View Source GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.CountryMetroNBFeature (google_api_content_warehouse v0.3.0)

A metro feature, keyed by NavBoost feature id V2. This can be a metro id, a boost, or extended in the future to add probabilities or weights.


  • enclosingProvinceGeotoken (type: integer(), default: nil) - The enclosing_province_geotoken is a 32 bit fingerprint of the state encosing the (metro) id. MetroId's can span multiple states. Enclosing geotoken is filled in with the state name for disambiguation. ProvinceGeotoken field is different as it indicates an "interest". Format: 32 bit fingerprint(statecountry).
  • id (type: integer(), default: nil) - A 32 bit navboost v2 feature id encoding (country, language, metro). NavBoosterUtils class (google3/quality/navboost/nav_booster_utils.h) provides functions to decode this feature.
  • navboost (type: number(), default: nil) - This is the multiplier to apply to the result for this locale & query. NOTE: This is for serving purposes only and should not be populated in the index.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() :: %GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.CountryMetroNBFeature{
  enclosingProvinceGeotoken: integer() | nil,
  id: integer() | nil,
  navboost: number() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.