CPSolver.Search.VariableSelector.AFC (Fixpoint v0.10.6)

Accumulated failure count variable selector (https://www.gecode.org/doc-latest/MPG.pdf, p.8.5.2)



get_afc_record(table, propagator_id)



initialize(space_data, opts)

Initialize AFC

propagator_afc(propagator_id, shared)

propagator_afc(afc_record, decay, global_failure_count, failure? \\ false)

Compute AFC based on last AFC value, decay and current global failure count. This is (to be) used:

  • for computing variable AFC;
  • for updating AFC of a failed propagator;
  • for updating AFCs of all propagators in case decay value has been dynamically changed.

update(data, opts)

Callback implementation for CPSolver.Search.VariableSelector.update/2.

update_afc(propagator_id, shared, failure?, global_failure_count \\ nil)

variable_afc(variable_id, shared)

Compute AFC of variable based on the initial constraint graph.

variable_afcs(variables, shared)

Compute AFCs of variables in one pass