_schema_length, parse_dates, eol_delimiter )

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@callback load_csv(
  contents :: String.t(),
  delimiter :: String.t(),
  nil_values :: [String.t()],
  skip_rows :: integer(),
  header? :: boolean(),
  encoding :: String.t(),
  max_rows :: option(integer()),
  columns :: columns_for_io(),
  infer_schema_length :: option(integer()),
  parse_dates :: boolean(),
  eol_delimiter :: option(String.t())
) :: io_result(df())
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load_ipc(contents, columns)

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@callback load_ipc(
  contents :: binary(),
  columns :: columns_for_io()
) :: io_result(df())
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load_ipc_stream(contents, columns)

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@callback load_ipc_stream(
  contents :: binary(),
  columns :: columns_for_io()
) :: io_result(df())
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load_ndjson(contents, infer_schema_length, batch_size)

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@callback load_ndjson(
  contents :: String.t(),
  infer_schema_length :: integer(),
  batch_size :: integer()
) :: io_result(df())
@callback load_parquet(contents :: binary()) :: io_result(df())
@callback mask(df(), mask :: series()) :: df()
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mutate_with(df, out_df, mutations)

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@callback mutate_with(df(), out_df :: df(), mutations :: [{column_name(), lazy_series()}]) ::
@callback n_rows(df()) :: integer()
@callback nil_count(df()) :: df()
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pivot_longer(df, out_df, columns_to_pivot, columns_to_keep, names_to, values_to)

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@callback pivot_longer(
  out_df :: df(),
  columns_to_pivot :: [column_name()],
  columns_to_keep :: [column_name()],
  names_to :: column_name(),
  values_to :: column_name()
) :: df()
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pivot_wider(df, id_columns, names_from, values_from, names_prefix)

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@callback pivot_wider(
  id_columns :: [column_name()],
  names_from :: column_name(),
  values_from :: [column_name()],
  names_prefix :: String.t()
) :: df()
@callback pull(df(), column :: column_name()) :: series()
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put(df, out_df, column_name, series)

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@callback put(df(), out_df :: df(), column_name(), series()) :: df()
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rename(df, out_df, list)

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@callback rename(df(), out_df :: df(), [{old :: column_name(), new :: column_name()}]) ::
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sample(df, n_or_frac, replace, shuffle, seed)

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@callback sample(
  n_or_frac :: number(),
  replace :: boolean(),
  shuffle :: boolean(),
  seed :: option(integer())
) :: df()
@callback select(df(), out_df :: df()) :: df()
@callback slice(
  indices ::
    [integer()] | series() | %Range{first: term(), last: term(), step: term()}
) ::
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slice(df, offset, length)

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@callback slice(df(), offset :: integer(), length :: integer()) :: df()
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summarise_with(df, out_df, aggregations)

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@callback summarise_with(
  out_df :: df(),
  aggregations :: [{column_name(), lazy_series()}]
) :: df()
@callback tail(df(), rows :: integer()) :: df()
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to_csv(df, entry, header?, delimiter)

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@callback to_csv(df(), entry :: fs_entry(), header? :: boolean(), delimiter :: String.t()) ::
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to_ipc(df, entry, compression, streaming)

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@callback to_ipc(df(), entry :: fs_entry(), compression(), streaming :: boolean()) ::
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to_ipc_stream(df, entry, compression)

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@callback to_ipc_stream(
  entry :: fs_entry(),
) :: ok_result()
@callback to_ndjson(df(), entry :: fs_entry()) :: ok_result()
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to_parquet(df, entry, compression, streaming)

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@callback to_parquet(
  entry :: fs_entry(),
  streaming :: boolean()
) :: ok_result()
@callback to_rows(df(), atom_keys? :: boolean()) :: [map()]
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to_rows_stream(df, atom_keys?, chunk_size)

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@callback to_rows_stream(df(), atom_keys? :: boolean(), chunk_size :: integer()) ::


Link to this function

inspect(df, backend, n_rows, inspect_opts, opts \\ [])

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Default inspect implementation for backends.

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new(data, names, dtypes)

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Creates a new DataFrame for a given backend.