View Source Fpl (fpl v0.1.0)
An Elixir wrapper for the unofficial Fantasy Premier League
Note that an Event
refers to a Gameweek
Fetches the best private classic leagues.
Fetches a summary of the data available.
Fetches the classic league's data which includes the entrys within the league, showing their relative ranking and high level data for each and is paginated.
Fetches the dream team for the given event.
Fetches the player element summary data which comprises of including past performance and upcoming fixtures.
Fetches information on any individual Fpl entry using their id.
Fetches high level stats for each event gone by, plus the entry’s overall career performance form previous seasons.
Fetches the entry's details of 15 players for a given event.
Fetches the entry's full history of transfers.
Fetches the event's live data.
Fetches the current event's status
Fetches all fixtures.
Fetches all fixtures for a given event
Fetches the head-to-head league's data which includes the entrys within the league, showing their relative ranking and high level data for each.
Fetches the most valuable entry teams.
@spec get_best_classic_leagues() :: {:ok, [Fpl.Types.BestClassicLeague.t()]} | {:error, :any}
Fetches the best private classic leagues.
This includes:
- League id
- League name
- Number of entries
- Average score
iex> Fpl.get_best_classic_leagues()
league: 16505,
entries: 68728,
average_score: "509.4",
name: "🇵🇸 Fantasawy 🇵🇸"
league: 16128,
entries: 59237,
average_score: "506.0",
@spec get_bootstrap_static() :: {:ok, Fpl.Types.BootstrapStatic.t()} | {:error, :any}
Fetches a summary of the data available.
This includes:
- A summary of all 38 events
- The game’s settings
- Basic information on all 20 PL teams
- Total number of Fpl Users and overall chip usage
- Basic information on all Premier League players
- List of stats that Fpl keeps track of
- The different Fpl positions
iex> Fpl.get_bootstrap_static()
events: [
average_entry_score: 57,
chip_plays: [
%Fpl.Types.EventChipPlay{chip_name: "bboost", num_played: 144974},
%Fpl.Types.EventChipPlay{chip_name: "3xc", num_played: 221430}
data_checked: true,
deadline_time: "2024-08-16T17:30:00Z",
release_time: nil,
deadline_time_epoch: 1723829400,
deadline_time_game_offset: 0,
finished: true,
highest_score: 127,
highest_scoring_entry: 3546234,
id: 1,
is_current: false,
is_next: false,
is_previous: false,
most_captained: 351,
most_selected: 401,
most_transferred_in: 27,
most_vice_captained: 351,
name: "Gameweek 1",
transfers_made: 0,
cup_leagues_created: false,
h2h_ko_matches_created: false,
ranked_count: 8597356,
top_element: 328,
top_element_info: %Fpl.Types.EventTopElementInfo{id: 328, points: 14}
game_settings: %Fpl.Types.GameSettings{
league_join_private_max: 30,
league_join_public_max: 5,
league_max_ko_rounds_private_h2h: 3,
league_max_size_private_h2h: 16,
league_max_size_public_classic: 20,
league_max_size_public_h2h: 16,
league_points_h2h_draw: 1,
league_points_h2h_lose: 0,
league_points_h2h_win: 3,
league_prefix_public: "League",
squad_squadplay: 11,
squad_squadsize: 15,
squad_team_limit: 3,
squad_total_spend: 1000,
stats_form_days: 30,
sys_vice_captain_enabled: true,
timezone: "UTC",
transfers_cap: 20,
transfers_sell_on_fee: 0.5,
max_extra_free_transfers: 4,
ui_currency_multiplier: 10,
ui_special_shirt_exclusions: [],
ui_use_special_shirts: false,
league_h2h_tiebreak_stats: ["+goals_scored", "-goals_conceded"],
cup_start_event_id: nil,
cup_stop_event_id: nil,
cup_qualifying_method: nil,
cup_type: nil,
league_ko_first_instead_of_random: false,
featured_entries: [],
percentile_ranks: [1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65,
70, ...]
phases: [
id: 1,
name: "Overall",
start_event: 1,
stop_event: 38,
highest_score: 536
teams: [
code: 3,
draw: 0,
form: nil,
id: 1,
loss: 0,
name: "Arsenal",
played: 0,
points: 0,
position: 0,
short_name: "ARS",
strength: 5,
team_division: nil,
unavailable: false,
win: 0,
strength_overall_home: 1350,
strength_overall_away: 1380,
strength_attack_home: 1370,
strength_attack_away: 1370,
strength_defence_home: 1330,
strength_defence_away: 1390,
pulse_id: 1
elements: [
id: 1,
photo: "438098.jpg",
web_name: "Fábio Vieira",
team: 1,
team_code: 3,
status: "u",
code: 438098,
first_name: "Fábio",
second_name: "Ferreira Vieira",
squad_number: nil,
news: "Has joined Portuguese side FC Porto on loan for the 2024/25 season",
news_added: "2024-08-29T11:06:25.241953Z",
now_cost: 54,
chance_of_playing_this_round: 0,
chance_of_playing_next_round: 0,
value_form: "0.0",
value_season: "0.0",
cost_change_start: -1,
cost_change_event: 0,
cost_change_start_fall: 1,
cost_change_event_fall: 0,
in_dreamteam: false,
dreamteam_count: 0,
selected_by_percent: "0.0",
form: "0.0",
transfers_out: 2588,
transfers_in: 439,
transfers_out_event: 49,
transfers_in_event: 0,
loans_in: nil,
loans_out: nil,
loaned_in: nil,
loaned_out: nil,
total_points: 0,
event_points: 0,
points_per_game: "0.0",
ep_this: "0.0",
ep_next: "0.0",
special: false,
minutes: 0,
goals_scored: 0,
assists: 0,
element_stats: [
%Fpl.Types.ElementStat{label: "Minutes played", name: "minutes"},
%Fpl.Types.ElementStat{label: "Goals scored", name: "goals_scored"},
element_types: [
element_count: 70,
id: 1,
plural_name: "Goalkeepers",
plural_name_short: "GKP",
singular_name: "Goalkeeper",
singular_name_short: "GKP",
squad_max_play: 1,
squad_max_select: nil,
squad_min_play: 1,
squad_min_select: nil,
squad_select: 2,
sub_positions_locked: [],
ui_shirt_specific: true
total_players: 10460730
@spec get_classic_league(league_id :: String.t(), page :: String.t()) :: {:ok, Fpl.Types.ClassicLeague.t()} | {:error, :any}
Fetches the classic league's data which includes the entrys within the league, showing their relative ranking and high level data for each and is paginated.
This includes:
- League name
- Date created
- Admin ID
- Closed or open
- Cup activated
Individual entry/team data, including:
- Manager name
- Team name
- Current league rank
- Last week’s rank
- Entry ID
- Total Points
iex> Fpl.get_classic_league("7", "1")
last_updated_data: "2024-09-30T22:00:00Z",
league: %Fpl.Types.ClassicLeagueInfo{
admin_entry: nil,
closed: false,
code_privacy: "p",
created: "2024-07-17T11:51:46.295853Z",
id: 7,
max_entries: nil,
name: "Crystal Palace",
rank: nil,
start_event: 1,
scoring: "c",
league_type: "s",
has_cup: true,
cup_league: nil
new_entries: %Fpl.Types.LeagueNewEntries{
has_next: false,
page: 1,
results: []
standings: %Fpl.Types.LeagueStandings{
has_next: true,
page: 1,
results: [
id: 66695239,
entry: 7871356,
entry_name: "s.e.s.e.k.l.eb11@gma",
event_total: 92,
player_name: "Rede Ssddd",
last_rank: 106,
rank: 1,
rank_sort: 1,
total: 483,
division: nil,
matches_drawn: nil,
matches_lost: nil,
matches_played: nil,
matches_won: nil,
points_for: nil
@spec get_dream_team(event_id :: String.t()) :: {:ok, Fpl.Types.DreamTeam.t()} | {:error, :any}
Fetches the dream team for the given event.
This includes:
- Top player
- Top elements in the team
iex> Fpl.get_dream_team("6")
top_player: %Fpl.Types.TopPlayer{id: 182, points: 25},
team: [
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 508, position: 1, points: 6},
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 295, position: 2, points: 12},
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 506, position: 3, points: 11},
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 200, position: 4, points: 9},
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 182, position: 5, points: 25},
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 230, position: 6, points: 15},
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 9, position: 7, points: 13},
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 115, position: 8, points: 12},
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 23, position: 9, points: 12},
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 268, position: 10, points: 12},
%Fpl.Types.DreamTeamElement{element: 58, position: 11, points: 11}
@spec get_element_summary(element_id :: String.t()) :: {:ok, Fpl.Types.ElementSummary.t()} | {:error, :any}
Fetches the player element summary data which comprises of including past performance and upcoming fixtures.
This includes:
Remaining fixtures for the player, including:
- Kickoff time
- Event number
- Home or Away
- Difficulty
Previous fixtures and performance, including:
- Minutes played
- Goals
- Assists
- Conceded
- Cards
- Bonus
- Influence
- Creativity
- xG
- xA
- Value
- Transfer delta for that event
iex> Fpl.get_element_summary("4")
history_past: [
id: nil,
season_name: "2020/21",
element_code: 219847,
is_home: nil,
start_cost: 85,
end_cost: 83,
total_points: 91,
minutes: 1512,
goals_scored: 4,
assists: 6,
clean_sheets: 8,
goals_conceded: 15,
own_goals: 0,
penalties_saved: 0,
penalties_missed: 0,
yellow_cards: 2,
red_cards: 0,
saves: 0,
bonus: 3,
bps: 268,
influence: "325.0",
creativity: "307.7",
threat: "514.0",
ict_index: "114.2",
ea_index: nil,
expected_goals: "0.00",
expected_assists: "0.00",
expected_goal_involvements: "0.00",
expected_goals_conceded: "0.00"
fixtures: [
id: 61,
kickoff_time_formatted: nil,
event_name: "Gameweek 7",
opponent_name: nil,
opponent_short_name: nil,
is_home: true,
difficulty: 2,
code: 2444530,
kickoff_time: "2024-10-05T14:00:00Z",
team_h_score: nil,
team_a_score: nil,
finished: false,
minutes: 0,
provisional_start_time: false,
finished_provisional: nil,
event: 7,
team_a: 17,
team_h: 1
history: [
id: nil,
kickoff_time: "2024-08-17T14:00:00Z",
kickoff_time_formatted: nil,
team_h_score: 2,
team_a_score: 0,
was_home: true,
round: 1,
total_points: 12,
value: 80,
transfers_balance: 0,
selected: 1087445,
transfers_in: 0,
transfers_out: 0,
loaned_in: nil,
loaned_out: nil,
minutes: 90,
goals_scored: 1,
assists: 1,
clean_sheets: 1,
goals_conceded: 0,
own_goals: 0,
penalties_saved: 0,
penalties_missed: 0,
penalties_conceded: nil,
yellow_cards: 0,
red_cards: 0,
saves: 0,
bonus: 3,
bps: 48,
influence: "54.8",
creativity: "24.1",
threat: "46.0",
ict_index: "12.5",
ea_index: nil,
open_play_crosses: nil,
big_chances_created: nil,
clearances_blocks_interceptions: nil,
recoveries: nil,
key_passes: nil,
tackles: nil,
winning_goals: nil,
attempted_passes: nil,
completed_passes: nil,
big_chances_missed: nil,
@spec get_entry(entry_id :: String.t()) :: {:ok, Fpl.Types.Entry.t()} | {:error, :any}
Fetches information on any individual Fpl entry using their id.
This includes:
- Name
- Team Name
- Favourite team
- Event started
- Points
- Transfers
- Overall Rank
- Last event rank
- Last event points
All league information, including:
- Max entries
- Scoring type
- Cup qualification
- Rank within the league
- League name
- Date created
iex> Fpl.get_entry("1001")
id: 1001,
joined_time: "2024-07-17T13:30:22.508934Z",
started_event: 1,
favourite_team: 12,
name: "Long Hwang",
name_change_blocked: false,
player_first_name: "Jamie",
player_last_name: "Malone",
player_region_id: 241,
player_region_name: "England",
player_region_iso_code_short: "EN",
player_region_iso_code_long: "ENG",
summary_overall_points: 374,
summary_overall_rank: 2605592,
summary_event_points: 41,
summary_event_rank: 7082049,
current_event: 6,
entered_events: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
kit: "{"kit_shirt_type":"plain","kit_shirt_base":"#E1E1E1","kit_shirt_sleeves":"#E1E1E1","kit_shirt_secondary":"#E1E1E1","kit_shirt_logo":"none","kit_shorts":"#E1E1E1","kit_socks_type":"plain","kit_socks_base":"#E1E1E1","kit_socks_secondary":"#E1E1E1"}",
last_deadline_bank: 1,
last_deadline_value: 1010,
last_deadline_total_transfers: 3,
years_active: 13,
leagues: %Fpl.Types.EntryLeagues{
classic: [
id: 12,
active_phases: [
total: 374,
league_id: 12,
phase: 1,
rank: 500422,
rank_count: 1803727,
rank_sort: 501924,
last_rank: 325732,
entry_percentile_rank: 30
total: 161,
league_id: 12,
phase: 3,
rank: 734319,
rank_count: 1803725,
rank_sort: 736322,
last_rank: 385518,
entry_percentile_rank: 45
cup_league: nil,
cup_qualified: nil,
has_cup: true,
name: "Liverpool",
short_name: "team-12",
league_type: "s",
scoring: "c",
created: "2024-07-17T11:51:46.332200Z",
closed: false,
rank: nil,
rank_count: 1803727,
max_entries: nil,
admin_entry: nil,
start_event: 1,
entry_rank: 500422,
entry_last_rank: 325732,
entry_percentile_rank: 30,
entry_can_leave: false,
entry_can_admin: false,
entry_can_invite: false
h2h: [],
cup: %Fpl.Types.EntryCup{
cup_league: nil,
matches: [],
status: %Fpl.Types.EntryCupStatus{
qualification_event: nil,
qualification_numbers: nil,
qualification_rank: nil,
qualification_state: nil
cup_matches: []
@spec get_entry_history(entry_id :: String.t()) :: {:ok, Fpl.Types.EntryHistory.t()} | {:error, :any}
Fetches high level stats for each event gone by, plus the entry’s overall career performance form previous seasons.
This includes:
Event-by-event data, including:
- Points
- Rank
- Overall rank
- Money in the Bank
- Team value
- Transfers made
- Chips played
Past season history data, including:
- Season year
- Overall points
- Overall rank
iex> Fpl.get_entry_history("1001")
chips: [
event: 6,
name: "wildcard",
time: "2024-09-23T21:51:05.823668Z"
current: [
bank: 0,
event: 1,
event_transfers: 0,
event_transfers_cost: 0,
overall_rank: 3608219,
percentile_rank: 45,
points: 60,
points_on_bench: 2,
rank: 3608218,
rank_sort: 3608260,
total_points: 60,
value: 1000
past: [
rank: 745491,
season_name: "2011/12",
total_points: 1817
@spec get_entry_picks(entry_id :: String.t(), event_id :: String.t()) :: {:ok, Fpl.Types.EntryPicks.t()} | {:error, :any}
Fetches the entry's details of 15 players for a given event.
This includes:
The general info for the event, such as:
- Points
- Total points
- Rank
- Team value
- Money in the bank
- Transfers made that event
The stats of the individual players in the team, including:
- Element ID (cross reference with bootstrap-static data)
- Whether they’re captain or vice captain
- Position in the team
iex> Fpl.get_entry_picks("1001", "1")
active_chip: nil,
automatic_subs: [],
entry_history: %Fpl.Types.EntryHistoryEvent{
bank: 0,
event: 1,
event_transfers: 0,
event_transfers_cost: 0,
overall_rank: 3608219,
percentile_rank: 45,
points: 60,
points_on_bench: 2,
rank: 3608218,
rank_sort: 3608260,
total_points: 60,
value: 1000
picks: [
element: 201,
position: 1,
is_captain: false,
is_vice_captain: true,
multiplier: 1
@spec get_entry_transfers(entry_id :: String.t()) :: {:ok, [Fpl.Types.EntryTransfer.t()]} | {:error, :any}
Fetches the entry's full history of transfers.
This includes:
- Cost
- Event
- Time of transfer
- Players in and out
iex> Fpl.get_entry_transfers("1001")
element_in: 310,
element_in_cost: 55,
element_out: 15,
element_out_cost: 56,
entry: 1001,
event: 6,
time: "2024-09-28T09:56:53.897045Z"
@spec get_event_live(event_id :: String.t()) :: {:ok, Fpl.Types.EventLive.t()} | {:error, :any}
Fetches the event's live data.
This endpoint shows all data similar to Fpl.get_element_summary/1
but for the event for every player, rather than a single player for every event.
iex> Fpl.get_event_live("7")
elements: [
id: 1,
stats: %Fpl.Types.ElementMatchStats{
id: nil,
kickoff_time: nil,
kickoff_time_formatted: nil,
team_h_score: nil,
team_a_score: nil,
was_home: nil,
round: nil,
total_points: 0,
value: nil,
transfers_balance: nil,
selected: nil,
transfers_in: nil,
transfers_out: nil,
loaned_in: nil,
loaned_out: nil,
minutes: 0,
goals_scored: 0,
assists: 0,
clean_sheets: 0,
goals_conceded: 0,
own_goals: 0,
penalties_saved: 0,
penalties_missed: 0,
penalties_conceded: nil,
yellow_cards: 0,
red_cards: 0,
saves: 0,
bonus: 0,
bps: 0,
influence: "0.0",
creativity: "0.0",
threat: "0.0",
ict_index: "0.0",
ea_index: nil,
open_play_crosses: nil,
big_chances_created: nil,
clearances_blocks_interceptions: nil,
recoveries: nil,
key_passes: nil,
tackles: nil,
winning_goals: nil,
attempted_passes: nil,
completed_passes: nil,
big_chances_missed: nil,
explain: [
fixture: 51,
stats: [
identifier: "minutes",
points: 0,
value: 0
@spec get_event_status() :: {:ok, Fpl.Types.EventStatus.t()} | {:error, :any}
Fetches the current event's status
iex> Fpl.get_event_status()
leagues: "Updated",
status: [
bonus_added: true,
date: "2024-09-28",
event: 6,
points: "r"
@spec get_fixtures() :: {:ok, [Fpl.Types.EventFixture.t()]} | {:error, :any}
Fetches all fixtures.
Per match, it shows:
- Goals
- Assists
- Cards
- Saves
- Pens missed
- Bonus points
- Own goals
- Pens saved
iex> Fpl.get_fixtures()
id: 1,
event: 1,
code: 2444470,
finished: true,
finished_provisional: true,
kickoff_time: "2024-08-16T19:00:00Z",
minutes: 90,
provisional_start_time: false,
pulse_id: 115827,
started: true,
stats: [
identifier: "goals_scored",
a: [],
h: [%Fpl.Types.EventFixtureStatElement{element: 389, value: 1}]
team_a: 9,
team_a_score: 0,
team_a_difficulty: 3,
team_h: 14,
team_h_score: 1,
team_h_difficulty: 2
@spec get_fixtures_by_event(event_id :: String.t()) :: {:ok, [Fpl.Types.EventFixture.t()]} | {:error, :any}
Fetches all fixtures for a given event
iex> Fpl.get_fixtures_by_event("4")
id: 38,
event: 4,
code: 2444507,
finished: true,
finished_provisional: true,
kickoff_time: "2024-09-14T11:30:00Z",
minutes: 90,
provisional_start_time: false,
pulse_id: 115864,
started: true,
stats: [
identifier: "goals_scored",
a: [
%Fpl.Types.EventFixtureStatElement{element: 372, value: 1},
%Fpl.Types.EventFixtureStatElement{element: 385, value: 1},
%Fpl.Types.EventFixtureStatElement{element: 593, value: 1}
h: []
team_a: 14,
team_a_score: 3,
team_a_difficulty: 2,
team_h: 17,
team_h_score: 0,
team_h_difficulty: 3
@spec get_head_to_head_league(league_id :: String.t(), page :: String.t()) :: {:ok, Fpl.Types.H2HLeague.t()} | {:error, :any}
Fetches the head-to-head league's data which includes the entrys within the league, showing their relative ranking and high level data for each.
This includes:
- New entries
- Last updated data
- ID
- Name
- Created date
- Closed
- Max entries
- League type
- Scoring type
- Start event
- Privacy setting
- Has cup
- Cup league
- Cup round
Standings for each player, with:
- ID
- Division
- Entry
- Player name
- Rank
- Last rank
- Rank sort
- Total points
- Team name
- Played
- Won
- Drawn
- Lost
- Fpl Points
iex> Fpl.get_head_to_head_league("51", "1")
{:ok, league}
@spec get_most_valuable_teams() :: {:ok, [Fpl.Types.MostValuableTeam.t()]} | {:error, :any}
Fetches the most valuable entry teams.
This includes:
- Entry id
- Entry team name
- Entry name
- Total transfers
- Entry team value with money in the bank
iex> Fpl.get_most_valuable_teams()
entry: 748498,
name: "Stark",
player_name: "Tark Chaikitti",
total_transfers: 5,
value_with_bank: 1036
entry: 965250,
name: "Leoliu Monthly Team",
player_name: "leo chandra",
total_transfers: 26,
value_with_bank: 1036