GenGameWeb.Endpoint (gen_game v0.1.1)



Callback implementation for

Returns the child specification to start the endpoint under a supervision tree.

Returns the endpoint configuration for key

Reloads the configuration given the application environment changes.

Returns the host for the given endpoint.

Callback implementation for Plug.init/1.

Generates the path information when routing to this endpoint.

Generates the script name.

Returns the address and port that the server is running on

Starts the endpoint supervision tree.

Generates a base64-encoded cryptographic hash (sha512) to a static file in priv/static. Meant to be used for Subresource Integrity with CDNs.

Returns a two item tuple with the first item being the static_path and the second item being the static_integrity.

Generates a route to a static file in priv/static.

Generates the static URL without any path information.

Generates the endpoint base URL but as a URI struct.

Callback implementation for Phoenix.Endpoint.unsubscribe/1.

Generates the endpoint base URL without any path information.


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broadcast(topic, event, msg)

Callback implementation for Phoenix.Endpoint.broadcast/3.

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broadcast!(topic, event, msg)

Callback implementation for Phoenix.Endpoint.broadcast!/3.

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broadcast_from(from, topic, event, msg)

Callback implementation for Phoenix.Endpoint.broadcast_from/4.

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broadcast_from!(from, topic, event, msg)

Callback implementation for Phoenix.Endpoint.broadcast_from!/4.

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call(conn, opts)

Callback implementation for

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Returns the child specification to start the endpoint under a supervision tree.

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config(key, default \\ nil)

Returns the endpoint configuration for key

Returns default if the key does not exist.

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config_change(changed, removed)

Reloads the configuration given the application environment changes.

Returns the host for the given endpoint.

Callback implementation for Plug.init/1.

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local_broadcast(topic, event, msg)

Callback implementation for Phoenix.Endpoint.local_broadcast/3.

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local_broadcast_from(from, topic, event, msg)

Callback implementation for Phoenix.Endpoint.local_broadcast_from/4.

Generates the path information when routing to this endpoint.

Generates the script name.

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Returns the address and port that the server is running on

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start_link(opts \\ [])

Starts the endpoint supervision tree.

All other options are merged into the endpoint configuration.

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Generates a base64-encoded cryptographic hash (sha512) to a static file in priv/static. Meant to be used for Subresource Integrity with CDNs.

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Returns a two item tuple with the first item being the static_path and the second item being the static_integrity.

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Generates a route to a static file in priv/static.

Generates the static URL without any path information.

It uses the configuration under :static_url to generate such. It falls back to :url if :static_url is not set.

Generates the endpoint base URL but as a URI struct.

It uses the configuration under :url to generate such. Useful for manipulating the URL data and passing it to URL helpers.

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subscribe(topic, opts \\ [])

Callback implementation for Phoenix.Endpoint.subscribe/2.

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Callback implementation for Phoenix.Endpoint.unsubscribe/1.

Generates the endpoint base URL without any path information.

It uses the configuration under :url to generate such.