View Source Gemtext (Gemtext v0.2.0)

Gemtext is a lightweight markup language for the Gemini protocol.

This module can parse a "gemtext" into a list of nodes or render the samne list of nodes into the original "gemtext".


Gemtext cheatsheet

  • Long lines get wrapped by the client to fit the screen
  • Short lines don't get joined together
  • Write paragraphs as single long lines
  • Blank lines are rendered verbatim
  • lines which start with ``` will cause clients to toggle in and out of ordinary rendering mode and preformatted mode. In preformatted mode, Gemtext syntax is ignored so links etc. will not be rendered, and text will appear in a monospace font.


Core types


  • <...> is a token
  • [...] is an optional element
  • [<...>] means zero or one
  • <...>* means zero or more
  • <...>+ means one or more
  • <whitespace> is a space or a tab
  • <eol> is one of the eol sequences \r, \n or \r\n
  • <url> is either an absolute or a relative url.


#[<whitespace>]Heading title<eol>

There are three levels of heading:

# Heading

## Sub-heading

### Sub-subheading

List item

There's only one kind of list and you can't nest them:

*[<whitespace>]List item text<eol>
* Mercury
* Gemini
* Apollo


>[<whitespace>]Famous quote here<eol>
> I hope so for your sake, Commander. The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.


=><whitespace>*<url>[<whitespace><link name>]
=> /logout
=> / Go home
=> gemini:// Project Gemini

Preformatted text

```<eol>[<whitespace>*<text_type><eol>](<line of text><eol>)+```
iex> "Elixir" |> String.graphemes() |> Enum.frequencies()
%{"E" => 1, "i" => 2, "l" => 1, "r" => 1, "x" => 1}


everyting until<eol>
This is normal text Line 1
This is normal text Line 2
This is a robot emoji 🤖

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

@type gemtext_blocks() :: Gemtext.Parser.gemtext_blocks()

Link to this section Functions