View Source Horizon.NginxConfig (horizon v0.2.7)
This module generates an Nginx configuration file using a templating system.
Allows for template overrides in the current project.
The configuration is based on Horizon.Project
and Horizon.Server
Customizing the Nginx configuration template
To customize your nginx.conf
, copy the template from the Horizon package to your project:
$ mkdir -p priv/horizon/templates
$ cp deps/horizon/priv/templates/nginx/nginx.conf.eex priv/horizon/templates/nginx.conf.eex
You can also customize individual blocks of the configuration file:
$ cp deps/horizon/priv/templates/nginx/_upstream.eex priv/horizon/templates/_upstream.eex
$ cp deps/horizon/priv/templates/nginx/_server_http.eex priv/horizon/templates/_server_http.eex
$ cp deps/horizon/priv/templates/nginx/_server_https.eex priv/horizon/templates/_server_https.eex
Nginx Header Options
* `:client_max_body_size` - Maximum allowed size of the client request body (default: "6M")
* `:sendfile` - Enable or disable sendfile usage (default: true)
* `:keepalive_timeout` - Timeout during which a keep-alive client connection will stay open (default: 65)
* `:gzip` - Enable or disable gzip compression (default: true)
* `:access_log` - Enable or disable access logging (default: true)
* `:access_log_path` - Path to the access log file (default: "/var/log/nginx/access.log")
* `:worker_connections` - Maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be opened by a worker process (default: 1024)
iex> project = %Horizon.Project{
...> name: "example_project",
...> server_names: ["", ""],
...> letsencrypt_live: "",
...> acme_challenge_path: "/apps/challenge/",
...> http_only: false,
...> servers: [
...> %Horizon.Server{internal_ip: "", port: 4000},
...> %Horizon.Server{internal_ip: "", port: 4001}
...> ]
...> }
iex> Horizon.NginxConfig.generate([project])
With custom options:
iex> Horizon.NginxConfig.generate([project],
...> client_max_body_size: "20M",
...> worker_connections: 2048,
...> gzip: false
...> )
user = "username"
host = "host-address"
remote_path = "/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
projects = [
name: "project-name",
server_names: [""],
http_only: true,
servers: [
%Horizon.Server{internal_ip: "", port: 4000},
%Horizon.Server{internal_ip: "", port: 4000}
config_output = Horizon.NginxConfig.send(projects)
Returns the path for the certificate
Returns the path for the certificate
Sends the Nginx configuration to a remote host and reloads the Nginx service.
@spec cert_key_path(Horizon.Project.t()) :: String.t()
Returns the path for the certificate
iex> cert_key_path(%Horizon.Project{
...> certificate: :self,
...> cert_key_path: "/path/to/cert_key.pem"
...> })
iex> cert_key_path(%Horizon.Project{certificate: :letsencrypt, domain: ""})
@spec cert_path(Horizon.Project.t()) :: String.t()
Returns the path for the certificate
iex> cert_path(%Horizon.Project{certificate: :self, cert_path: "/path/to/cert.pem"})
iex> cert_path(%Horizon.Project{certificate: :letsencrypt, domain: ""})
@spec generate([Horizon.Project.t()], nginx_options()) :: String.t()
@spec send([Horizon.Project.t()], String.t(), String.t(), keyword()) :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, non_neg_integer(), any()}
Sends the Nginx configuration to a remote host and reloads the Nginx service.
- Path to nginx.conf on the remote host (default: "/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"):action
- Action to take on the remote host after updating config (:reload or :restart) (default: :reload):nginx
- Nginx configuration options (seegenerate/2
for available options)
iex> user = "me"
...> host = "myhost"
...> projects = [%Horizon.Project{name: "my project", ...}]
...> NginxConfig.send(projects, user, host)
# With custom nginx.conf path and restart action
iex> NginxConfig.send(projects, user, host,
...> nginxconf_path: "/usr/nginx/nginx.conf",
...> action: :restart
...> )
# With custom nginx options
iex> NginxConfig.send(projects, user, host,
...> nginx: [
...> client_max_body_size: "20M",
...> worker_connections: 2048
...> ]
...> )