View Source Gemtext.Parser (Gemtext v0.2.0)

Gemtext parser

Link to this section Summary


Parses a string of gemtext into a list of gemtext blocks

Link to this section Types

@type attributes() :: map()
@type content() :: String.t()
@type gemtext_block() :: {tag(), attributes(), content()} | {tag(), content()}
@type gemtext_blocks() :: [gemtext_block()]
@type tag() :: atom()

Link to this section Functions

@spec parse(String.t()) :: gemtext_blocks()

Parses a string of gemtext into a list of gemtext blocks

Note that empty lines are kept as :text blocks with no content as per specification.



iex> Gemtext.Parser.parse("""
...> # Heading 1
...> ## Heading 2
...> ### Heading 3
...> > Quotation Line 1
...> > Quotation Line 2
...> This is normal text Line 1
...> This is normal text Line 2
...> This is a robot emoji 🤖
...> => gemini:// This is a link
...> => /naked_link
...> * Bullet 1
...> * Bullet 2
...> * Bullet 3
...> ``` title
...>  _______________________
...> #                       #
...> | This is  preformatted |
...> |  text with two lines  |
...> #_______________________#
...> ```
...> """)
  {:h1, "Heading 1"},
  {:h2, "Heading 2"},
  {:h3, "Heading 3"},
  {:text, ""},
  {:quote, "Quotation Line 1"},
  {:quote, "Quotation Line 2"},
  {:text, ""},
  {:text, "This is normal text Line 1"},
  {:text, "This is normal text Line 2"},
  {:text, "This is a robot emoji 🤖"},
  {:text, ""},
  {:link, %{to: "gemini://"}, "This is a link"},
  {:link, %{to: "/naked_link"}, nil},
  {:text, ""},
  {:li, "Bullet 1"},
  {:li, "Bullet 2"},
  {:li, "Bullet 3"},
  {:text, ""},
  {:pre, %{title: "title"}, """
  #                       #
  | This is  preformatted |
  |  text with two lines  |
  {:text, ""}