Gogs.Http (gogs v1.1.0)

Documentation for the HTTP "verb" functions. Should be self-explanatory. Each function documented & typespecd.
If anything is unclear, please open an issue: github.com/dwyl/gogs/issues

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delete/1 accepts a single argument url; the url for the repository to be deleted.

get/1 accepts one argument: url the REST API endpoint. Makes an HTTP GET request to the specified url. Auth Headers and Content-Type are implicit. returns {:ok, map}

get_raw/1 as it's name suggests gets the raw data (expects the reponse to be plaintext not JSON) accepts one argument: url the REST API endpoint. Makes an HTTP GET request to the specified url. Auth Headers and Content-Type are implicit. returns {:ok, map}

parse_body_response/1 parses the response returned by the Gogs Server so your app can use the resulting JSON.

post/2 accepts two arguments: url and params. Makes an HTTP POST request to the specified url passing in the params as the request body. Auth Headers and Content-Type are implicit.

post_raw_html/2 accepts two arguments: url and raw_markdown. Makes an HTTP POST request to the specified url passing in the params as the request body. Does NOT attempt to parse the response body as JSON. Auth Headers and Content-Type are implicit.

Link to this section Functions

@spec delete(String.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

delete/1 accepts a single argument url; the url for the repository to be deleted.

@spec get(String.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

get/1 accepts one argument: url the REST API endpoint. Makes an HTTP GET request to the specified url. Auth Headers and Content-Type are implicit. returns {:ok, map}

@spec get_raw(String.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

get_raw/1 as it's name suggests gets the raw data (expects the reponse to be plaintext not JSON) accepts one argument: url the REST API endpoint. Makes an HTTP GET request to the specified url. Auth Headers and Content-Type are implicit. returns {:ok, map}

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inject_poison/0 injects a TestDouble of HTTPoison in Test. see: https://github.com/dwyl/elixir-auth-google/issues/35

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@spec parse_body_response({atom(), String.t()} | {:error, any()}) ::
  {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

parse_body_response/1 parses the response returned by the Gogs Server so your app can use the resulting JSON.

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post(url, params \\ %{})

@spec post(String.t(), map()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, any()}

post/2 accepts two arguments: url and params. Makes an HTTP POST request to the specified url passing in the params as the request body. Auth Headers and Content-Type are implicit.

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post_raw_html(url, raw_markdown)

@spec post_raw_html(String.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, any()}

post_raw_html/2 accepts two arguments: url and raw_markdown. Makes an HTTP POST request to the specified url passing in the params as the request body. Does NOT attempt to parse the response body as JSON. Auth Headers and Content-Type are implicit.