Freddy.Adapter.Sandbox (freddy v0.17.1)

Special no-op Freddy adapter designed to be used in automated tests instead of real AMQP connection.


iex> alias Freddy.{Connection, Core.Exchange, Adapter.Sandbox}
iex> {:ok, conn} = Connection.start_link(adapter: :sandbox)
iex> {:ok, channel} = Connection.open_channel(conn)
iex> :ok = Exchange.declare(%Exchange{name: "test"}, channel)
iex> {:ok, pid} = Connection.get_connection(conn)
iex> Sandbox.history(pid)
  link_connection: [#PID<0.226.0>],
  open_channel: [#PID<0.226.0>],
  monitor_channel: [#PID<0.228.0>],
  declare_exchange: [#PID<0.228.0>, "test", :direct, []]

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Sends a message to the process specified by dest whenever an event occurs.

Get history of events from connection. Events can be filtered by type, for example, if one wants to get only history of messages, published over given connection, he should call history(connection, :publish). Filter by multiple event types is supported.

Sets a response for open_channel/1 function. If set to :ok, the function will return a tuple {:ok, channel_pid} (default behaviour).

Removes a listener previously registered with add_listener/2.

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add_listener(connection, dest)

Sends a message to the process specified by dest whenever an event occurs.

The messages will be tuples {event, args} where event is an atom that corresponds to a callback in the Freddy.Adapter module. args is a list of arguments passed to the callback.

dest may be either a PID or a locally registered name (atom).


iex> alias Freddy.{Connection, Core.Exchange, Adapter.Sandbox}
iex> {:ok, conn} = Connection.start_link(adapter: :sandbox)
iex> {:ok, pid} = Connection.get_connection(conn)
iex> :ok = Sandbox.add_listener(pid, self())
iex> {:ok, channel} = Connection.open_channel(conn)
iex> :ok = Exchange.declare(%Exchange{name: "test"}, channel)
iex> flush()
{:open_channel, [#PID<0.226.0>]}
{:monitor_channel, [#PID<0.228.0>]}
{:declare_exchange, [#PID<0.228.0>, "test", :direct, []]}
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history(connection, events \\ :all, flush? \\ false)

Get history of events from connection. Events can be filtered by type, for example, if one wants to get only history of messages, published over given connection, he should call history(connection, :publish). Filter by multiple event types is supported.

Passing true as a third argument will erase entire history after returning it.

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on_open_channel(connection, response)

Sets a response for open_channel/1 function. If set to :ok, the function will return a tuple {:ok, channel_pid} (default behaviour).

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remove_listener(connection, dest)

Removes a listener previously registered with add_listener/2.