Freddy.Connection (freddy v0.17.1)

Stable AMQP connection.

Link to this section Summary


Freddy adapter. Can be any module, but also can be passed as an alias :amqp or :sandox

Keyword list of AMQP connection params.


Closes an AMQP connection. This will cause process to reconnect.

Returns underlying connection PID

Stops the connection process

Link to this section Types


adapter() :: :amqp | :sandbox | module()

Freddy adapter. Can be any module, but also can be passed as an alias :amqp or :sandox

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connection() :: GenServer.server()
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connection_params() :: [
  adapter: atom(),
  backoff: Freddy.Utils.Backoff.spec(),
  host: String.t(),
  port: integer(),
  username: String.t(),
  password: String.t(),
  virtual_host: String.t(),
  channel_max: non_neg_integer(),
  frame_max: non_neg_integer(),
  heartbeat: non_neg_integer(),
  connection_timeout: timeout(),
  client_properties: [{String.t(), atom(), String.t()}],
  ssl_options: term(),
  socket_options: [any()],
  auth_mechanisms: [function()]

Keyword list of AMQP connection params.


  • :adapter - Freddy adapter. Can be any module, but also can be passed as an alias :amqp or :sandox

  • :backoff - Backoff can be specified either as a 1-arity function that accepts attempt number (starting from 1) , or as a tuple {module, function, arguments} (in this case attempt number will appended to the arguments) or as a backoff config.

  • :host - The hostname of the broker (defaults to "localhost")

  • :port - The port the broker is listening on (defaults to 5672)

  • :username - The name of a user registered with the broker (defaults to "guest")

  • :password - The password of user (defaults to "guest")

  • :virtual_host - The name of a virtual host in the broker (defaults to "/")

  • :channel_max - The channel_max handshake parameter (defaults to 0)

  • :frame_max - The frame_max handshake parameter (defaults to 0)

  • :heartbeat - The hearbeat interval in seconds (defaults to 10)

  • :connection_timeout - The connection timeout in milliseconds (defaults to 5000)

  • :ssl_options - Enable SSL by setting the location to cert files (defaults to none)

  • :client_properties - A list of extra client properties to be sent to the server, defaults to []

  • :socket_options - Extra socket options. These are appended to the default options. See :inet.setopts/2 and :gen_tcp.connect/4 for descriptions of the available options.

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connection_spec() :: connection_params() | connection_uri()
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connection_uri() :: String.t()

Link to this section Functions

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close(connection, timeout \\ 5000)


close(connection(), timeout()) :: :ok | {:error, reason :: term()}

Closes an AMQP connection. This will cause process to reconnect.

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get_connection(connection()) ::
  {:ok, Freddy.Adapter.connection()} | {:error, :closed}

Returns underlying connection PID

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open_channel(connection, timeout \\ 5000)


open_channel(connection(), timeout()) ::
  {:ok, Freddy.Core.Channel.t()} | {:error, reason :: term()}

Opens a new AMQP channel

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start_link(connection_opts \\ [], gen_server_opts \\ [])


Start a new AMQP connection.

connection_opts can be supplied either as keyword list - in this case connection will be established to one RabbitMQ server - or as a list of keyword list - in this case Freddy.Connection will first attempt to establish connection to the host specified by the first element of the list, then to the second, if the first one has failed, and so on.


  • :adapter - Freddy adapter. Can be any module, but also can be passed as an alias :amqp or :sandox

  • :backoff - Backoff can be specified either as a 1-arity function that accepts attempt number (starting from 1) , or as a tuple {module, function, arguments} (in this case attempt number will appended to the arguments) or as a backoff config.

  • :host - The hostname of the broker (defaults to "localhost")

  • :port - The port the broker is listening on (defaults to 5672)

  • :username - The name of a user registered with the broker (defaults to "guest")

  • :password - The password of user (defaults to "guest")

  • :virtual_host - The name of a virtual host in the broker (defaults to "/")

  • :channel_max - The channel_max handshake parameter (defaults to 0)

  • :frame_max - The frame_max handshake parameter (defaults to 0)

  • :heartbeat - The hearbeat interval in seconds (defaults to 10)

  • :connection_timeout - The connection timeout in milliseconds (defaults to 5000)

  • :ssl_options - Enable SSL by setting the location to cert files (defaults to none)

  • :client_properties - A list of extra client properties to be sent to the server, defaults to []

  • :socket_options - Extra socket options. These are appended to the default options. See :inet.setopts/2 and :gen_tcp.connect/4 for descriptions of the available options.

Backoff configuration

Backoff config specifies how intervals should be calculated between reconnection attempts.

Available options

  • :type - should be :constant, :normal or :jitter. When type is set to :constant, interval between all reconnection attempts is the same, defined by option :start. When type is set to :normal, intervals between reconnection attempts are incremented exponentially. When type is set to :jitter, intervals are also incremented exponentially, but with randomness or jitter (see :backoff.rand_increment/2). Defaults to :jitter.
  • :start - an initial backoff interval in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000.
  • :max - specifies maximum backoff interval in milliseconds. Defaults to 10000.
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Stops the connection process