gen_metrics v0.2.0 GenMetrics.GenServer.Cluster

A struct used to identify one or more GenServer modules that become candidates for metrics collection.

The fields are:

  • name - a String.t used to identify the cluster

  • servers - a list of one or more GenServer modules

  • opts - a keyword list of options that alter GenMetrics behaviour for the cluster

The name can be used to filter metrics events from the GenMetrics reporting process as well as provding context when logging metrics data.

The following opts are supported:

  • statistics - when true, statistical metrics are generated for the cluster, defaults to false
  • window_interval - metrics collection interval in ms, defaults to 1000 ms


Assuming your application has a Session.Server and a Logging.Server, you can activate metrics collection on both GenServers as follows:

alias GenMetrics.GenServer.Cluster
cluster = %Cluster{name: "demo", servers: [Session.Server, Logging.Server]}

The cluster in this context is simply a named set of one or more GenServer modules about which you would like to collect metrics data. Metrics data are collected on server processes executing on the local node.