API Reference FloUI v0.1.0-alpha.6



FloUI ships with a number of icon assets which much be pulled into your project. Place the following in your assets.ex file. Include scenic assets as well for the fonts.

Usage in SnapFramework

Renders a text input with optional clear button. See Scenic.Component.TextField for more styles.

Usage in SnapFramework

Dropdown component that scrolls. You can pass two separate themes as options. one for the dropdown, and one for the scroll bar.

Usage in SnapFramework

An Item component used in Dropdown.Items.

Usage in SnapFramework

A List of items for the dropdown component.

DEPRECATED - use SnapFramework layouts instead.

Usage in SnapFramework

Render an icon.

Usage in SnapFramework

Render a button with an icon.

Controller for FloUI.Icon.Button

Usage in SnapFramework

Render this behind a modal if you want to block input to primitive render under it.

Usage in SnapFramework

Scrolling layout modal component. Great for displaying content within a modal. If the content needs to scroll within the modal, use FloUI.Modal.ScrollLayout.

Module for calculating the scroll speed for Scenic.Scrollable components.

Usage in SnapFramework

Scrollable container is used for large content that you want to scroll. It renders a component child within. this is meant to be as plug and play as possible. With minimal fiddling to get it to work. You can use the ScrollBar component directly if you want to build your own scrollable containers.

Utility module for limiting certain operations along a certain direction only. A value can be connected to either horizontal or vertical directions.

Module for handling the drag controllability for Scenic.Scrollable components.

This module handles key mappings and keypress events for Scenic.Scrollable components.

Module for applying limits to a position.

Scroll bars are meant to be used within the Scrollable.Container component, but you can use them to build your own scrollable containers.

Usage in SnapFramework

Selection lists are a convenient way to have selectable options in list form.

Usage in SnapFramework

A selection list item used by SelectionList.

Usage in SnapFramework

Tab should be passed into the Tabs module as follows.

Usage in SnapFramework

The following example uses FloUI.Tabs and Grid to lay the tabs out. Iterates over the @tabs assign to render each tab. @module.get_tab_width runs FontMetrics on the label to get the width.

Basic theme for sets for FloUI

Usage in SnapFramework

Renders a tooltip.