gen_stage v0.14.2 GenStage behaviour View Source

Stages are data-exchange steps that send and/or receive data from other stages.

When a stage sends data, it acts as a producer. When it receives data, it acts as a consumer. Stages may take both producer and consumer roles at once.

Stage types

Besides taking both producer and consumer roles, a stage may be called "source" if it only produces items or called "sink" if it only consumes items.

For example, imagine the stages below where A sends data to B that sends data to C:

[A] -> [B] -> [C]

we conclude that:

  • A is only a producer (and therefore a source)
  • B is both producer and consumer
  • C is only a consumer (and therefore a sink)

As we will see in the upcoming Examples section, we must specify the type of the stage when we implement each of them.

To start the flow of events, we subscribe consumers to producers. Once the communication channel between them is established, consumers will ask the producers for events. We typically say the consumer is sending demand upstream. Once demand arrives, the producer will emit items, never emitting more items than the consumer asked for. This provides a back-pressure mechanism.

A consumer may have multiple producers and a producer may have multiple consumers. When a consumer asks for data, each producer is handled separately, with its own demand. When a producer receives demand and sends data to multiple consumers, the demand is tracked and the events are sent by a dispatcher. This allows producers to send data using different "strategies". See GenStage.Dispatcher for more information.

Many developers tend to create layers of stages, such as A, B and C, for achieving concurrency. If all you want is concurrency, starting multiple instances of the same stage is enough. Layers in GenStage must be created when there is a need for back-pressure or to route the data in different ways.

For example, if you need the data to go over multiple steps but without a need for back-pressure or without a need to break the data apart, do not design it as such:

[Producer] -> [Step 1] -> [Step 2] -> [Step 3]

Instead it is better to design it as:


where "Consumer" are multiple processes running the same code that subscribe to the same "Producer".


Let's define the simple pipeline below:

[A] -> [B] -> [C]

where A is a producer that will emit items starting from 0, B is a producer-consumer that will receive those items and multiply them by a given number and C will receive those events and print them to the terminal.

Let's start with A. Since A is a producer, its main responsibility is to receive demand and generate events. Those events may be in memory or an external queue system. For simplicity, let's implement a simple counter starting from a given value of counter received on init/1:

defmodule A do
  use GenStage

  def start_link(number) do
    GenStage.start_link(A, number)

  def init(counter) do
    {:producer, counter}

  def handle_demand(demand, counter) when demand > 0 do
    # If the counter is 3 and we ask for 2 items, we will
    # emit the items 3 and 4, and set the state to 5.
    events = Enum.to_list(counter..counter+demand-1)
    {:noreply, events, counter + demand}

B is a producer-consumer. This means it does not explicitly handle the demand because the demand is always forwarded to its producer. Once A receives the demand from B, it will send events to B which will be transformed by B as desired. In our case, B will receive events and multiply them by a number given on initialization and stored as the state:

defmodule B do
  use GenStage

  def start_link(number) do
    GenStage.start_link(B, number)

  def init(number) do
    {:producer_consumer, number}

  def handle_events(events, _from, number) do
    events =, & &1 * number)
    {:noreply, events, number}

C will finally receive those events and print them every second to the terminal:

defmodule C do
  use GenStage

  def start_link(_opts) do
    GenStage.start_link(C, :ok)

  def init(:ok) do
    {:consumer, :the_state_does_not_matter}

  def handle_events(events, _from, state) do
    # Wait for a second.

    # Inspect the events.

    # We are a consumer, so we would never emit items.
    {:noreply, [], state}

Now we can start and connect them:

{:ok, a} = A.start_link(0)  # starting from zero
{:ok, b} = B.start_link(2)  # multiply by 2
{:ok, c} = C.start_link([]) # state does not matter

GenStage.sync_subscribe(c, to: b)
GenStage.sync_subscribe(b, to: a)

Typically, we subscribe from bottom to top. Since A will start producing items only when B connects to it, we want this subscription to happen when the whole pipeline is ready. After you subscribe all of them, demand will start flowing upstream and events downstream.

When implementing consumers, we often set the :max_demand and :min_demand on subscription. The :max_demand specifies the maximum amount of events that must be in flow while the :min_demand specifies the minimum threshold to trigger for more demand. For example, if :max_demand is 1000 and :min_demand is 750, the consumer will ask for 1000 events initially and ask for more only after it processes at least 250.

In the example above, B is a :producer_consumer and therefore acts as a buffer. Getting the proper demand values in B is important: making the buffer too small may make the whole pipeline slower, making the buffer too big may unnecessarily consume memory.

When such values are applied to the stages above, it is easy to see the producer works in batches. The producer A ends-up emitting batches of 50 items which will take approximately 50 seconds to be consumed by C, which will then request another batch of 50 items.

init and :subscribe_to

In the example above, we have started the processes A, B, and C independently and subscribed them later on. But most often it is simpler to subscribe a consumer to its producer on its init/1 callback. This way, if the consumer crashes, restarting the consumer will automatically re-invoke its init/1 callback and resubscribe it to the producer.

This approach works as long as the producer can be referenced when the consumer starts - such as by name for a named process. For example, if we change the process A and B to be started as follows:

# Let's call the stage in module A as A
GenStage.start_link(A, 0, name: A)
# Let's call the stage in module B as B
GenStage.start_link(B, 2, name: B)
# No need to name consumers as they won't be subscribed to
GenStage.start_link(C, :ok)

We can now change the init/1 callback for C to the following:

def init(:ok) do
  {:consumer, :the_state_does_not_matter, subscribe_to: [B]}

Subscription options as outlined in sync_subscribe/3 can also be given by making each subscription a tuple, with the process name or pid as first element and the options as second:

def init(:ok) do
  {:consumer, :the_state_does_not_matter, subscribe_to: [{B, options}]}

Similarly, we should change B to subscribe to A on init/1. Let's also set :max_demand to 10 when we do so:

def init(number) do
  {:producer_consumer, number, subscribe_to: [{A, max_demand: 10}]}

And we will no longer need to call sync_subscribe/2.

Another advantage of using subscribe_to is that it makes it straight-forward to leverage concurrency by simply starting multiple consumers that subscribe to their producer (or producer-consumer). This can be done in the example above by simply calling start link multiple times:

# Start 4 consumers
GenStage.start_link(C, :ok)
GenStage.start_link(C, :ok)
GenStage.start_link(C, :ok)
GenStage.start_link(C, :ok)

In a supervision tree, this is often done by starting multiple workers. Typically we update each c:start_link/1 call to start a named process:

def start_link(number) do
  GenStage.start_link(A, number, name: A)

And the same for module B:

def start_link(number) do
  GenStage.start_link(B, number, name: B)

Module C does not need to be updated because it won't be subscribed to. Then we can define our supervision tree like this:

children = [
  {A, [0]},
  {B, [2]},
  Supervisor.child_spec({C, []}, id: :c1),
  Supervisor.child_spec({C, []}, id: :c2),
  Supervisor.child_spec({C, []}, id: :c3),
  Supervisor.child_spec({C, []}, id: :c4)

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :rest_for_one)

Having multiple consumers is often the easiest and simplest way to leverage concurrency in a GenStage pipeline, especially if events can be processed out of order.

Also note that we set the supervision strategy to :rest_for_one. This is important because if the producer A terminates, all of the other processes will terminate too, since they are consuming events produced by A. In this scenario, the supervisor will see multiple processes shutting down at the same time, and conclude there are too many failures in a short interval. However, if the strategy is :rest_for_one, the supervisor will shut down the rest of tree, and already expect the remaining process to fail. One downside of :rest_for_one though is that if a C process dies, any other C process after it will die too. You can solve this by putting them under their own supervisor.

Another alternative to the scenario above is to use a ConsumerSupervisor for consuming the events instead of N consumers. The ConsumerSupervisor will communicate with the producer respecting the back-pressure properties and start a separate supervised process per event. The number of children concurrently running in a ConsumerSupervisor is at most max_demand and the average amount of children is (max_demand + min_demand) / 2.

Usage guidelines

As you get familiar with GenStage, you may want to organize your stages according to your business domain. For example, stage A does step 1 in your company workflow, stage B does step 2 and so forth. That's an anti- pattern.

The same guideline that applies to processes also applies to GenStage: use processes/stages to model runtime properties, such as concurrency and data-transfer, and not for code organization or domain design purposes. For the latter, you should use modules and functions.

If your domain has to process the data in multiple steps, you should write that logic in separate modules and not directly in a GenStage. You only add stages according to the runtime needs, typically when you need to provide back- pressure or leverage concurrency. This way you are free to experiment with different GenStage pipelines without touching your business rules.

Finally, if you don't need back-pressure at all and you just need to process data that is already in-memory in parallel, a simpler solution is available directly in Elixir via Task.async_stream/2. This function consumes a stream of data, with each entry running in a separate task. The maximum number of tasks is configurable via the :max_concurrency option.


In many situations, producers may attempt to emit events while no consumers have yet subscribed. Similarly, consumers may ask producers for events that are not yet available. In such cases, it is necessary for producers to buffer events until a consumer is available or buffer the consumer demand until events arrive, respectively. As we will see next, buffering events can be done automatically by GenStage, while buffering the demand is a case that must be explicitly considered by developers implementing producers.

Buffering events

Due to the concurrent nature of Elixir software, sometimes a producer may dispatch events without consumers to send those events to. For example, imagine a :consumer B subscribes to :producer A. Next, the consumer B sends demand to A, which starts producing events to satisfy the demand. Now, if the consumer B crashes, the producer may attempt to dispatch the now produced events but it no longer has a consumer to send those events to. In such cases, the producer will automatically buffer the events until another consumer subscribes. Note however, all of the events being consumed by B in its handle_events at the moment of the crash will be lost.

The buffer can also be used in cases where external sources only send events in batches larger than asked for. For example, if you are receiving events from an external source that only sends events in batches of 1000 and the internal demand is smaller than that, the buffer allows you to always emit batches of 1000 events even when the consumer has asked for less.

In all of those cases when an event cannot be sent immediately by a producer, the event will be automatically stored and sent the next time consumers ask for events. The size of the buffer is configured via the :buffer_size option returned by init/1 and the default value is 10_000. If the buffer_size is exceeded, an error is logged. See the documentation for init/1 for more detailed information about the :buffer_size option.

Buffering demand

In case consumers send demand and the producer is not yet ready to fill in the demand, producers must buffer the demand until data arrives.

As an example, let's implement a producer that broadcasts messages to consumers. For producers, we need to consider two scenarios:

  1. what if events arrive and there are no consumers?
  2. what if consumers send demand and there are not enough events?

One way to implement such a broadcaster is to simply rely on the internal buffer available in GenStage, dispatching events as they arrive, as explained in the previous section:

defmodule Broadcaster do
  use GenStage

  @doc "Starts the broadcaster."
  def start_link() do
    GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: __MODULE__)

  @doc "Sends an event and returns only after the event is dispatched."
  def sync_notify(event, timeout \\ 5000) do, {:notify, event}, timeout)

  def init(:ok) do
    {:producer, :ok, dispatcher: GenStage.BroadcastDispatcher}

  def handle_call({:notify, event}, _from, state) do
    {:reply, :ok, [event], state} # Dispatch immediately

  def handle_demand(_demand, state) do
    {:noreply, [], state} # We don't care about the demand

By always sending events as soon as they arrive, if there is any demand, we will serve the existing demand, otherwise the event will be queued in GenStage's internal buffer. In case events are being queued and not being consumed, a log message will be emitted when we exceed the :buffer_size configuration.

While the implementation above is enough to solve the constraints above, a more robust implementation would have tighter control over the events and demand by tracking this data locally, leaving the GenStage internal buffer only for cases where consumers crash without consuming all data.

To handle such cases, we will use a two-element tuple as the broadcaster state where the first element is a queue and the second element is the pending demand. When events arrive and there are no consumers, we will store the event in the queue alongside information about the process that broadcast the event. When consumers send demand and there are not enough events, we will increase the pending demand. Once we have both data and demand, we acknowledge the process that has sent the event to the broadcaster and finally broadcast the event downstream.

defmodule QueueBroadcaster do
  use GenStage

  @doc "Starts the broadcaster."
  def start_link() do
    GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: __MODULE__)

  @doc "Sends an event and returns only after the event is dispatched."
  def sync_notify(event, timeout \\ 5000) do, {:notify, event}, timeout)

  ## Callbacks

  def init(:ok) do
    {:producer, {, 0}, dispatcher: GenStage.BroadcastDispatcher}

  def handle_call({:notify, event}, from, {queue, pending_demand}) do
    queue ={from, event}, queue)
    dispatch_events(queue, pending_demand, [])

  def handle_demand(incoming_demand, {queue, pending_demand}) do
    dispatch_events(queue, incoming_demand + pending_demand, [])

  defp dispatch_events(queue, 0, events) do
    {:noreply, Enum.reverse(events), {queue, 0}}

  defp dispatch_events(queue, demand, events) do
    case :queue.out(queue) do
      {{:value, {from, event}}, queue} ->
        GenStage.reply(from, :ok)
        dispatch_events(queue, demand - 1, [event | events])
      {:empty, queue} ->
        {:noreply, Enum.reverse(events), {queue, demand}}

Let's also implement a consumer that automatically subscribes to the broadcaster on init/1. The advantage of doing so on initialization is that, if the consumer crashes while it is supervised, the subscription is automatically re-established when the supervisor restarts it.

defmodule Printer do
  use GenStage

  @doc "Starts the consumer."
  def start_link() do
    GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok)

  def init(:ok) do
    # Starts a permanent subscription to the broadcaster
    # which will automatically start requesting items.
    {:consumer, :ok, subscribe_to: [QueueBroadcaster]}

  def handle_events(events, _from, state) do
    for event <- events do
      IO.inspect {self(), event}
    {:noreply, [], state}

With the broadcaster in hand, now let's start the producer as well as multiple consumers:

# Start the producer

# Start multiple consumers

At this point, all consumers must have sent their demand which we were not able to fulfill. Now by calling QueueBroadcaster.sync_notify/1, the event shall be broadcast to all consumers at once as we have buffered the demand in the producer:


If we had called QueueBroadcaster.sync_notify(:hello_world) before any consumer was available, the event would also have been buffered in our own queue and served only when demand had been received.

By having control over the demand and queue, the broadcaster has full control on how to behave when there are no consumers, when the queue grows too large, and so forth.

Asynchronous work and handle_subscribe

Both :producer_consumer and :consumer stages have been designed to do their work in the handle_events/3 callback. This means that, after handle_events/3 is invoked, both :producer_consumer and :consumer stages will immediately send demand upstream and ask for more items, as the stage that produced the events assumes events have been fully processed by handle_events/3.

Such default behaviour makes :producer_consumer and :consumer stages unfeasible for doing asynchronous work. However, given GenStage was designed to run with multiple consumers, it is not a problem to perform synchronous or blocking actions inside handle_events/3 as you can then start multiple consumers in order to max both CPU and IO usage as necessary.

On the other hand, if you must perform some work asynchronously, GenStage comes with an option that manually controls how demand is sent upstream, avoiding the default behaviour where demand is sent after handle_events/3. Such can be done by implementing the handle_subscribe/4 callback and returning {:manual, state} instead of the default {:automatic, state}. Once the consumer mode is set to :manual, developers must use GenStage.ask/3 to send demand upstream when necessary.

Note that :max_demand and :min_demand must be manually respected when asking for demand through GenStage.ask/3.

For example, the ConsumerSupervisor module processes events asynchronously by starting a process for each event and this is achieved by manually sending demand to producers. ConsumerSupervisor can be used to distribute work to a limited amount of processes, behaving similar to a pool where a new process is started for each event. See the ConsumerSupervisor docs for more information.

Setting the demand to :manual in handle_subscribe/4 is not only useful for asynchronous work but also for setting up other mechanisms for back-pressure. As an example, let's implement a consumer that is allowed to process a limited number of events per time interval. Those are often called rate limiters:

defmodule RateLimiter do
  use GenStage

  def init(_) do
    # Our state will keep all producers and their pending demand
    {:consumer, %{}}

  def handle_subscribe(:producer, opts, from, producers) do
    # We will only allow max_demand events every 5000 milliseconds
    pending = opts[:max_demand] || 1000
    interval = opts[:interval] || 5000

    # Register the producer in the state
    producers = Map.put(producers, from, {pending, interval})
    # Ask for the pending events and schedule the next time around
    producers = ask_and_schedule(producers, from)

    # Returns manual as we want control over the demand
    {:manual, producers}

  def handle_cancel(_, from, producers) do
    # Remove the producers from the map on unsubscribe
    {:noreply, [], Map.delete(producers, from)}

  def handle_events(events, from, producers) do
    # Bump the amount of pending events for the given producer
    producers = Map.update!(producers, from, fn {pending, interval} ->
      {pending + length(events), interval}

    # Consume the events by printing them.

    # A producer_consumer would return the processed events here.
    {:noreply, [], producers}

  def handle_info({:ask, from}, producers) do
    # This callback is invoked by the Process.send_after/3 message below.
    {:noreply, [], ask_and_schedule(producers, from)}

  defp ask_and_schedule(producers, from) do
    case producers do
      %{^from => {pending, interval}} ->
        # Ask for any pending events
        GenStage.ask(from, pending)
        # And let's check again after interval
        Process.send_after(self(), {:ask, from}, interval)
        # Finally, reset pending events to 0
        Map.put(producers, from, {0, interval})
      %{} ->

Let's subscribe the RateLimiter above to the producer we have implemented at the beginning of the module documentation:

{:ok, a} = GenStage.start_link(A, 0)
{:ok, b} = GenStage.start_link(RateLimiter, :ok)

# Ask for 10 items every 2 seconds
GenStage.sync_subscribe(b, to: a, max_demand: 10, interval: 2000)

Although the rate limiter above is a consumer, it could be made a producer-consumer by changing init/1 to return a :producer_consumer and then forwarding the events in handle_events/3.


GenStage is implemented on top of a GenServer with a few additions. Besides exposing all of the GenServer callbacks, it also provides handle_demand/2 to be implemented by producers and handle_events/3 to be implemented by consumers, as shown above, as well as subscription-related callbacks. Furthermore, all the callback responses have been modified to potentially emit events. See the callbacks documentation for more information.

By adding use GenStage to your module, Elixir will automatically define all callbacks for you except for the following ones:

  • init/1 - must be implemented to choose between :producer, :consumer, or :producer_consumer stages
  • handle_demand/2 - must be implemented by :producer stages
  • handle_events/3 - must be implemented by :producer_consumer and :consumer stages

use GenStage also defines a child_spec/1 function, allowing the defined module to be put under a supervision tree in Elixir v1.5+. The generated child_spec/1 can be customized with the following options:

  • :id - the child specification id, defauts to the current module
  • :start - how to start the child process (defaults to calling __MODULE__.start_link/1)
  • :restart - when the child should be restarted, defaults to :permanent
  • :shutdown - how to shut down the child

For example:

use GenStage, restart: :transient, shutdown: 10_000

See the Supervisor docs for more information.

Although this module exposes functions similar to the ones found in the GenServer API, like call/3 and cast/2, developers can also rely directly on GenServer functions such as GenServer.multi_call/4 and GenServer.abcast/3 if they wish to.

Name registration

GenStage is bound to the same name registration rules as a GenServer. Read more about it in the GenServer docs.

Message protocol overview

This section will describe the message protocol implemented by stages. By documenting these messages, we will allow developers to provide their own stage implementations.


When data is sent between stages, it is done by a message protocol that provides back-pressure. The first step is for the consumer to subscribe to the producer. Each subscription has a unique reference.

Once subscribed, the consumer may ask the producer for messages for the given subscription. The consumer may demand more items whenever it wants to. A consumer must never receive more data than it has asked for from any given producer stage.

A consumer may have multiple producers, where each demand is managed individually (on a per-subscription basis). A producer may have multiple consumers, where the demand and events are managed and delivered according to a GenStage.Dispatcher implementation.

Producer messages

The producer is responsible for sending events to consumers based on demand. These are the messages that consumers can send to producers:

  • {:"$gen_producer", from :: {consumer_pid, subscription_tag}, {:subscribe, current, options}} - sent by the consumer to the producer to start a new subscription.

    Before sending, the consumer MUST monitor the producer for clean-up purposes in case of crashes. The subscription_tag is unique to identify the subscription. It is typically the subscriber monitoring reference although it may be any term.

    Once sent, the consumer MAY immediately send demand to the producer.

    The current field, when not nil, is a two-item tuple containing a subscription that must be cancelled with the given reason before the current one is accepted.

    Once received, the producer MUST monitor the consumer. However, if the subscription reference is known, it MUST send a :cancel message to the consumer instead of monitoring and accepting the subscription.

  • {:"$gen_producer", from :: {consumer_pid, subscription_tag}, {:cancel, reason}} - sent by the consumer to cancel a given subscription.

    Once received, the producer MUST send a :cancel reply to the registered consumer (which may not necessarily be the one received in the tuple above). Keep in mind, however, there is no guarantee such messages can be delivered in case the producer crashes before. If the pair is unknown, the producer MUST send an appropriate cancel reply.

  • {:"$gen_producer", from :: {consumer_pid, subscription_tag}, {:ask, demand}} - sent by consumers to ask demand for a given subscription (identified by subscription_tag).

    Once received, the producer MUST send data up to the demand. If the pair is unknown, the producer MUST send an appropriate cancel reply.

Consumer messages

The consumer is responsible for starting the subscription and sending demand to producers. These are the messages that producers can send to consumers:

  • {:"$gen_consumer", from :: {producer_pid, subscription_tag}, {:cancel, reason}} - sent by producers to cancel a given subscription.

    It is used as a confirmation for client cancellations OR whenever the producer wants to cancel some upstream demand.

  • {:"$gen_consumer", from :: {producer_pid, subscription_tag}, events :: [event, ...]} - events sent by producers to consumers.

    subscription_tag identifies the subscription. The third argument is a non-empty list of events. If the subscription is unknown, the events must be ignored and a cancel message must be sent to the producer.

Link to this section Summary


Option values used by the init* common to :consumer and :producer_consumer types

Option values used by the init* functions when stage type is :consumer

The term that identifies a subscription associated with the corresponding producer/consumer.

Option values used by the init* common to :producer and :producer_consumer types

Option values used by the init* functions when stage type is :producer_consumer

Option values used by the init* specific to :producer type

Option values used by the init* functions when stage type is :producer

The stage.

Option used by the subscribe* functions

Options used by the subscribe* functions

The term that identifies a subscription.

The supported stage types.


Asks the given demand to the producer.

Asynchronously queues an info message that is delivered after all currently buffered events.

Cancels subscription_tag with reason and resubscribe to the same stage with the given options.

Asks the consumer to subscribe to the given producer asynchronously.

Makes a synchronous call to the stage and waits for its reply.

Cancels the given subscription on the producer.

Sends an asynchronous request to the stage.

Returns the demand mode for a producer.

Sets the demand mode for a producer.

Starts a producer stage from an enumerable (or stream).

Replies to a client.

Starts a GenStage process without links (outside of a supervision tree).

Starts a GenStage process linked to the current process.

Stops the stage with the given reason.

Creates a stream that subscribes to the given producers and emits the appropriate messages.

Queues an info message that is delivered after all currently buffered events.

Cancels subscription_tag with reason and resubscribe to the same stage with the given options.

Asks the consumer to subscribe to the given producer synchronously.


Invoked to handle synchronous call/3 messages.

Invoked when a consumer is no longer subscribed to a producer.

Invoked to handle asynchronous cast/2 messages.

Invoked on :producer stages.

Invoked on :producer_consumer and :consumer stages to handle events.

Invoked to handle all other messages.

Invoked when a consumer subscribes to a producer.

Invoked when the server is started.

Link to this section Types

Link to this type

consumer_and_producer_consumer_option() View Source
consumer_and_producer_consumer_option() ::
  {:subscribe_to, [module() | {module(), subscription_options()}]}

Option values used by the init* common to :consumer and :producer_consumer types

Option values used by the init* functions when stage type is :consumer

The term that identifies a subscription associated with the corresponding producer/consumer.

Link to this type

producer_and_producer_consumer_option() View Source
producer_and_producer_consumer_option() ::
  {:buffer_size, non_neg_integer() | :infinity}
  | {:buffer_keep, :first | :last}
  | {:dispatcher, module() | {module(), GenStage.Dispatcher.options()}}

Option values used by the init* common to :producer and :producer_consumer types

Option values used by the init* functions when stage type is :producer_consumer

Link to this type

producer_only_option() View Source
producer_only_option() :: {:demand, :forward | :accumulate}

Option values used by the init* specific to :producer type

Option values used by the init* functions when stage type is :producer

Link to this type

stage() View Source
stage() ::
  | atom()
  | {:global, term()}
  | {:via, module(), term()}
  | {atom(), node()}

The stage.

Link to this type

subscription_option() View Source
subscription_option() ::
  {:cancel, :permanent | :transient | :temporary}
  | {:min_demand, integer()}
  | {:max_demand, integer()}

Option used by the subscribe* functions

Link to this type

subscription_options() View Source
subscription_options() :: [subscription_option()]

Options used by the subscribe* functions

The term that identifies a subscription.

Link to this type

type() View Source
type() :: :producer | :consumer | :producer_consumer

The supported stage types.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

ask(producer_subscription, demand, opts \\ []) View Source
ask(from(), demand :: non_neg_integer(), [:noconnect | :nosuspend]) ::
  :ok | :noconnect | :nosuspend

Asks the given demand to the producer.

producer_subscription is the subscription this demand will be asked on; this term could be for example stored in the stage when received in handle_subscribe/4.

The demand is a non-negative integer with the amount of events to ask a producer for. If the demand is 0, this function simply returns :ok without asking for data.

This function must only be used in the cases when a consumer sets a subscription to :manual mode in the handle_subscribe/4 callback.

It accepts the same options as Process.send/3, and returns the same value as Process.send/3.

Link to this function

async_info(stage, msg) View Source
async_info(stage(), msg :: term()) :: :ok

Asynchronously queues an info message that is delivered after all currently buffered events.

If the stage is a consumer, it does not have buffered events, so the message is queued immediately.

This call returns :ok regardless if the info has been successfully queued or not. It is typically called from the stage itself.

Link to this function

async_resubscribe(stage, subscription_tag, reason, opts) View Source
  reason :: term(),
) :: :ok

Cancels subscription_tag with reason and resubscribe to the same stage with the given options.

This is useful in case you need to update the options in which you are currently subscribed to in a producer.

This function is async, which means it always returns :ok once the request is dispatched but without waiting for its completion.


This function accepts the same options as sync_subscribe/2.

Link to this function

async_subscribe(stage, opts) View Source
async_subscribe(stage(), subscription_options()) :: :ok

Asks the consumer to subscribe to the given producer asynchronously.

This function is async, which means it always returns :ok once the request is dispatched but without waiting for its completion. This particular function is usually called from a stage's init/1 callback.


This function accepts the same options as sync_subscribe/2.

Link to this function

call(stage, request, timeout \\ 5000) View Source
call(stage(), term(), timeout()) :: term()

Makes a synchronous call to the stage and waits for its reply.

The client sends the given request to the stage and waits until a reply arrives or a timeout occurs. handle_call/3 will be called on the stage to handle the request.

stage can be any of the values described in the "Name registration" section of the documentation for this module.


timeout is an integer greater than zero which specifies how many milliseconds to wait for a reply, or the atom :infinity to wait indefinitely. The default value is 5000. If no reply is received within the specified time, the function call fails and the caller exits. If the caller catches the failure and continues running, and the stage is just late with the reply, such reply may arrive at any time later into the caller's message queue. The caller must in this case be prepared for this and discard any such garbage messages that are two-element tuples with a reference as the first element.

Link to this function

cancel(producer_subscription, reason, opts \\ []) View Source
cancel(from(), reason :: term(), [:noconnect | :nosuspend]) ::
  :ok | :noconnect | :nosuspend

Cancels the given subscription on the producer.

The second argument is the cancellation reason. Once the producer receives the request, a confirmation may be forwarded to the consumer (although there is no guarantee as the producer may crash for unrelated reasons before). The consumer will react to the cancellation according to the :cancel option given when subscribing. For example:

GenStage.cancel({pid, subscription}, :shutdown)

will cause the consumer to crash if the :cancel given when subscribing is :permanent (the default) but it won't cause a crash in other modes. See the options in sync_subscribe/3 for more information.

The cancel operation is an asynchronous request. The third argument are same options as Process.send/3, allowing you to pass :noconnect or :nosuspend which is useful when working across nodes. This function returns the same value as Process.send/3.

Link to this function

cast(stage, request) View Source
cast(stage(), term()) :: :ok

Sends an asynchronous request to the stage.

This function always returns :ok regardless of whether the destination stage (or node) exists. Therefore it is unknown whether the destination stage successfully handled the message.

handle_cast/2 will be called on the stage to handle the request. In case the stage is on a node which is not yet connected to the caller one, the call is going to block until a connection happens.

Link to this function

demand(stage) View Source
demand(stage()) :: :forward | :accumulate

Returns the demand mode for a producer.

It is either :forward or :accumulate. See demand/2.

Link to this function

demand(stage, mode) View Source
demand(stage(), :forward | :accumulate) :: :ok

Sets the demand mode for a producer.

When :forward, the demand is always forwarded to the handle_demand callback. When :accumulate, demand is accumulated until its mode is set to :forward. This is useful as a synchronization mechanism, where the demand is accumulated until all consumers are subscribed. Defaults to :forward.

This command is asynchronous.

Link to this function

from_enumerable(stream, opts \\ []) View Source
from_enumerable(Enumerable.t(), keyword()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Starts a producer stage from an enumerable (or stream).

This function will start a stage linked to the current process that will take items from the enumerable when there is demand. Since streams are enumerables, we can also pass streams as arguments (in fact, streams are the most common argument to this function).

The enumerable is consumed in batches, retrieving max_demand items the first time and then max_demand - min_demand the next times. Therefore, for streams that cannot produce items that fast, it is recommended to pass a lower :max_demand value as an option.

It is also expected the enumerable is able to produce the whole batch on demand or terminate. If the enumerable is a blocking one, for example, because it needs to wait for data from another source, it will block until the current batch is fully filled. GenStage and Flow were created exactly to address such issue. So if you have a blocking enumerable that you want to use in your Flow, then it must be implemented with GenStage and integrated with from_stages/2.

When the enumerable finishes or halts, the stage will exit with :normal reason. This means that, if a consumer subscribes to the enumerable stage and the :cancel option is set to :permanent, which is the default, the consumer will also exit with :normal reason. This behaviour can be changed by setting setting the :cancel option to either :transient or :temporary at the moment of subscription as described in the sync_subscribe/3 docs.

Keep in mind that streams that require the use of the process inbox to work most likely won't behave as expected with this function since the mailbox is controlled by the stage process itself. As explained above, stateful or blocking enumerables are generally discouraged, as GenStage was designed precisely to support exchange of data in such cases.


  • :link - when false, does not link the stage to the current process. Defaults to true.

  • :dispatcher - the dispatcher responsible for handling demands. Defaults to GenStage.DemandDispatch. May be either an atom or a tuple with the dispatcher and the dispatcher options.

  • :demand - configures the demand to :forward or :accumulate mode. See init/1 and demand/2 for more information.

All other options that would be given for start_link/3 are also accepted.

Link to this function

reply(client, reply) View Source
reply(GenServer.from(), term()) :: :ok

Replies to a client.

This function can be used to explicitly send a reply to a client that called call/3 when the reply cannot be specified in the return value of handle_call/3.

client must be the from argument (the second argument) accepted by handle_call/3 callbacks. reply is an arbitrary term which will be given back to the client as the return value of the call.

Note that reply/2 can be called from any process, not just the GenStage that originally received the call (as long as that GenStage communicated the from argument somehow).

This function always returns :ok.


def handle_call(:reply_in_one_second, from, state) do
  Process.send_after(self(), {:reply, from}, 1_000)
  {:noreply, [], state}

def handle_info({:reply, from}, state) do
  GenStage.reply(from, :one_second_has_passed)
Link to this function

start(module, args, options \\ []) View Source

Starts a GenStage process without links (outside of a supervision tree).

See start_link/3 for more information.

Link to this function

start_link(module, args, options \\ []) View Source
start_link(module(), term(), GenServer.options()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Starts a GenStage process linked to the current process.

This is often used to start the GenStage as part of a supervision tree.

Once the server is started, the init/1 function of the given module is called with args as its arguments to initialize the stage. To ensure a synchronized start-up procedure, this function does not return until init/1 has returned.

Note that a GenStage started with start_link/3 is linked to the parent process and will exit in case of crashes from the parent. The GenStage will also exit due to the :normal reason in case it is configured to trap exits in the init/1 callback.


  • :name - used for name registration as described in the "Name registration" section of the module documentation

  • :debug - if present, the corresponding function in the :sys module is invoked

This function also accepts all the options accepted by GenServer.start_link/3.

Return values

If the stage is successfully created and initialized, this function returns {:ok, pid}, where pid is the pid of the stage. If a process with the specified name already exists, this function returns {:error, {:already_started, pid}} with the pid of that process.

If the init/1 callback fails with reason, this function returns {:error, reason}. Otherwise, if init/1 returns {:stop, reason} or :ignore, the process is terminated and this function returns {:error, reason} or :ignore, respectively.

Link to this function

stop(stage, reason \\ :normal, timeout \\ :infinity) View Source
stop(stage(), reason :: term(), timeout()) :: :ok

Stops the stage with the given reason.

The terminate/2 callback of the given stage will be invoked before exiting. This function returns :ok if the server terminates with the given reason; if it terminates with another reason, the call exits.

This function keeps OTP semantics regarding error reporting. If the reason is any other than :normal, :shutdown or {:shutdown, _}, an error report is logged.

Link to this function

stream(subscriptions, options \\ []) View Source
stream([stage() | {stage(), keyword()}], keyword()) :: Enumerable.t()

Creates a stream that subscribes to the given producers and emits the appropriate messages.

It expects a list of producers to subscribe to. Each element represents the producer or a tuple with the producer and the subscription options as defined in sync_subscribe/2:[{producer, max_demand: 100}])

If the producer process exits, the stream will exit with the same reason. If you want the stream to halt instead, set the cancel option to either :transient or :temporary as described in the sync_subscribe/3 docs:[{producer, max_demand: 100, cancel: :transient}])

Once all producers are subscribed to, their demand is automatically set to :forward mode. See the :demand and :producers options below for more information. will "hijack" the inbox of the process enumerating the stream to subscribe and receive messages from producers. However it guarantees it won't remove or leave unwanted messages in the mailbox after enumeration unless one of the producers comes from a remote node. For more information, read the "Known limitations" section below.


  • :demand - sets the demand in producers to :forward or :accumulate after subscription. Defaults to :forward so the stream can receive items.

  • :producers - the processes to set the demand to :forward on initialization. It defaults to the processes being subscribed to. Sometimes the stream is subscribing to a :producer_consumer instead of a :producer, in such cases, you can set this option to either an empty list or the list of actual producers so their demand is properly set.

Known limitations


This module also provides a function called from_enumerable/2 which receives an enumerable (like a stream) and creates a stage that emits data from the enumerable.

Given both GenStage.from_enumerable/2 and require the process inbox to send and receive messages, it is impossible to run a stream/2 inside a from_enumerable/2 as the stream/2 will never receive the messages it expects.

Remote nodes

While it is possible to stream messages from remote nodes such should be done with care. In particular, in case of disconnections, there is a chance the producer will send messages after the consumer receives its DOWN messages and those will remain in the process inbox, violating the common scenario where does not pollute the caller inbox. In such cases, it is recommended to consume such streams from a separate process which will be discarded after the stream is consumed.

Link to this function

sync_info(stage, msg, timeout \\ 5000) View Source
sync_info(stage(), msg :: term(), timeout()) :: :ok

Queues an info message that is delivered after all currently buffered events.

This call is synchronous and will return after the stage has queued the info message. The message will be eventually handled by the handle_info/2 callback.

If the stage is a consumer, it does not have buffered events, so the messaged is queued immediately.

This function will return :ok if the info message is successfully queued.

Link to this function

sync_resubscribe(stage, subscription_tag, reason, opts, timeout \\ 5000) View Source
  reason :: term(),
) ::
  {:ok, subscription_tag()}
  | {:error, :not_a_consumer}
  | {:error, {:bad_opts, String.t()}}

Cancels subscription_tag with reason and resubscribe to the same stage with the given options.

This is useful in case you need to update the options in which you are currently subscribed to in a producer.

This function is sync, which means it will wait until the subscription message is sent to the producer, although it won't wait for the subscription confirmation.

See sync_subscribe/2 for options and more information.

Link to this function

sync_subscribe(stage, opts, timeout \\ 5000) View Source
sync_subscribe(stage(), subscription_options(), timeout()) ::
  {:ok, subscription_tag()}
  | {:error, :not_a_consumer}
  | {:error, {:bad_opts, String.t()}}

Asks the consumer to subscribe to the given producer synchronously.

This call is synchronous and will return after the called consumer sends the subscribe message to the producer. It does not, however, wait for the subscription confirmation. Therefore this function will return before handle_subscribe/4 is called in the consumer. In other words, it guarantees the message was sent, but it does not guarantee a subscription has effectively been established.

This function will return {:ok, subscription_tag} as long as the subscription message is sent. It will return {:error, :not_a_consumer} when the stage is not a consumer. subscription_tag is the second element of the two-element tuple that will be passed to handle_subscribe/4.


  • :cancel - :permanent (default), :transient or :temporary. When permanent, the consumer exits when the producer cancels or exits. When transient, the consumer exits only if reason is not :normal, :shutdown, or {:shutdown, reason}. When temporary, it never exits. In case of exits, the same reason is used to exit the consumer. In case of cancellations, the reason is wrapped in a :cancel tuple.

  • :min_demand - the minimum demand for this subscription. See the module documentation for more information.

  • :max_demand - the maximum demand for this subscription. See the module documentation for more information.

Any other option is sent to the producer stage. This may be used by dispatchers for custom configuration. For example, if a producer uses a GenStage.BroadcastDispatcher, an optional :selector function that receives an event and returns a boolean limits this subscription to receiving only those events where the selector function returns a truthy value:

  to: producer,
  selector: fn %{key: key} -> String.starts_with?(key, "foo-") end)

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback

code_change(old_vsn, state, extra) View Source (optional)
code_change(old_vsn, state :: term(), extra :: term()) ::
  {:ok, new_state :: term()} | {:error, reason :: term()}
when old_vsn: term() | {:down, term()}

The same as GenServer.code_change/3.

Link to this callback

format_status(arg1, list) View Source (optional)
format_status(:normal | :terminate, [
  pdict :: {term(), term()} | (state :: term()),
]) :: status :: term()

The same as GenServer.format_status/2.

Link to this callback

handle_call(request, from, state) View Source (optional)
handle_call(request :: term(), from :: GenServer.from(), state :: term()) ::
  {:reply, reply, [event], new_state}
  | {:reply, reply, [event], new_state, :hibernate}
  | {:noreply, [event], new_state}
  | {:noreply, [event], new_state, :hibernate}
  | {:stop, reason, reply, new_state}
  | {:stop, reason, new_state}
when reply: term(), new_state: term(), reason: term(), event: term()

Invoked to handle synchronous call/3 messages.

call/3 will block until a reply is received (unless the call times out or nodes are disconnected).

request is the request message sent by a call/3, from is a two-element tuple containing the caller's PID and a term that uniquely identifies the call, and state is the current state of the GenStage.

Returning {:reply, reply, [events], new_state} sends the response reply to the caller after events are dispatched (or buffered) and continues the loop with new state new_state. In case you want to deliver the reply before processing events, use reply/2 and return {:noreply, [event], state}.

Returning {:noreply, [event], new_state} does not send a response to the caller and processes the given events before continuing the loop with new state new_state. The response must be sent with reply/2.

Hibernating is also supported as an atom to be returned from either :reply and :noreply tuples.

Returning {:stop, reason, reply, new_state} stops the loop and terminate/2 is called with reason reason and state new_state. Then the reply is sent as the response to the call and the process exits with reason reason.

Returning {:stop, reason, new_state} is similar to {:stop, reason, reply, new_state} except that no reply is sent to the caller.

If this callback is not implemented, the default implementation by use GenStage will return {:stop, {:bad_call, request}, state}.

Link to this callback

handle_cancel(cancellation_reason, from, state) View Source (optional)
  cancellation_reason :: {:cancel | :down, reason :: term()},
  state :: term()
) ::
  {:noreply, [event], new_state}
  | {:noreply, [event], new_state, :hibernate}
  | {:stop, reason, new_state}
when event: term(), new_state: term(), reason: term()

Invoked when a consumer is no longer subscribed to a producer.

It receives the cancellation reason, the from tuple representing the cancelled subscription and the state. The cancel_reason will be a {:cancel, _} tuple if the reason for cancellation was a GenStage.cancel/2 call. Any other value means the cancellation reason was due to an EXIT.

If this callback is not implemented, the default implementation by use GenStage will return {:noreply, [], state}.

Return values are the same as handle_cast/2.

Link to this callback

handle_cast(request, state) View Source (optional)
handle_cast(request :: term(), state :: term()) ::
  {:noreply, [event], new_state}
  | {:noreply, [event], new_state, :hibernate}
  | {:stop, reason :: term(), new_state}
when new_state: term(), event: term()

Invoked to handle asynchronous cast/2 messages.

request is the request message sent by a cast/2 and state is the current state of the GenStage.

Returning {:noreply, [event], new_state} dispatches the events and continues the loop with new state new_state.

Returning {:noreply, [event], new_state, :hibernate} is similar to {:noreply, new_state} except the process is hibernated before continuing the loop. See the return values for GenServer.handle_call/3 for more information on hibernation.

Returning {:stop, reason, new_state} stops the loop and terminate/2 is called with the reason reason and state new_state. The process exits with reason reason.

If this callback is not implemented, the default implementation by use GenStage will return {:stop, {:bad_cast, request}, state}.

Link to this callback

handle_demand(demand, state) View Source (optional)
handle_demand(demand :: pos_integer(), state :: term()) ::
  {:noreply, [event], new_state}
  | {:noreply, [event], new_state, :hibernate}
  | {:stop, reason, new_state}
when new_state: term(), reason: term(), event: term()

Invoked on :producer stages.

This callback is invoked on :producer stages with the demand from consumers/dispatcher. The producer that implements this callback must either store the demand, or return the amount of requested events.

Must always be explicitly implemented by :producer stages.


def handle_demand(demand, state) do
  # We check if we're able to satisfy the demand and fetch
  # events if we aren't.
  events =
    if length( >= demand do
      # fetch_events()

  # We dispatch only the requested number of events.
  {to_dispatch, remaining} = Enum.split(events, demand)

  {:noreply, to_dispatch, %{state | events: remaining}}
Link to this callback

handle_events(events, from, state) View Source (optional)
handle_events(events :: [event], from(), state :: term()) ::
  {:noreply, [event], new_state}
  | {:noreply, [event], new_state, :hibernate}
  | {:stop, reason, new_state}
when new_state: term(), reason: term(), event: term()

Invoked on :producer_consumer and :consumer stages to handle events.

Must always be explicitly implemented by such types.

Return values are the same as handle_cast/2.

Link to this callback

handle_info(message, state) View Source (optional)
handle_info(message :: term(), state :: term()) ::
  {:noreply, [event], new_state}
  | {:noreply, [event], new_state, :hibernate}
  | {:stop, reason :: term(), new_state}
when new_state: term(), event: term()

Invoked to handle all other messages.

message is the message and state is the current state of the GenStage. When a timeout occurs the message is :timeout.

If this callback is not implemented, the default implementation by use GenStage will return {:noreply, [], state}.

Return values are the same as handle_cast/2.

Link to this callback

handle_subscribe(producer_or_consumer, subscription_options, from, state) View Source (optional)
  producer_or_consumer :: :producer | :consumer,
  state :: term()
) :: {:automatic | :manual, new_state} | {:stop, reason, new_state}
when new_state: term(), reason: term()

Invoked when a consumer subscribes to a producer.

This callback is invoked in both producers and consumers. producer_or_consumer will be :producer when this callback is invoked on a consumer that subscribed to a producer, and :consumer if when this callback is invoked on producers a consumer subscribed to.

For consumers, successful subscriptions must return one of:

  • {:automatic, new_state} - means the stage implementation will take care of automatically sending demand to producers. This is the default.

  • {:manual, state} - means that demand must be sent to producers explicitly via ask/3. :manual subscriptions must be cancelled when handle_cancel/3 is called. :manual can be used when a special behaviour is desired (for example, ConsumerSupervisor uses :manual demand in its implementation).

For producers, successful subscriptions must always return {:automatic, new_state}. :manual mode is not supported.

If this callback is not implemented, the default implementation by use GenStage will return {:automatic, state}.


Let's see an example where we define this callback in a consumer that will use :manual mode. In this case, we'll store the subscription (from) in the state in order to be able to use it later on when asking demand via ask/3.

def handle_subscribe(:producer, _options, from, state) do
  new_state = %{state | subscription: from}
  {:manual, new_state}
Link to this callback

init(args) View Source
init(args :: term()) ::
  {:producer, state}
  | {:producer, state, [producer_option()]}
  | {:producer_consumer, state}
  | {:producer_consumer, state, [producer_consumer_option()]}
  | {:consumer, state}
  | {:consumer, state, [consumer_option()]}
  | :ignore
  | {:stop, reason :: any()}
when state: any()

Invoked when the server is started.

start_link/3 (or start/3) will block until this callback returns. args is the argument term (second argument) passed to start_link/3 (or start/3).

In case of successful start, this callback must return a tuple where the first element is the stage type, which is one of:

  • :producer
  • :consumer
  • :producer_consumer (if the stage is acting as both)

For example:

def init(args) do
  {:producer, some_state}

The returned tuple may also contain 3 or 4 elements. The third element may be the :hibernate atom or a set of options defined below.

Returning :ignore will cause start_link/3 to return :ignore and the process will exit normally without entering the loop or calling terminate/2.

Returning {:stop, reason} will cause start_link/3 to return {:error, reason} and the process to exit with reason reason without entering the loop or calling terminate/2.


This callback may return options. Some options are specific to the chosen stage type while others are shared across all types.

:producer options

  • :demand - when :forward, the demand is always forwarded to the handle_demand/2 callback. When :accumulate, demand is accumulated until its mode is set to :forward via demand/2. This is useful as a synchronization mechanism, where the demand is accumulated until all consumers are subscribed. Defaults to :forward.

:producer and :producer_consumer options

  • :buffer_size - the size of the buffer to store events without demand. Can be :infinity to signal no limit on the buffer size. Check the "Buffer events" section of the module documentation. Defaults to 10_000 for :producer, :infinity for :producer_consumer.

  • :buffer_keep - returns whether the :first or :last entries should be kept on the buffer in case the buffer size is exceeded. Defaults to :last.

  • :dispatcher - the dispatcher responsible for handling demands. Defaults to GenStage.DemandDispatch. May be either an atom representing a dispatcher module or a two-element tuple with the dispatcher module and the dispatcher options.

:consumer and :producer_consumer options

  • :subscribe_to - a list of producers to subscribe to. Each element represents either the producer module or a tuple with the producer module and the subscription options (as defined in sync_subscribe/2).
Link to this callback

terminate(reason, state) View Source (optional)
terminate(reason, state :: term()) :: term()
when reason: :normal | :shutdown | {:shutdown, term()} | term()

The same as GenServer.terminate/2.