View Source Heyya.LiveComponentCase (heyya v1.1.0)
A test case template that provides helpers for testing live components. It relies on LiveComponentHost being mounted.
It allows for testing dyanmic content such as live components with a simplified stack.
## Usage
# component_test.exs
use Heyya.LiveComponentCase
use ExampleWeb.ConnCase
# By default LiveComponentCase will look for a render function in the module
def render(assigns) do
~H|<.live_component module={ExampleWeb.LiveCounterComponent} id="example" />|
test "Test Counter", %{conn: conn} do
|> start()
|> click("button.increment")
|> assert_html("Counter: 1")
## Options
- The module that will render the live component:view_method
- The method that will render the live component:base_path
- The path to the live component host. Defaults to "/dev/heyya/host"
The Heyya.LiveComponentHost
is a live view that renders only a single live
component with no other layout or content. It is used to test live components in
isolation of so don't mount it in scope with complex Plugs.
if Enum.member?([:dev, :test], Mix.env()) do
scope "/dev" do
pipe_through :browser
live "/heyya/host", Heyya.LiveComponentHost