HcSr501Occupation.MovementSensor behaviour (hc_sr_501_occupation v0.1.3)

Creates an instance of the movement and occupation sensor.


defmodule MyApp.MySensor do
  use HcSr501Occupation.MovementSensor

  @impl HcSr501Occupation.MovementSensor
  def pin, do: 17

  @impl HcSr501Occupation.MovementSensor
  def occupation_timeout, do: :timer.seconds(180)

Add to the supervision tree, eg

defmodule MyApp.Application do
  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

See README for full usage.

Link to this section Summary


Implemented by the __using__ macro.

In milliseconds, how long after movement is no longer detected do we flip the state to unoccupied

GPIO Pin to which the sensor is attached

Implemented by the __using__ macro.

Link to this section Callbacks

@callback occupation() :: {occupied? :: boolean(), timestamp :: DateTime.t()}

Implemented by the __using__ macro.

The current occupation status: occupied or not and the last occupation event.

Link to this callback


@callback occupation_timeout() :: pos_integer()

In milliseconds, how long after movement is no longer detected do we flip the state to unoccupied

@callback pin() :: pos_integer()

GPIO Pin to which the sensor is attached

Link to this callback

set_occupied(occupied?, timestamp)

@callback set_occupied(occupied? :: boolean(), timestamp :: DateTime.t()) :: :ok

Implemented by the __using__ macro.

Sets the occupation status. Provided for setting on reboot if the client has persisted the status somewhere. The status will be broadcast to all subscribers