View Source mix horizon.init (horizon v0.2.7)

Creates Horizon deploy scripts in bin/ and rel/ directories.


mix horizon.init [-y]


  • -y - Overwrite files without asking for confirmation.


Horizon.Init creates scripts for deploying an Elixir application to a host. See Horizon.Ops.Init for the creation for additional helper applications.

Scripts are created in the bin/ directory of the project by default, but each release defined in mix.exs may override the default path by setting the bin_path option.

The run control script for each release is created in rel/overlays/rc_d/ when mix release is run.


Horizon.Init uses the releases configuration in mix.exs to customize the deployment scripts. The available options are:

  • bin_path: [bin/]
    • This is the directory where the scripts are created. If there is a bin_path for each release, scripts associated with each release are copied to their respective bin directory.
  • path: [/usr/local/<release_name>]
    • This is the final destination of the release on the deploy host. This will be the same on deploy only hosts and the build host.
  • build_host_ssh: [nil]
    • If not provided, stage script will use env var BUILD_HOST_SSH. Required for the stage script to copy the release to the build machine and for the build script.
    • Example: [user@]host
  • deploy_hosts_ssh: [[]]
    • If not provided, ssh hosts may be passed to the deploy script with the -h option.
    • Example: user@host1,user@host2
  • release_commands: [[]]
    • A list of commands to run after the release is copied to the deploy machine.
    • These are typically zero arity commands defined in release.ex. For example, ["migrate"].
  • releases_path: [.releases]
    • The directory where releases are stored on the local host. The build script places the release tarball in this directory and the deploy script copies the release from this directory.

Files Created

Running mix horizon.init creates several files in the bin_path directory. For the project my_app, these files include:

  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/

If you have multiple releases, a stage, build and deploy script is created for each release. For example, imagine you have releases app_web and app_worker. Horizon.Ops.Init will create

  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/
  • bin/