gen_metrics v0.2.0 GenMetrics

Runtime metrics for GenServer and GenStage applications.

This library supports the collection and publication of GenServer and GenStage runtime metrics. Metrics data are generated by an introspection agent. No instrumentation is required within the GenServer or GenStage library or within your application source code.

GenMetrics data can be used to reveal insights into live application performance and identify patterns of behaviour within an application over time. Metrics data can be used to drive any number of operational systems, including realtime dashboards, monitoring and alerting systems.

By default, metrics are published by a dedicated GenMetrics reporting process. Any application can subscribe to this process in order to aggregate, render, persist, or generally handle metrics data. Metrics data can also be pushed directly to a statsd agent which makes it possible to analyze, and visualize the metrics within existing tools and services like Graphana and Datadog.

The metrics data collected by this library includes both summary metrics and optional detailed statistical metrics. Summary metrics and statistical metrics for GenServer and GenStage applications are described in detail below.

GenMetrics Installation

Simply add gen_metrics as a deps dependency in your Mixfile.

GenMetrics for GenServer Applications

Any application using the GenServer behaviour can immediately benefit from the insights afforded by GenMetrics. The following sections explain how. For GenStage applications, see the docs here.

GenServer Metrics Activation

A GenMetrics.GenServer.Cluster struct is used to identify one or more GenServer modules that become candidates for metrics collection. For example, assuming your application has a Session.Server and a Logging.Server you can activate metrics collection on both GenServers as follows:

alias GenMetrics.GenServer.Cluster
cluster = %Cluster{name: "demo", servers: [Session.Server, Logging.Server]}

The cluster in this context is simply a named set of one or more GenServer modules about which you would like to collect metrics data. Metrics data are collected on server processes executing on the local node.

GenMetrics will instantly attach to running GenServer processes associated with your cluster. If there are no running server processes associated with your cluster when GenMetrics.monitor_cluster/1 is called, GenMetrics will monitor for process activation and automatically begin metrics collection for each new process.

GenServer Summary Metrics

Summary metrics are collected for activity within the following GenServer callbacks:

GenMetrics collects both the number of callbacks and the time taken on those callbacks for each of the server processes within your cluster.

Summary metrics are aggregated across a periodic time interval, known as a window. By default, the window interval is 1000 ms. This interval may be customized using the window_interval option on GenMetrics.monitor_cluster/1 as shown here:

alias GenMetrics.GenServer.Cluster
cluster = %Cluster{name: "demo",
                   servers: [Session.Server, Logging.Server],
                   opts: [window_interval: 5000]}

The following are sample summary metrics reported for a single window interval on a GenServer process:

# Server Name: Demo.Server, PID<0.176.0>

%GenMetrics.GenServer.Summary{name: Demo.Server,
                              pid: #PID<0.176.0>,
                              calls: 8000,
                              casts: 34500,
                              infos: 3333,
                              time_on_calls: 28,
                              time_on_casts: 161,
                              time_on_infos: 15}

All timings reported on summary metrics are reported in milliseconds (ms). For example, during this sample window interval, the handle_cast/2 callback was executed 34500 times. The total time spent processing those callbacks was just 161 ms.

GenServer Statistical Metrics

Summary metrics provide near-realtime insights into the runtime behaviour of any GenServer application. However, sometimes more fine grained metrics data may be required to truly understand the subtleties of your application’s runtime behaviour. To cater for those cases, GenMetrics supports optional statistical metrics.

Statistical metrics may be activated using the statistics option on GenMetrics.monitor_cluster/1. GenMetrics in-memory metrics are activated as shown here:

alias GenMetrics.GenServer.Cluster
cluster = %Cluster{name: "demo",
                   servers: [Session.Server, Logging.Server],
                   opts: [statistics: true]}

Redirecting statistical metrics to a statsd agent simply requires the following opts configuration:

opts: [statistics: :statsd]}

Redirecting statistical metrics to the Datadog statsd-agent requires the following opts configuration:

opts: [statistics: :datadog]}

Metrics directed to Datadog include tagging data which makes it very easy to subset and query the metrics that you need to monitor.

The following are sample in-memory statistical metrics reported for a single window interval on a GenServer process:

# Server Name: Demo.Server, PID<0.176.0>

# handle_call/3
%GenMetrics.GenServer.Stats{callbacks: 8000,
                            max: 149,
                            mean: 3,
                            min: 2,
                            range: 147,
                            stdev: 2,
                            total: 25753}

# handle_cast/2
%GenMetrics.GenServer.Stats{callbacks: 34500,
                            max: 3368,
                            mean: 4,
                            min: 2,
                            range: 3366,
                            stdev: 31,
                            total: 141383}

# handle_info/2
%GenMetrics.GenServer.Stats{callbacks: 3333,
                            max: 37,
                            mean: 4,
                            min: 2,
                            range: 35,
                            stdev: 2,
                            total: 13510}

All timings reported on in-memory statistical metrics are reported in microseconds (µs). For example, during this sample window interval, the handle_cast/2 callback was executed 34500 times. The total time spent processing those callbacks was 141383 µs. The mean time taken per callback was 4 µs while the standard deviation around the mean was 31 µs.

Note: Under heavy load the generation of in-memory statistical metrics can become computationally expensive. It is therefore recommended that in-memory metrics be activated in production environments judiciously. These concerns are negligible when redirecting statistical metrics to :statsd or :datadog as custom sampling-rates may be configured.

GenServer Reporting Metrics

Runtime in-memory metrics for servers in your cluster are published via a dedicated reporting process. The reporting process is registered locally by the GenMetrics library at startup. This process is registered under the name GenMetrics.GenServer.Reporter.

The reporting process is a GenStage producer that broadcasts metrics data. Any number of consumers can subscribe to this process in order to handle metrics data.

Note, if you are redirecting statistical metrics to :statsd or :datadog there is no need to subscribe to this reporting process.

In order to subscribe, a simple GenStage :consumer can initialize itself to receive events from the reporting process as follows:

def init(:ok) do
  # Subscribe as consumer to the GenMetrics.GenServer.Reporter producer.
  {:consumer, :state_does_not_matter,
              subscribe_to: [{GenMetrics.GenServer.Reporter, max_demand: 1}]}

On receipt of events from the reporting process, metrics data can be extracted for processing to suit any need. The following example demonstrates simple logging of summary metrics data:

def handle_events([metrics | _], _from, state) do
  # Log summary metrics for each server within the GenServer cluster.
  for summary <- metrics.summary do "GenMetrics.Consumer: cluster.server summary=#{inspect summary}"
  {:noreply, [], state}

GenMetrics for GenStage Applications

Any application using the GenStage behaviour can immediately benefit from the insights afforded by GenMetrics. The following sections explain how. For GenServer applications, see the docs here.

GenStage Metrics Activation

A GenMetrics.GenStage.Pipeline struct is used to identify one or more GenStages that become candidates for metrics collection. You can identify a complete pipeline including all :producers, :producer_consumers and :consumers, or any subset of stages within a pipeline.

For example, assuming your GenStage application has a Data.Producer, a Data.Scrubber, a Data.Analyzer and a Data.Consumer, you can activate metrics collection for the entire pipeline as follows:

alias GenMetrics.GenStage.Pipeline
pipeline = %Pipeline{name: "demo",
                     producer: [Data.Producer],
                     producer_consumer: [Data.Scrubber, Data.Analyzer],
                     consumer: [Data.Consumer]}

Alternatively, if you only wanted to activate metrics collection for the :producer_consumer stages within the pipeline you can do the following:

alias GenMetrics.GenStage.Pipeline
pipeline = %Pipeline{name: "demo", 
                     producer_consumer: [Data.Scrubber, Data.Analyzer]}

The pipeline in this context is simply a named set of one or more GenStage modules about which you would like to collect metrics data. Metrics data are collected on stage processes executing on the local node.

GenMetrics will instantly attach to running GenStage processes associated with your pipeline. If there are no running GenStage processes associated with your pipleline when GenMetrics.monitor_pipeline/1 is called, GenMetrics will monitor for process activation and automatically begin metrics collection for each new process.

GenMetrics Summary Metrics

Summary metrics are collected for activity within the following GenStage callbacks:

GenMetrics collects the number of callbacks, the time taken on those callbacks, the size of upstream demand, and the number of events generated in response to that demand, for each of the stages within your pipeline.

Summary metrics are aggregated across a periodic time interval, known as a window. By default, the window interval is 1000 ms. This interval may be customized using the window_interval option on GenMetrics.monitor_pipeline/1 as shown here:

alias GenMetrics.GenStage.Pipeline
pipeline = %Pipeline{name: "demo",
                     producer_consumer: [Data.Scrubber, Data.Analyzer],
                     opts: [window_interval: 5000]}

The following are sample summary metrics reported for a single window interval on a GenStage process:

# Stage Name: Data.Producer, PID<0.195.0>

%GenMetrics.GenStage.Summary{stage: Data.Producer,
                             pid: #PID<0.195.0>,
                             callbacks: 9536,
                             time_on_callbacks: 407,
                             demand: 4768000,
                             events: 4768000}

All timings reported on summary metrics are reported in milliseconds (ms). For example, during this sample window interval, 9536 callbacks were handled by the Data.Producer stage. The total time spent processing those callbacks was 407 ms.

During that time, total upstream demand on the stage was 4768000. A total of 4768000 events were also generated and emitted by the stage. This tells us that the stage was able to fully meet upstream demand during this specific sample window interval.

GenMetrics Statistical Metrics

Summary metrics provide near-realtime insights into the runtime behaviour of any GenStage application. However, sometimes more fine grained metrics data may be required to truly understand the subtleties of your application’s runtime behaviour. To cater for those cases, GenMetrics supports optional statistical metrics.

Statistical metrics may be activated using the statistics option on GenMetrics.monitor_pipeline/1. GenMetrics in-memory metrics are activated as shown here:

alias GenMetrics.GenStage.Pipeline
pipeline = %Pipeline{name: "demo",
                     producer_consumer: [Data.Scrubber, Data.Analyzer],
                     opts: [statistics: true]}

Redirecting statistical metrics to a statsd agent simply requires the following opts configuration:

opts: [statistics: :statsd]}

Redirecting statistical metrics to the Datadog statsd-agent requires the following opts configuration:

opts: [statistics: :datadog]}

Metrics directed to Datadog include tagging data which makes it very easy to subset and query the metrics that you need to monitor.

The following are sample in-memory statistical metrics reported for a single window interval on a GenStage process:

# Stage Name: Data.Producer, PID<0.195.0>

# callback demand
%GenMetrics.GenStage.Stats{callbacks: 9536,
                           max: 500,
                           mean: 500,
                           min: 500,
                           range: 0,
                           stdev: 0,
                           total: 4768000}
# callback events
%GenMetrics.GenStage.Stats{callbacks: 9536,
                           max: 500,
                           mean: 500,
                           min: 500,
                           range: 0,
                           stdev: 0,
                           total: 4768000}

# callback timings
%GenMetrics.GenStage.Stats{callbacks: 9536,
                           max: 2979,
                           mean: 42,
                           min: 24,
                           range: 2955,
                           stdev: 38,
                           total: 403170}

All timings reported on in-memory statistical metrics are reported in microseconds (µs). For example, during this sample window interval, 9536 callbacks were handled by the Data.Producer stage. The total time spent processing those callbacks was 403170 µs. The mean time taken per callback was 42 µs while the standard deviation around the mean was 38 µs.

Here, the total upstream demand of 4768000 equalled the total events emitted by the stage. This tells us that the stage was able to fully meet upstream demand during this specific sample window interval.

Note: Under heavy load the generation of in-memory statistical metrics can become computationally expensive. It is therefore recommended that in-memory metrics be activated in production environments judiciously. These concerns are negligible when redirecting statistical metrics to :statsd or :datadog as custom sampling-rates may be configured.

GenMetrics Reporting Metrics

Runtime in-memory metrics for stages in your pipeline are published via a dedicated reporting process. The reporting process is registered locally by the GenMetrics library at startup. This process is registered under the name GenMetrics.GenStage.Reporter.

The reporting process itself is a GenStage producer that broadcasts metrics data. Any number of consumers can subscribe to this process in order to handle metrics data.

Note, if you are redirecting statistical metrics to :statsd or :datadog there is no need to subscribe to this reporting process.

In order to subscribe, a simple GenStage :consumer can initialize itself to receive events from the reporting process as follows:

def init(:ok) do
  # Subscribe as consumer to the GenMetrics.GenStage.Reporter producer.
  {:consumer, :state_does_not_matter,
              subscribe_to: [{GenMetrics.GenStage.Reporter, max_demand: 1}]}

On receipt of events from the reporting process, metrics data can be extracted for processing to suit any need. The following example demonstrates simple logging of summary metrics data:

def handle_events([metrics | _], _from, state) do
  # Log summary metrics for each stage within the GenStage pipeline.
  for summary <- metrics.summary do "GenMetrics.Consumer: pipeline.stage summary=#{inspect summary}"
  {:noreply, [], state}



Activate metrics collection and publishing for one or more GenServers

Activate metrics collection and publishing for one or more stages within a GenStage pipeline


monitor_cluster(%GenMetrics.GenServer.Cluster{name: term, opts: term, servers: term}) ::
  {:ok, pid} |
  {:error, :bad_server, [String.t]}

Activate metrics collection and publishing for one or more GenServers.

Example Usage

Assuming an application has a Session.Server and a Logging.Server you can activate metrics collection on both GenServers as follows:

alias GenMetrics.GenServer.Cluster
cluster = %Cluster{name: "demo",
                   servers: [Session.Server, Logging.Server],
                   opts: [window_interval: 5000]}

Cluster Validation

When this function is called the GenMetrics library checks and verifies the following conditions are met:

  1. All server modules specified on the cluster can be located and loaded
  2. All server modules specified on the cluster implement the GenServer behaviour

If any module in the cluster does not meet these conditions the function terminates with a :bad_cluster response and supporting error messages.

Metrics Reporting

By default, metrics data gathered on your cluster are maintained in-memory and reported by a dedicated reporting process. However, metrics data can be redirected to :statsd or :datadog using the statistics configuration option on this call.

For example: redirect your cluster metrics data to the Datadog service as follows:

alias GenMetrics.GenServer.Cluster
cluster = %Cluster{name: "demo",
                   servers: [Session.Server, Logging.Server],
                   opts: [statistics: :datadog]}
monitor_pipeline(%GenMetrics.GenStage.Pipeline{consumer: term, name: term, opts: term, producer: term, producer_consumer: term}) ::
  {:ok, pid} |
  {:error, :bad_pipeline, [String.t]}

Activate metrics collection and publishing for one or more stages within a GenStage pipeline.

Example Usage

Assuming a GenStage application has a Data.Producer, a Data.Scrubber, a Data.Analyzer and a Data.Consumer, you can activate metrics collection for the entire pipeline as follows:

alias GenMetrics.GenStage.Pipeline
pipeline = %Pipeline{name: "demo",
                     producer: [Data.Producer],
                     producer_consumer: [Data.Scrubber, Data.Analyzer],
                     consumer: [Data.Consumer]}

Pipeline Validation

When this function is called the GenMetrics library checks and verifies the following conditions are met:

  1. All stage modules specified on the pipeline can be located and loaded
  2. All stage modules specified on the pipeline implement the GenStage behaviour

If any module in the pipeline does not meet these conditions the function terminates with a :bad_pipeline response and supporting error messages.

Metrics Reporting

By default, metrics data gathered on your pipeline are maintained in-memory and reported by a dedicated reporting process. However, metrics data can be redirected to :statsd or :datadog using the statistics configuration option on this call.

For example: redirect your pipeline metrics data to a statsd agent as follows:

alias GenMetrics.GenStage.Pipeline
pipeline = %Pipeline{name: "demo",
                     producer: [Data.Producer],
                     producer_consumer: [Data.Scrubber, Data.Analyzer],
                     consumer: [Data.Consumer],
                     opts: [statistics: :statsd]}