View Source Faker.Util (Faker v0.18.0)
Collection of useful functions for your fake data. Functions aware of locale.
Cycle randomly through the given list with guarantee every element of the list is used once before elements are being picked again. This is done by keeping a list of remaining elements that have not been picked yet. The list of remaining element is returned, as well as the randomly picked element.
Start a cycle. See cycle/1
Get a random digit as a string; one of 0-9
Format a string with randomly generated data. Format specifiers are replaced by random values. A format specifier follows this prototype
Execute fun n times with the index as first param and join the results with joiner
Get a random alphabet character as a string; one of a-z or A-Z
Execute fun n times with the index as first param and return the results as a list
Get a random lowercase character as a string; one of a-z
Pick a random element from an enumerable. Can also be provided a blacklist enumerable as a second argument.
Generate N unique elements
Converts a list to a string, with "and" before the last item. Uses an Oxford comma.
Get a random uppercase character as a string; one of A-Z
Cycle randomly through the given list with guarantee every element of the list is used once before elements are being picked again. This is done by keeping a list of remaining elements that have not been picked yet. The list of remaining element is returned, as well as the randomly picked element.
Start a cycle. See cycle/1
@spec digit() :: binary()
Get a random digit as a string; one of 0-9
iex> Faker.Util.digit()
iex> Faker.Util.digit()
iex> Faker.Util.digit()
iex> Faker.Util.digit()
format(format_str, rules \\ [d: &digit/0, A: &upper_letter/0, a: &lower_letter/0, b: &letter/0])
View SourceFormat a string with randomly generated data. Format specifiers are replaced by random values. A format specifier follows this prototype:
The following specifier rules are present by default:
- d: digits 0-9
- a: lowercase letter a-z
- A: uppercase letter A-Z
- b: anycase letter a-z, A-Z
The specifier rules can be overridden using the second argument.
iex> Faker.Util.format("%2d-%3d %a%A %2d%%")
"01-542 aS 61%"
iex> Faker.Util.format("%8nBATMAN", n: fn() -> "nana " end)
"nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana BATMAN"
Execute fun n times with the index as first param and join the results with joiner
iex> Faker.Util.join(3, ", ", &Faker.Code.isbn13/0)
"9781542646109, 9783297052358, 9790203032090"
iex> Faker.Util.join(4, "-", fn -> Faker.format("####") end)
iex> Faker.Util.join(2, " vs ", &
"Falcon vs Green Blink Claw"
iex> Faker.Util.join(2, " or ", &
"Purple or White"
@spec letter() :: binary()
Get a random alphabet character as a string; one of a-z or A-Z
iex> Faker.Util.letter()
iex> Faker.Util.letter()
iex> Faker.Util.letter()
iex> Faker.Util.letter()
iex> Faker.Util.letter()
Execute fun n times with the index as first param and return the results as a list
iex> Faker.Util.list(3, &(&1))
[0, 1, 2]
iex> Faker.Util.list(3, &(&1 + 1))
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Faker.Util.list(5, &(&1 * &1))
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
iex> Faker.Util.list(3, &(to_string(&1)))
["0", "1", "2"]
@spec lower_letter() :: binary()
Get a random lowercase character as a string; one of a-z
iex> Faker.Util.lower_letter()
iex> Faker.Util.lower_letter()
iex> Faker.Util.lower_letter()
iex> Faker.Util.lower_letter()
Pick a random element from an enumerable. Can also be provided a blacklist enumerable as a second argument.
iex> Faker.Util.pick(10..100)
iex> Faker.Util.pick([1, 3, 5, 7])
iex> Faker.Util.pick([true, false, nil])
iex> Faker.Util.pick(["a", "b", "c"], ["b"])
iex> Faker.Util.pick([1, "2", 3.0], 1..10)
@spec sample_uniq(pos_integer(), (-> any()), MapSet.t()) :: [any()]
Generate N unique elements
iex> Faker.Util.sample_uniq(2, &
["", ""]
iex> Faker.Util.sample_uniq(10, fn -> Faker.String.base64(4) end)
["1tmL", "29Te", "Byiy", "Kfp7", "Z7xb", "lk8z", "pI0P", "yGb0", "ye3Q", "yfOB"]
iex> Faker.Util.sample_uniq(1, &Faker.Phone.EnUs.area_code/0)
iex> Faker.Util.sample_uniq(0, &
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Faker.Util.sample_uniq/3
Converts a list to a string, with "and" before the last item. Uses an Oxford comma.
iex> Faker.Util.to_sentence(["Black", "White"])
"Black and White"
iex> Faker.Util.to_sentence(["Jon Snow"])
"Jon Snow"
iex> Faker.Util.to_sentence(["Oceane", "Angeline", "Nicholas"])
"Angeline, Nicholas, and Oceane"
iex> Faker.Util.to_sentence(["One", "Two", "Three", "Four"])
"Two, Three, Four, and One"
@spec upper_letter() :: binary()
Get a random uppercase character as a string; one of A-Z
iex> Faker.Util.upper_letter()
iex> Faker.Util.upper_letter()
iex> Faker.Util.upper_letter()
iex> Faker.Util.upper_letter()