View Source Gringotts.Gateways.AuthorizeNet (gringotts v1.1.1)
A module for working with the Authorize.Net payment gateway.
Refer the official Authorize.Net API docs.
The following set of functions for Authorize.Net have been implemented:
Action | Method |
Authorize a Credit Card | authorize/3 |
Capture a previously authorized amount | capture/3 |
Charge a Credit Card | purchase/3 |
Refund a transaction | refund/3 |
Void a transaction | void/2 |
Create Customer Profile | store/2 |
Create Customer Payment Profile | store/2 |
Delete Customer Profile | unstore/2 |
Most Gringotts
API calls accept an optional Keyword
list opts
to supply
optional arguments for transactions with the Authorize.Net gateway. The
following keys are supported:
Key |
customer |
invoice |
bill_to |
ship_to |
customer_ip |
order |
lineitems |
ref_id |
tax |
duty |
shipping |
po_number |
customer_type |
customer_profile_id |
profile |
To know more about these keywords check the Request and Response tabs for each API method.
- Though Authorize.Net supports multiple currencies however, multiple currencies in one account is not supported. A merchant would need multiple Authorize.Net accounts, one for each chosen currency. Please refer the section on "Supported acquirers and currencies" here.
- You, the merchant needs to be PCI-DSS Compliant if you wish to use this module. Your server will recieve sensitive card and customer information.
- The responses of this module include a non-standard field:
is the "cardholder authentication verification response code". In case of Mastercard transactions, this field will always benil
. Please refer the "Response Format" section in the docs for more details.
Configuring your AuthorizeNet account at Gringotts
To use this module you need to create an account with the
Authorize.Net gateway and obtain your login secrets: name
Your Application config must include the name
and transaction_key
fields and would look something like this:
config :gringotts, Gringotts.Gateways.AuthorizeNet,
name: "name_provided_by_authorize_net",
transaction_key: "transactionKey_provided_by_authorize_net"
Scope of this module
Although Authorize.Net supports payments from various sources (check your dashboard), this library currently accepts payments by (supported) credit cards only.
Following the examples
First, set up a sample application and configure it to work with Authorize.Net.
- You could do that from scratch by following our Getting Started guide.
- To save you time, we recommend cloning our example repo
that gives you a pre-configured sample app ready-to-go.
- You could use the same config or update it the with your "secrets" above.
To save a lot of time, create a
file as shown in this gist to introduce a set of handy bindings and aliases.
We'll be using these bindings in the examples below.
Link to this section Summary
Authorize a credit card transaction.
Captures a pre-authorized amount
Transfers amount
from the customer to the merchant.
Refund amount
for a settled transaction referenced by id
Store a customer's profile and optionally associate it with a payment profile.
Remove a customer profile from the payment gateway.
Catches gateway configuration errors.
Voids the referenced payment.
Link to this section Functions
@spec authorize(Gringotts.Money.t(), Gringotts.CreditCard.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}
Authorize a credit card transaction.
The authorization validates the card
details with the banking network,
places a hold on the transaction amount
in the customer’s issuing bank and
also triggers risk management. Funds are not transferred.
To transfer the funds to merchant's account follow this up with a capture/3
Authorize.Net returns a transId
(available in the
field) which
can be used for:
Optional Fields
opts = [
order: %{invoice_number: String, description: String},
ref_id: String,
lineitems: %{
item_id: String, name: String, description: String,
quantity: Integer, unit_price: Gringotts.Money.t()
tax: %{amount: Gringotts.Money.t(), name: String, description: String},
duty: %{amount: Gringotts.Money.t(), name: String, description: String},
shipping: %{amount: Gringotts.Money.t(), name: String, description: String},
po_number: String,
customer: %{id: String},
bill_to: %{
first_name: String, last_name: String, company: String,
address: String, city: String, state: String, zip: String,
country: String
ship_to: %{
first_name: String, last_name: String, company: String, address: String,
city: String, state: String, zip: String, country: String
customer_ip: String
iex> amount =, :USD)
iex> opts = [
ref_id: "123456",
order: %{invoice_number: "INV-12345", description: "Product Description"},
lineitems: %{item_id: "1", name: "vase", description: "Cannes logo", quantity: 1, unit_price: amount},
tax: %{name: "VAT", amount:"0.1", :EUR), description: "Value Added Tax"},
shipping: %{name: "SAME-DAY-DELIVERY", amount:"0.56", :EUR), description: "Zen Logistics"},
duty: %{name: "import_duty", amount:"0.25", :EUR), description: "Upon import of goods"}
iex> card = %CreditCard{number: "5424000000000015", year: 2099, month: 12, verification_code: "999"}
iex> result = Gringotts.authorize(Gringotts.Gateways.AuthorizeNet, amount, card, opts)
@spec capture(String.t(), Gringotts.Money.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}
Captures a pre-authorized amount
is transferred to the merchant account by Authorize.Net when it is smaller or
equal to the amount used in the pre-authorization referenced by id
Authorize.Net returns a transId
(available in the
field) which
can be used to:
- Authorize.Net automatically settles authorized transactions after 24
hours. Hence, unnecessary authorizations must be
ed within this period! - Though Authorize.Net supports partial capture of the authorized
, it is advised not to do so.
Optional Fields
opts = [
order: %{invoice_number: String, description: String},
ref_id: String
iex> opts = [
ref_id: "123456"
iex> amount =, :USD)
iex> id = "123456"
iex> result = Gringotts.capture(Gringotts.Gateways.AuthorizeNet, id, amount, opts)
@spec purchase(Gringotts.Money.t(), Gringotts.CreditCard.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}
Transfers amount
from the customer to the merchant.
Charges a credit card
for the specified amount
. It performs authorize
and capture
at the same time.
Authorize.Net returns transId
(available in the
field) which
can be used to:
Optional Fields
opts = [
order: %{invoice_number: String, description: String},
ref_id: String,
lineitems: %{
item_id: String, name: String, description: String,
quantity: Integer, unit_price: Gringotts.Money.t()
tax: %{amount: Gringotts.Money.t(), name: String, description: String},
duty: %{amount: Gringotts.Money.t(), name: String, description: String},
shipping: %{amount: Gringotts.Money.t(), name: String, description: String},
po_number: String,
customer: %{id: String},
bill_to: %{
first_name: String, last_name: String, company: String,
address: String, city: String, state: String, zip: String,
country: String
ship_to: %{
first_name: String, last_name: String, company: String, address: String,
city: String, state: String, zip: String, country: String
customer_ip: String
iex> amount =, :USD)
iex> opts = [
ref_id: "123456",
order: %{invoice_number: "INV-12345", description: "Product Description"},
lineitems: %{item_id: "1", name: "vase", description: "Cannes logo", quantity: 1, unit_price: amount},
tax: %{name: "VAT", amount:"0.1", :EUR), description: "Value Added Tax"},
shipping: %{name: "SAME-DAY-DELIVERY", amount:"0.56", :EUR), description: "Zen Logistics"},
duty: %{name: "import_duty", amount:"0.25", :EUR), description: "Upon import of goods"}
iex> card = %CreditCard{number: "5424000000000015", year: 2099, month: 12, verification_code: "999"}
iex> result = Gringotts.purchase(Gringotts.Gateways.AuthorizeNet, amount, card, opts)
@spec refund(Gringotts.Money.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}
Refund amount
for a settled transaction referenced by id
The payment
field in the opts
is used to set the instrument/mode of
payment, which could be different from the original one. Currently, we
support only refunds to cards, so put the card
details in the payment
Required fields
opts = [
payment: %{card: %{number: String, year: Integer, month: Integer}}
Optional fields
opts = [ref_id: String]
iex> opts = [
payment: %{card: %{number: "5424000000000015", year: 2099, month: 12}}
ref_id: "123456"
iex> id = "123456"
iex> amount =, :USD)
iex> result = Gringotts.refund(Gringotts.Gateways.AuthorizeNet, amount, id, opts)
@spec store(Gringotts.CreditCard.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}
Store a customer's profile and optionally associate it with a payment profile.
Authorize.Net separates a customer's profile from their payment profile. Thus a customer can have multiple payment profiles.
Create both profiles
Add :customer
details in opts
and also provide card
details. The response
will contain a :customer_profile_id
Associate payment profile with existing customer profile
Simply pass the :customer_profile_id
in the opts
. This will add the card
details to the profile referenced by the supplied :customer_profile_id
- Currently only supports
credit card
in the payment profile. - The supplied
details can be validated by supplying a:validation_mode
, available options aretestMode
, the deafult istestMode
Required Fields
opts = [
profile: %{merchant_customer_id: String, description: String, email: String}
Optional Fields
opts = [
validation_mode: String,
bill_to: %{
first_name: String, last_name: String, company: String, address: String,
city: String, state: String, zip: String, country: String
customer_type: String,
customer_profile_id: String
iex> opts = [
profile: %{merchant_customer_id: 123456, description: "test store", email: ""},
validation_mode: "testMode"
iex> card = %CreditCard{number: "5424000000000015", year: 2099, month: 12, verification_code: "999"}
iex> result =, card, opts)
@spec unstore(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}
Remove a customer profile from the payment gateway.
Use this function to unstore the customer card information by deleting the customer profile present. Requires the customer profile id.
iex> id = "123456"
iex> result =, id)
Catches gateway configuration errors.
Raises a run-time ArgumentError
if any of the required_config
is not available or missing from the Application config.
@spec void(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok | :error, Gringotts.Response.t()}
Voids the referenced payment.
This method attempts a reversal of the either a previous purchase/3
referenced by id
It can cancel either an original transaction that may not be settled or an entire order composed of more than one transaction.
Optional fields
opts = [ref_id: String]
iex> opts = [
ref_id: "123456"
iex> id = "123456"
iex> result = Gringotts.void(Gringotts.Gateways.AuthorizeNet, id, opts)