View Source GuardianRedis.Adapter (GuardianRedis v0.2.0)

An adapter for Guardian.DB that uses Redis.

Serves only Guardian.DB purpose, do not use it as a Redis adapter for your project.

Dependant on Jason and Redix.

Stores and deletes JWT token to/from Redis using key combined from JWT.jti and JWT.aud.

Module stores JWT token in Redis using automatic expiry feature of Redis so we don't need to run token sweeper.



Remove a user token, log out functionality, invalidation of a JWT token.

Remove all tokens that belong to given sub.

Insert Token into Redis.

Fetches a single result from the query.

Mock implementation as Redis has built in key expiration that is in use.


Remove a user token, log out functionality, invalidation of a JWT token.

Link to this function

delete_by_sub(sub, opts)

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Remove all tokens that belong to given sub.

Insert Token into Redis.

Token is auto expired in expired_in seconds based on JWT exp value.

Fetches a single result from the query.

Returns nil if no result was found. Raises if more than one entry.

Link to this function

purge_expired_tokens(timestamp, opts)

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Mock implementation as Redis has built in key expiration that is in use.