CPSolver.Variable.View (Fixpoint v0.8.37)

View is a variable with attached mapper function. mapper is a bijection of the domain of original variable to the domain of the view



Configures (ax + b) view on variable x. mapper_fun maps view values back to the source variable; returns nil if there is no mapping.


@type t() :: %CPSolver.Variable.View{
  mapper: function(),
  variable: CPSolver.Variable.t()


Link to this function

contains?(view, value)

Link to this function

fix(view, value)

Link to this function

new(variable, a, b)

@spec new(CPSolver.Variable.t(), neg_integer() | pos_integer(), integer()) :: t()

Configures (ax + b) view on variable x. mapper_fun maps view values back to the source variable; returns nil if there is no mapping.

Link to this function

remove(view, value)

Link to this function

removeAbove(view, value)

Link to this function

removeBelow(view, value)