View Source Floki (Floki v0.37.0)

Floki is a simple HTML parser that enables search for nodes using CSS selectors.


Assuming that you have the following HTML:

<!doctype html>
  <section id="content">
    <p class="headline">Floki</p>
    <a href="">Github page</a>
    <span data-model="user">philss</span>

To parse this, you can use the function Floki.parse_document/1:

{:ok, html} = Floki.parse_document(doc)
# =>
# [{"html", [],
#   [
#     {"body", [],
#      [
#        {"section", [{"id", "content"}],
#         [
#           {"p", [{"class", "headline"}], ["Floki"]},
#           {"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Github page"]},
#           {"span", [{"data-model", "user"}], ["philss"]}
#         ]}
#      ]}
#   ]}]

With this document you can perform queries such as:

  • Floki.find(html, "#content")
  • Floki.find(html, ".headline")
  • Floki.find(html, "a")
  • Floki.find(html, "[data-model=user]")
  • Floki.find(html, "#content a")
  • Floki.find(html, ".headline, a")

Each HTML node is represented by a tuple like:

{tag_name, attributes, children_nodes}

Example of node:

{"p", [{"class", "headline"}], ["Floki"]}

So even if the only child node is the element text, it is represented inside a list.



Changes the attribute values of the elements matched by selector with the function mutation and returns the whole element tree.

Returns a list with attribute values from elements.

Returns a list with attribute values for a given selector.

Returns the direct child nodes of a HTML node.

Escapes a string for use as a CSS identifier.

Returns the nodes from a HTML tree that don't match the filter selector.

Find elements inside an HTML tree or string.

Searches for elements inside the HTML tree and update those that matches the selector.

Finds the first element in an HTML tree by id.

parse(html) deprecated

Parses a HTML Document from a String.

Parses an HTML document from a string.

Parses a HTML Document from a string.

Parses an HTML fragment from a string.

Parses a HTML fragment from a string.

Converts HTML tree to raw HTML.

Returns the text nodes from a HTML tree.

Traverses and updates a HTML tree structure.

Traverses and updates a HTML tree structure with an accumulator.



@type css_selector() ::
  | %Floki.Selector{
      attributes: term(),
      classes: term(),
      combinator: term(),
      id: term(),
      namespace: term(),
      pseudo_classes: term(),
      type: term()
  | [
        attributes: term(),
        classes: term(),
        combinator: term(),
        id: term(),
        namespace: term(),
        pseudo_classes: term(),
        type: term()


@type html_attribute() :: {String.t(), String.t()}


@type html_attributes() :: [html_attribute()] | html_attributes_map()


@type html_attributes_map() :: %{required(String.t()) => String.t()}


@type html_comment() :: {:comment, String.t()}


@type html_declaration() :: {:pi, String.t(), html_attributes()}


@type html_doctype() :: {:doctype, String.t(), String.t(), String.t()}


@type html_node() ::
  | html_comment()
  | html_doctype()
  | html_declaration()
  | html_text()


@type html_tag() :: {String.t(), html_attributes(), [html_node()]}


@type html_text() :: String.t()


@type html_tree() :: [html_node()]


attr(html_elem_tuple, selector, attribute_name, mutation)

@spec attr(
  binary() | html_tree() | html_node(),
  (binary() -> binary())
) ::

Changes the attribute values of the elements matched by selector with the function mutation and returns the whole element tree.


iex> Floki.attr([{"div", [{"id", "a"}], []}], "#a", "id", fn(id) -> String.replace(id, "a", "b") end)
[{"div", [{"id", "b"}], []}]

iex> Floki.attr([{"div", [{"class", "name"}], []}], "div", "id", fn _ -> "b" end)
[{"div", [{"id", "b"}, {"class", "name"}], []}]

attribute(html, attribute_name)

@spec attribute(binary() | html_tree() | html_node(), binary()) :: list()

Returns a list with attribute values from elements.


iex> Floki.attribute([{"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Google"]}], "href")

iex> Floki.attribute([{"a", [{"href", ""}, {"data-name", "google"}], ["Google"]}], "data-name")

attribute(html, selector, attribute_name)

@spec attribute(binary() | html_tree() | html_node(), binary(), binary()) :: list()

Returns a list with attribute values for a given selector.


iex> Floki.attribute([{"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Google"]}], "a", "href")

iex> Floki.attribute(
iex>   [{"a", [{"class", "foo"}, {"href", ""}], ["Google"]}],
iex>   "a",
iex>   "class"
iex> )

iex> Floki.attribute(
iex>   [{"a", [{"href", ""}, {"data-name", "e.corp"}], ["E.Corp"]}],
iex>   "a[data-name]",
iex>   "data-name"
iex> )

children(html_node, opts \\ [include_text: true])

@spec children(html_node(), Keyword.t()) :: html_tree() | nil

Returns the direct child nodes of a HTML node.

By default, it will also include all texts. You can disable this behaviour by using the option include_text to false.

If the given node is not an HTML tag, then it returns nil.


iex> Floki.children({"div", [], ["text", {"span", [], []}]})
["text", {"span", [], []}]

iex> Floki.children({"div", [], ["text", {"span", [], []}]}, include_text: false)
[{"span", [], []}]

iex> Floki.children({:comment, "comment"})


@spec css_escape(String.t()) :: String.t()

Escapes a string for use as a CSS identifier.


iex> Floki.css_escape("hello world")
"hello\\ world"

iex> Floki.css_escape("-123")
"-\\31 23"

filter_out(html, selector)

@spec filter_out(
  html_node() | html_tree() | binary(),
  :comment | :text | css_selector()
) ::
  html_node() | html_tree()

Returns the nodes from a HTML tree that don't match the filter selector.


iex> Floki.filter_out({"div", [], [{"script", [], ["hello"]}, " world"]}, "script")
{"div", [], [" world"]}

iex> Floki.filter_out([{"body", [], [{"script", [], []}, {"div", [], []}]}], "script")
[{"body", [], [{"div", [], []}]}]

iex> Floki.filter_out({"div", [], [{:comment, "comment"}, " text"]}, :comment)
{"div", [], [" text"]}

iex> Floki.filter_out({"div", [], ["text"]}, :text)
{"div", [], []}

find(html, selector)

@spec find(binary() | html_tree() | html_node(), css_selector()) :: html_tree()

Find elements inside an HTML tree or string.


iex> {:ok, html} = Floki.parse_fragment("<p><span class=hint>hello</span></p>")
iex> Floki.find(html, ".hint")
[{"span", [{"class", "hint"}], ["hello"]}]

iex> {:ok, html} = Floki.parse_fragment("<div id=important><div>Content</div></div>")
iex> Floki.find(html, "#important")
[{"div", [{"id", "important"}], [{"div", [], ["Content"]}]}]

iex> {:ok, html} = Floki.parse_fragment("<p><a href=''>Google</a></p>")
iex> Floki.find(html, "a")
[{"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Google"]}]

iex> Floki.find([{ "div", [], [{"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Google"]}]}], "div a")
[{"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Google"]}]

find_and_update(html_tree, selector, fun)

@spec find_and_update(
  ({String.t(), html_attributes()} -> {String.t(), html_attributes()} | :delete)
) :: html_tree()

Searches for elements inside the HTML tree and update those that matches the selector.

It will return the updated HTML tree.

This function works in a way similar to traverse_and_update, but instead of updating the children nodes, it will only updates the tag and attributes of the matching nodes.

If fun returns :delete, the HTML node will be removed from the tree.


iex> Floki.find_and_update([{"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Elixir"]}], "a", fn
iex>   {"a", [{"href", href}]} ->
iex>     {"a", [{"href", String.replace(href, "http://", "https://")}]}
iex>   other ->
iex>     other
iex> end)
[{"a", [{"href", ""}], ["Elixir"]}]

get_by_id(html_tree_as_tuple, id)

@spec get_by_id(html_tree() | html_node(), String.t()) :: html_node() | nil

Finds the first element in an HTML tree by id.

Returns nil if no element is found.

This is useful when there are IDs that contain special characters that are invalid when passed as is as a CSS selector. It is similar to the getElementById method in the browser.


iex> {:ok, html} = Floki.parse_fragment(~s[<p><span class="hint" id="id?foo_special:chars">hello</span></p>])
iex> Floki.get_by_id(html, "id?foo_special:chars")
{"span", [{"class", "hint"}, {"id", "id?foo_special:chars"}], ["hello"]}
iex> Floki.get_by_id(html, "does-not-exist")



map(html_tree_list, fun)

This function is deprecated. Use `find_and_update/3` or `` instead. .


This function is deprecated. Use `parse_document/1` or `parse_fragment/1` instead..
@spec parse(binary()) :: html_tag() | html_tree() | String.t()

Parses a HTML Document from a String.

The expect string is a valid HTML, but the parser will try to parse even with errors.

parse_document(document, opts \\ [])

@spec parse_document(binary(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, html_tree()} | {:error, String.t()}

Parses an HTML document from a string.

This is the main function to get a tree from an HTML string.


  • :attributes_as_maps - Change the behaviour of the parser to return the attributes as maps, instead of a list of {"key", "value"}. Default to false.

  • :html_parser - The module of the backend that is responsible for parsing the HTML string. By default it is set to the built-in parser, and the module name is equal to Floki.HTMLParser.Mochiweb, or from the value of the application env of the same name.

    See for more details.

  • :parser_args - A list of options to the parser. This can be used to pass options that are specific for a given parser. Defaults to an empty list.


iex> Floki.parse_document("<html><head></head><body>hello</body></html>")
{:ok, [{"html", [], [{"head", [], []}, {"body", [], ["hello"]}]}]}

iex> Floki.parse_document("<html><head></head><body>hello</body></html>", html_parser: Floki.HTMLParser.Mochiweb)
{:ok, [{"html", [], [{"head", [], []}, {"body", [], ["hello"]}]}]}

iex> Floki.parse_document(
...>   "<html><head></head><body class=main>hello</body></html>",
...>   attributes_as_maps: true,
...>   html_parser: Floki.HTMLParser.Mochiweb
{:ok, [{"html", %{}, [{"head", %{}, []}, {"body", %{"class" => "main"}, ["hello"]}]}]}

parse_document!(document, opts \\ [])

@spec parse_document!(binary(), Keyword.t()) :: html_tree()

Parses a HTML Document from a string.

Similar to Floki.parse_document/1, but raises Floki.ParseError if there was an error parsing the document.


iex> Floki.parse_document!("<html><head></head><body>hello</body></html>")
[{"html", [], [{"head", [], []}, {"body", [], ["hello"]}]}]

parse_fragment(fragment, opts \\ [])

@spec parse_fragment(binary(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, html_tree()} | {:error, String.t()}

Parses an HTML fragment from a string.

This is mostly for parsing sections of an HTML document.


  • :attributes_as_maps - Change the behaviour of the parser to return the attributes as maps, instead of a list of {"key", "value"}. Remember that maps are no longer ordered since OTP 26. Default to false.

  • :html_parser - The module of the backend that is responsible for parsing the HTML string. By default it is set to the built-in parser, and the module name is equal to Floki.HTMLParser.Mochiweb, or from the value of the application env of the same name.

    See for more details.

  • :parser_args - A list of options to the parser. This can be used to pass options that are specific for a given parser. Defaults to an empty list.

parse_fragment!(fragment, opts \\ [])

@spec parse_fragment!(binary(), Keyword.t()) :: html_tree()

Parses a HTML fragment from a string.

Similar to Floki.parse_fragment/1, but raises Floki.ParseError if there was an error parsing the fragment.

raw_html(html_tree, options \\ [])

@spec raw_html(
  html_tree() | html_node() | binary(),
) :: binary()

Converts HTML tree to raw HTML.

Note that the resultant HTML may be different from the original one. Spaces after tags and doctypes are ignored.


  • :encode - A boolean option to control if special HTML characters should be encoded as HTML entities. Defaults to true.

You can also control the encoding behaviour at the application level via config :floki, :encode_raw_html, false

  • :pretty - Controls if the output should be formatted, ignoring breaklines and spaces from the input and putting new ones in order to pretty format the html. Defaults to false.


iex> Floki.raw_html({"div", [{"class", "wrapper"}], ["my content"]})
~s(<div class="wrapper">my content</div>)

iex> Floki.raw_html({"div", [{"class", "wrapper"}], ["10 > 5"]})
~s(<div class="wrapper">10 &gt; 5</div>)

iex> Floki.raw_html({"div", [{"class", "wrapper"}], ["10 > 5"]}, encode: false)
~s(<div class="wrapper">10 > 5</div>)

iex> Floki.raw_html({"div", [], ["\n   ", {"span", [], "Fully indented"}, "    \n"]}, pretty: true)
    Fully indented

text(html, opts \\ [])

@spec text(html_tree() | html_node() | binary(), Keyword.t()) :: binary()

Returns the text nodes from a HTML tree.

By default, it will perform a deep search through the HTML tree. You can disable deep search with the option deep assigned to false. You can include content of script tags with the option js assigned to true. You can specify a separator between nodes content.


  • :deep - A boolean option to control how deep the search for text is going to be. If false, only the level of the HTML node or the first level of the HTML document is going to be considered. Defaults to true.

  • :js - A boolean option to control if the contents of script tags should be considered as text. Defaults to false.

  • :sep - A separator string that is added between text nodes. Defaults to "".

  • :include_inputs - A boolean to control if <input> or <textarea> values should be included in the resultant string. Defaults to false.

  • :html_parser - The module of the backend that is responsible for parsing the HTML string. By default it is set to Floki.HTMLParser.Mochiweb.


iex> Floki.text({"div", [], [{"span", [], ["hello"]}, " world"]})
"hello world"

iex> Floki.text({"div", [], [{"span", [], ["hello"]}, " world"]}, deep: false)
" world"

iex> Floki.text({"div", [], [{"script", [], ["hello"]}, " world"]})
" world"

iex> Floki.text([{"input", [{"type", "date"}, {"value", "2017-06-01"}], []}], include_inputs: true)

iex> Floki.text({"div", [], [{"script", [], ["hello"]}, " world"]}, js: true)
"hello world"

iex> Floki.text({"ul", [], [{"li", [], ["hello"]}, {"li", [], ["world"]}]}, sep: "-")

iex> Floki.text([{"div", [], ["hello world"]}])
"hello world"

iex> Floki.text([{"p", [], ["1"]},{"p", [], ["2"]}])

iex> Floki.text({"div", [], [{"style", [], ["hello"]}, " world"]}, style: false)
" world"

iex> Floki.text({"div", [], [{"style", [], ["hello"]}, " world"]}, style: true)
"hello world"

traverse_and_update(html_tree, fun)

@spec traverse_and_update(
  html_node() | html_tree(),
  (html_node() -> html_node() | [html_node()] | nil)
) :: html_node() | html_tree()

Traverses and updates a HTML tree structure.

This function returns a new tree structure that is the result of applying the given fun on all nodes except text nodes. The tree is traversed in a post-walk fashion, where the children are traversed before the parent.

When the function fun encounters HTML tag, it receives a tuple with {name, attributes, children}, and should either return a similar tuple, a list of tuples to split current node or nil to delete it.

The function fun can also encounter HTML doctype, comment or declaration and will receive, and should return, different tuple for these types. See the documentation for html_comment/0, html_doctype/0 and html_declaration/0 for details.

Note: this won't update text nodes, but you can transform them when working with children nodes.


iex> html = [{"div", [], ["hello"]}]
iex> Floki.traverse_and_update(html, fn
...>   {"div", attrs, children} -> {"p", attrs, children}
...>   other -> other
...> end)
[{"p", [], ["hello"]}]

iex> html = [{"div", [], [{:comment, "I am comment"}, {"span", [], ["hello"]}]}]
iex> Floki.traverse_and_update(html, fn
...>   {"span", _attrs, _children} -> nil
...>   {:comment, text} -> {"span", [], text}
...>   other -> other
...> end)
[{"div", [], [{"span", [], "I am comment"}]}]

traverse_and_update(html_tree, acc, fun)

@spec traverse_and_update(
  html_node() | html_tree(),
  (html_node(), traverse_acc ->
     {html_node() | [html_node()] | nil, traverse_acc})
) :: {html_node() | html_tree(), traverse_acc}
when traverse_acc: any()

Traverses and updates a HTML tree structure with an accumulator.

This function returns a new tree structure and the final value of accumulator which are the result of applying the given fun on all nodes except text nodes. The tree is traversed in a post-walk fashion, where the children are traversed before the parent.

When the function fun encounters HTML tag, it receives a tuple with {name, attributes, children} and an accumulator. It and should return a 2-tuple like {new_node, new_acc}, where new_node is either a similar tuple or nil to delete the current node, and new_acc is an updated value for the accumulator.

The function fun can also encounter HTML doctype, comment or declaration and will receive, and should return, different tuple for these types. See the documentation for html_comment/0, html_doctype/0 and html_declaration/0 for details.

Note: this won't update text nodes, but you can transform them when working with children nodes.


iex> html = [{"div", [], [{:comment, "I am a comment"}, "hello"]}, {"div", [], ["world"]}]
iex> Floki.traverse_and_update(html, 0, fn
...>   {"div", attrs, children}, acc ->
...>     {{"p", [{"data-count", to_string(acc)} | attrs], children}, acc + 1}
...>   other, acc -> {other, acc}
...> end)
   {"p", [{"data-count", "0"}], [{:comment, "I am a comment"}, "hello"]},
   {"p", [{"data-count", "1"}], ["world"]}
 ], 2}

iex> html = {"div", [], [{"span", [], ["hello"]}]}
iex> Floki.traverse_and_update(html, [deleted: 0], fn
...>   {"span", _attrs, _children}, acc ->
...>     {nil, Keyword.put(acc, :deleted, acc[:deleted] + 1)}
...>   tag, acc ->
...>     {tag, acc}
...> end)
{{"div", [], []}, [deleted: 1]}