View Source GoogleApi.ContentWarehouse.V1.Model.ResearchScamNeighborSelectionOverride (google_api_content_warehouse v0.3.0)

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  • approxEpsilonDistance (type: number(), default: nil) - The distance threshold to use for approximate search before exact reordering is performed, if exact reordering is performed. If this is not set and exact reordering is enabled, a reasonable default value will be chosen using a heuristic specified in ScamConfig.ExactReordering.NeighborSelectionOverrideHeuristics. This field is ignored if exact reordering is not enabled. This value must be non-NaN if set.
  • approxNumNeighbors (type: integer(), default: nil) - The number of neighbors to find via approximate search before exact reordering is performed. If this is not set and exact reordering is enabled, a reasonable default value will be chosen using the heuristic specified in ScamConfig.ExactReordering.NeighborSelectionOverrideHeuristics. This field is ignored if exact reordering is not enabled. This value must be > 0 if set.
  • epsilonDistance (type: number(), default: nil) - The maximum distance at which to return a neighbor. If this proto is used, at least one of this and num_neighbors must be set. The default is infinity, effectively returning num_neighbors neighbors regardless of distance. This value must be non-NaN if set.
  • numNeighbors (type: integer(), default: nil) - The maximum number of neighbors to return. If this proto is used, at least one of this and epsilon_distance must be set. The default is the largest value representable as an int32, effectively returning all neighbors within epsilon_distance. This value must be > 0 if set.
  • numSingleShardNeighbors (type: integer(), default: nil) - If populated, this is the maximum number of neighbors that may be returned from a single shard. If not populated, up to num_neighbors neighbors are returned from each shard. Setting this to a smaller value than num_neighbors will increase speed at the expense of accuray by requiring cross-shard merging of fewer neighbors. If this value is set, num_neighbors must also be set and this value must be <= num_neighbors and >= num_neighbors / number of shards. If set, this value must always be > 0.
  • perCrowdingAttributeNumNeighbors (type: integer(), default: nil) - The maximum number of neighbors to return for a single value of the crowding attribute. The crowding attribute is specified per-datapoint in the GenericFeatureVector proto, or the Document proto for sparse logistic models. Crowding is described more thoroughly in research/scam/utils/crowding_top_n.h. NOTES: Crowding is effectivley enabled if this value is less than num_neighbors.
  • perCrowdingAttributePreReorderingNumNeighbors (type: integer(), default: nil) - The maximum number of neighbors to return from the approximate portion of the nearest-neighbor search algorithm, within each shard, for a single value of the crowding attribute, before performing exact reordering. Ignored if exact reordering is disabled for this dataset.
  • treeXHybridLeavesSearchedOverride (type: integer(), default: nil) - Note: currently not implemented for all database shard subclasses! Contact ScaM before using. Overrides max_spill_centers for tree-X hybrid searchers configured with FIXED_NUMBER_OF_CENTERS spilling. The max_spill_centers in the ScaM config is used if this field isn't set. Only valid if: Used on a tree-X hybrid ScaM config with FIXED_NUMBER_OF_CENTERS. Value is greater than zero and at most equal to num_children.



Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.


@type t() ::
    approxEpsilonDistance: number() | nil,
    approxNumNeighbors: integer() | nil,
    epsilonDistance: number() | nil,
    numNeighbors: integer() | nil,
    numSingleShardNeighbors: integer() | nil,
    perCrowdingAttributeNumNeighbors: integer() | nil,
    perCrowdingAttributePreReorderingNumNeighbors: integer() | nil,
    treeXHybridLeavesSearchedOverride: integer() | nil


@spec decode(struct(), keyword()) :: struct()

Unwrap a decoded JSON object into its complex fields.